TX Governor Abbott implies Trump will deport the illegals

Yeah, employers should be responsible for enforcing our immigration policy.
What percentage of brown cockroaches come for the free shit? Free healthcare, free education, free EBT card, housing subsidies…etc etc and how will our Deputy Employers stop that?
And it's not like we can afford it.

Homeless people who are citizens are being totally neglected while "catholic" and other so called christian agencies are spending their resources helping people who broke the law to get here, people we know nothing about... who end up raping and murdering Americans..

sickos in charge.

If Trump doesn't win by 70-30, I will wonder at American intelligence.. Oh yeh, I already do
As he should. Trump needs to activate all the law enforcement agencies he can and gather support from states and start removing them man, woman or child. He should cut off federal funding to states that don't comply.
Totally agree.

Those dims have a lot of nerve forcing us to accept this Invasion of rapists and murderers. And even the ones who don't do that, would never think of doing it.. well, they thought of violating our border laws, didn't they?

So how "good" can they be?

But all that is irrelevant in light of the fact that WE CAN'T AFFORD them

If we could afford them, you wouldn't see ONE homeless person, period. THAT would be proof that maybe we can afford a few migrants.

Here's a question Trump should ask kamel hairy @ the debate: Why are you letting millions of people into this country and giving them free stuff while we still have so many homeless Americans you are not helping at all ?

Then again, she may remind him that Rs haven't done much about the homeless problem either.. But the thing is, if we can't even help our own.. WHY bring in millions more?

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