Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

He backed it for me. He doesn't give a shit about anything to prevent these incidents. He just wants to throw more guns at the problem.

That's why it's his only big point.

And so do you.

As predictable as the sunrise.
More lies you cant back up.
Getting guns does not seem to be a problem for gangs, who cause the most shootings, yet you seem not to have a problem with that. It also show that no matter laws you idiots pass, it will change nothing.

The only thing that doesn't work is your fairy tale that guns can be controlled.
It works in those countries that has these laws. I live in one of those countries. I have never owned a gun or even felt the need to own one.
But you carry on ignoring facts and waching your kids die.
No. Trumpy has no plan to stop school shootings. No plans. Trump's main concern is that he can't sleep good anymore. He dreams about being put in prison.
It works in those countries that has these laws. I live in one of those countries. I have never owned a gun or even felt the need to own one.
But you carry on ignoring facts and waching your kids die.

If you close your eyes to the senseless violence for a moment, that is the maddening thing about this issue. Other nations solved the problem a long time ago. They spend 0 hours thinking about how to stop mass murder. For some reason, the greatest civilization to ever roam the earth (by many measures) can’t benchmark off of nations that have the solution.
If you close your eyes to the senseless violence for a moment, that is the maddening thing about this issue. Other nations solved the problem a long time ago. They spend 0 hours thinking about how to stop mass murder. For some reason, the greatest civilization to ever roam the earth (by many measures) can’t benchmark off of nations that have the solution.
What is your plan candycorn
The bills have been stalled in Congress for over a decade. It's your heroes holding them up, to your applause. So your entire rant is fraud on parade. Just more bad acting from the Trumpers.

Which bills that stop school shootings are stalled in Congress? The Democrats held both houses for the first 2 years of the Biden’s and the last 2 of Trump’s presidencies. Why didn’t they make it to either their desks for signature?
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Sigh .. what a stupid comment. Guns aren't the problem. Mental illness, which is the predominant trend we see for those committing mass shootings. Why go after a symptom when you can target the underlying problem?

Removing guns doesn't solve the problem ..
Because the goal is to remove the guns regardless of the reason.

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