Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

If you close your eyes to the senseless violence for a moment, that is the maddening thing about this issue. Other nations solved the problem a long time ago. They spend 0 hours thinking about how to stop mass murder. For some reason, the greatest civilization to ever roam the earth (by many measures) can’t benchmark off of nations that have the solution.
Cool so what’s the solution? And why are we blaming a person not in a position to enact tit vs the guy who is?
If you close your eyes to the senseless violence for a moment, that is the maddening thing about this issue. Other nations solved the problem a long time ago. They spend 0 hours thinking about how to stop mass murder. For some reason, the greatest civilization to ever roam the earth (by many measures) can’t benchmark off of nations that have the solution.
I will dd that you have to be on constant alert on these things.

There are too many guns to eliminate them all. Criminals will always get guns.

But we dont get shootings over parking spaces. Or kids getting bullied in school, or not having enough ketchup on our burgers.

We are capable of those things but our laws preveent them happening.

And nobody is pushing for a second amendment here. Even the loons.
I will dd that you have to be on constant alert on these things.

There are too many guns to eliminate them all. Criminals will always get guns.

But we dont get shootings over parking spaces. Or kids getting bullied in school, or not having enough ketchup on our burgers.

We are capable of those things but our laws preveent them happening.

And nobody is pushing for a second amendment here. Even the loons.
Call us the next time you need help with the Germans.

Get it yet?
It is impossible to stop all school shootings.

Several parents train their kids to be crazy killers then send to the schools.
“Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?”

It’s the same ‘plan’ as Vance and other Republicans: that school shootings are a fact of life, there’s nothing to be done – save for ‘hardening’ schools and more guns.

Republicans talking about getting people help and mental health treatment is dishonest; a 28-year-old with no job, no children of his own living with him, and no health insurance living in a Republican-controlled state that refuses to expand Medicaid won’t have access to affordable mental health care.

And Georgia is a Republican-controlled state that refuses to expand Medicaid.
TRUMP!'s not in office. If we have a violence problem, let's pin the attention where it belongs, on those in office.

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