Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Clearly those who advocate arming teachers have never shot a handgun and know nothing about shooting handguns.

It takes protracted training and practice to become marginally proficient shooting a handgun, more so with a semi-auto – and that’s shooting at stationary targets at a controlled shooting range or venue.

In the chaos and confusion of a mass shooting incidence, an ill-trained and inexperienced teacher is a greater danger to students than the shooter.

And to the police. Imagine showing up to a shooting and 5 people with guns are all shooting and yelling that they aren't the shooter.
I know you're cool with any number of deaths, as long as you can say someone ended with a gun.

That's the cravenness and depravity of the gun humper crowd.
Link to me saying I am good with any number of deaths.

Quote me, or you are admitting you are a lying sack of vermin shit.

Access to guns is the problem. SNy crazy can get a gun. This constiturion was written in different times. It doesnt work in the modern world.
Aggression is natural to mankind so keeping death instruments away from them seems the vest idea. And the figures bear this out.
Brits are no different to you but guns are harder to get hold of. So less people die.
Its really not a complicated proposition.
Getting guns does not seem to be a problem for gangs, who cause the most shootings, yet you seem not to have a problem with that. It also show that no matter laws you idiots pass, it will change nothing.

The only thing that doesn't work is your fairy tale that guns can be controlled.

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