Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Since most of these end in death for the shooter anyway, it's difficult to see (if you have a brain) how that would be a deterrent to many. States with death penalties often have some of the highest murder shooter or not. Additionally, school shootings are not federal crimes. The blob's wishes are meaningless

And he also wants to get rid of the Department of Education who would likely be the key cabinet level entity involved in improving school security. I'm sure Elon could decide who gets what based on Twitter analytics. LOL
So you think a potential school shooter will not be deterred by the death penalty, but he will be deterred by a gun law.

What an idiot.
The data is overwhelming. Guns make you less safe. The US is an outlier amomg civilised first world nations.

Comfort yourselves that El Salvador and South Africa are worse.

Meanwhile your children are slaughtered every day.

You are full of shit, Limey vermin.

Gun Effectiveness​

I checked online and found some fascinating numbers. A good website with footnotes and references to authoritative sources is There I learned the following:

  • Guns prevent an estimated 2.5 million crimes a year, or 6,849 every day. Most often, the gun is never fired, and no blood (including the criminal’s) is shed.
  • Every year, 400,000 life-threatening violent crimes are prevented using firearms.
  • 60 percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they knew the victim was armed. Forty percent of convicted felons admitted that they avoided committing crimes when they thought the victim might be armed.
  • Felons report that they avoid entering houses where people are at home because they fear being shot.
  • Fewer than 1 percent of firearms are used in the commission of a crime.
If you doubt the objectivity of the site above, it’s worth pointing out that the Center for Disease Control, in a report ordered by President Obama in 2012 following the Sandy Hook Massacre, estimated that the number of crimes prevented by guns could be even higher—as many as 3 million annually, or some 8,200 every day.

Another excellent source of information on this topic (and many more current issues) is the Gun Control page at (Full disclosure: I serve on the board of directors of JustFacts because I believe in the organization’s objectiveness, accuracy, and integrity.)

Access to guns is the problem. SNy crazy can get a gun. This constiturion was written in different times. It doesnt work in the modern world.
Aggression is natural to mankind so keeping death instruments away from them seems the vest idea. And the figures bear this out.
Brits are no different to you but guns are harder to get hold of. So less people die.
Its really not a complicated proposition.
Why are mass shootings rare in Australia despite the public having more guns now than before the 1996 gun ban, Simp?
It was predictable, was it not?

Just like unconventional shit embraced by the left (58 genders on facebook for example), the right has embraced unconventional shit of their own. The right wing hate offensive started in the 90's with Newt Gingrich and has only gotten more and more hostile since. As if somehow the nation's "manhood" is constantly under attack and they are ready to lash out.

Such machismo nonsense manifests itself in weird ways. I think (not sure if the stats back me up on this) birthrates are down because half the men in the nation--give or take--have become some weird hybrid of Joe Isuzu and a John Wayne character; incapable of honesty but ready to beat the crap out of you if you point out their dishonesty.

good point.
Yes, ‘the left’ is truly awful, acknowledging and celebrating diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

This false comparison fallacy advances the lie that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ – they’re not.

Recognizing gender diversity has never killed anyone; the right’s unwarranted opposition to all firearm regulatory measures has.
After reading what was done to Colt Gray at school, one of the first things done to stop school shootings would be to have lessons in the meaning of "an armed society is a polite society".

It all started downhill after this. They used to teach gun safety in schools.
Yes, ‘the left’ is truly awful, acknowledging and celebrating diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.

This false comparison fallacy advances the lie that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ – they’re not.

Recognizing gender diversity has never killed anyone; the right’s unwarranted opposition to all firearm regulatory measures has.
As an adult you can do what you want. But you loons are going after 8 year olds.
Guns have defended this nation over the years. They have protected individuals and families. It would seem what you ae implying is that people are the problem. Those people free to own guns do so, those people denied the right to do so live under a repressive system that denies freedom.

If you want to live like that, move to China.
On the freedom index, the US is joint 17th with the UK and Lithuania.

Yes, ‘the left’ is truly awful, acknowledging and celebrating diversity, inclusion, and expressions of individual liberty.
Never said that.
This false comparison fallacy advances the lie that ‘both sides’ are ‘the same’ – they’re not.
I may be guilty of that. I admit it. I really can’t think of anything the left did that compares to the desire the right has to normalize the violence, call into question everything--everything is a conspiracy with them.

No comparison at all. However, in terms of whacky ideas, Facebook lists 58 genders. Look at the list and tell me some of those are not bizarre.
Recognizing gender diversity has never killed anyone; the right’s unwarranted opposition to all firearm regulatory measures has.
Again...100% true. You win. But then again, I really wasn’t making the argument you thought I was.
Access to guns is the problem. SNy crazy can get a gun. This constiturion was written in different times. It doesnt work in the modern world.
Aggression is natural to mankind so keeping death instruments away from them seems the vest idea. And the figures bear this out.
Brits are no different to you but guns are harder to get hold of. So less people die.
Its really not a complicated proposition.
Again, it’s not the Second Amendment, it’s its case law; nothing wrong with the Amendment but its wrongheaded interpretation by conservative courts – the Supreme Court dominated by blind partisan conservative ideologues in particular.

The original intent of the Amendment was the defense of the state, not individuals defending against the state; indeed, the Framers intended for state authorized and recognized militia to fight against a Federal government having become tyrannical, not armed citizens outside of a militia structure.

And yes, the British are different from Americans, the UK doesn’t have an inherently violent culture; in America violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution – absent its culture of violence and propensity for violence, the access to firearms in the US wouldn’t be an issue.
Trump has already offered solutions. Arm teachers who are willing. Every school has several guys and a few women who would do it for the kids.
The ‘solutions’ Trump has offered are idiotic and dangerous.

Arm inexperienced teachers who will end up killing more students than the shooter.

This is why conservatives are incapable of sound, responsible governance.
First teachers really don't want to carry guns.
Clearly those who advocate arming teachers have never shot a handgun and know nothing about shooting handguns.

It takes protracted training and practice to become marginally proficient shooting a handgun, more so with a semi-auto – and that’s shooting at stationary targets at a controlled shooting range or venue.

In the chaos and confusion of a mass shooting incidence, an ill-trained and inexperienced teacher is a greater danger to students than the shooter.
Clearly those who advocate arming teachers have never shot a handgun and know nothing about shooting handguns.

It takes protracted training and practice to become marginally proficient shooting a handgun, more so with a semi-auto – and that’s shooting at stationary targets at a controlled shooting range or venue.

In the chaos and confusion of a mass shooting incidence, an ill-trained and inexperienced teacher is a greater danger to students than the shooter.
It doesn't take long to familiarize with a handgun and just takes steady practice to get good at using it. The military only fires on the range once a year for most members for a week or rather 5 days,
Clearly those who advocate arming teachers have never shot a handgun and know nothing about shooting handguns.

It takes protracted training and practice to become marginally proficient shooting a handgun, more so with a semi-auto – and that’s shooting at stationary targets at a controlled shooting range or venue.

In the chaos and confusion of a mass shooting incidence, an ill-trained and inexperienced teacher is a greater danger to students than the shooter.

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