Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities

Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities.
He called the investigators "terrorists". Maybe the deep state.
After being warned of his son threatening violence to a school he bought his 14 year old son an AR-15 for Christmas.
Was that the father's way of say f##k the deep state.
Results- 4 people dead, many more injured, many more traumatized . But the father was able to say f##k the deep state.
What a fricking dumb ass as are all of the idiots who have the fantasy of the deep state

‘Sheriff's deputies interviewed the boy and his father, who "stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them", the FBI said.’

Clearly that was a lie.
No, it’s a bad parenting move. Which is the hallmark of the left.

Funny how you don’t address black fathers when it comes to hood rats that commit crimes all the time.
The black absent fathers has to be addreesed as does the gun crazed irresponsible fathers.
I'll see your 'deep state' and raise you a tranny that wanted to teach those mother fuckers to respect its pronouns....

Bigger question - why didn't they shoot it in the face when they had the chance??

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You guys are so goddamn stupid.

Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities.
He called the investigators "terrorists". Maybe the deep state.
After being warned of his son threatening violence to a school he bought his 14 year old son an AR-15 for Christmas.
Was that the father's way of say f##k the deep state.
Results- 4 people dead, many more injured, many more traumatized . But the father was able to say f##k the deep state.
What a fricking dumb ass as are all of the idiots who have the fantasy of the deep state

People are dead, injured and traumatized because the life forms at that school chose to make a boy's life a living hell. They enjoyed the power it gave them thinking, no matter how bad they made it, the child couldn't fight back. He fought back.
****All could have been prevented. Another mess up by GOVT. No accountability.

According to reports, Marcee told family members via text messages that she called the high school the morning of the shooting and warned a counselor about an “extreme emergency” involving her 14-year-old son Colt Gray.

The claims are supported by call log data showing a 10-minute phone call from Marcee‘s phone to the school about half an hour before the gunman began firing.
The text message from Marcee reads, “ I was the one that notified the school counselor at the high school.”

“I told them it was an extreme emergency and for them to go immediately and find [my son] to check on him.”

According to the shooter’s sister, Annie Brown, a counselor told Marcee during the call that her son Colt had been talking about school shootings earlier in the morning.

The report states that school administrators had gone to check on the boy, but due to a mix-up with names, they were unable to locate him and ended up confiscating the wrong student’s bag just minutes before the shooting took place.
‘Sheriff's deputies interviewed the boy and his father, who "stated he had hunting guns in the house, but the subject did not have unsupervised access to them", the FBI said.’

Clearly that was a lie.

Dropped ball by FBI again. Just take his word for it? But tear Trumps place apart over meaningless GOVT BS and force more locks in private quarters over nothing? In Melani dildo drawer too.
Georgia shooters father "pissed" at initial questioning of his son by authorities.
He called the investigators "terrorists". Maybe the deep state.
After being warned of his son threatening violence to a school he bought his 14 year old son an AR-15 for Christmas.
Was that the father's way of say f##k the deep state.
Results- 4 people dead, many more injured, many more traumatized . But the father was able to say f##k the deep state.
What a fricking dumb ass as are all of the idiots who have the fantasy of the deep state

Put that fucker against the wall on Tv.

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