ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

How many “lies” can you name?
Here are 20 of her claims that are lies:

1. Trump supports and adopts Project 2025 (False: Trump has nothing to do with project 2025)

2. Trump would sign a National abortion ban (False: He has given the issue to the states, and has never stated he desires a national ban)

3. There are "Trump abortion bans" in states. (False: There are none)

4. There are zero cases of women having or desiring late abortions, and" it's not happening". (False: It's rare, but the desire happens, and if made legal, would happen).

5. Trump wants to Monitor all pregnancies (False: no evidence)

6. Trump called Nazi's at Charlottesville "Very fine people" (False: he denounced them, and called peaceful protestors of both sides of statue issue as very fine people)

7. Trump supported the Proud boys by only saying Stand by (False: He said "Stand down and stand by", opposing their violence/rhetoric)

8. Trump incited and ordered the attack on the Capitol (False: He said peaceful and patriotic protest, and to respect police)

9. A Joint letter said that Trump's policies would cause a recession (False: the letter doesn't say there would be a recession)

10. Trump's use of "Bloodbath" is a violent desire (False: It's obviously not literal, it's a common economic term)

11. Trump left us with the worst unemployment since the great depression (False: it's not even near the worst)

12. J6 was the worst event in US History since the Civil War. (False: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, JFK assassination, many others are objectively worse)

13. Trump said he would terminate the constitution (False: He never said it or has expressed wanting to do so)

14. "I made it clear in 2020" she would not ban fracking (False: she said "Joe Biden will not ban fracking" in the 2020 VP debate, and she said she would ban fracking in her 2019 presidential bid)

15. Trump got handed $400 million on a silver platter (False: He inherited money, but exaggerated the amount)

16. She said she didn't support defund the police movement (False: She is on record supporting it)

17. She said Police died on January 6th (False: none did).

18. He wants to be a dictator on day one (False: She took a joke and is representing it to the public as a serious declaration)

19. Biden/Harris Created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs (False: most aren't new, just returning after Democrat shut-down policies during COVID)

20. Trump would impose a 20% sales tax (False: Trump would impose tariffs, ones he did during his previous administration and there were no increases in inflation/prices because of them)

She told lie after lie after lie… far more than Trump.
OP, can you cite, in your own words, just one or two examples of the moderators being biased?

You asking questions again ?

Who do you think you are ? Why would anyone answer questions from you when you won't address questions sent in your direction (other than to pull something from your ass) When asked to support a claim, you turn and run.

So why would anyone do for you what you won't do for them ?

So curious to know just what makes you so "special".
The bias argument is belied by the fact that Trump had spoken for approximately 42 minutes and 52 seconds, while Harris spoke for about 37 minutes and 36 seconds. In other words Trump had a whopping 5 minutes more time than Kamala to make his case. The fact that he still could not make his case shows just how inept Trump was during the debate.

No it's progressives weird obsession, we are just fighting it.
Yet you’re the one constantly trying to bring it up.

You’re obsessed with genitals. Hard to get you to talk about anything other than the genitals of children.
He said that. It’s on video.
Yes. He did say it. But he wasn’t talking about the shit you dishonestly pretend he was addressing, you hack bitch troll.
What exactly was the lie?
Did you watch the debate at al, troll? She deliberately associated him with that time. In reality, he has previously criticized it. He didn’t adopt it. And then, she repeated it.

Still no fact check from the corrupted moderators.

She also lied when she said he would sign a federal bill to outlaw abortion. Such stupidity by her. No fact check.

In reality, he has made it clear that, due to the Dobbs case, abortion is not a federal matter anymore. Any such bill would almost certainly get voided as unconstitutional, therefore, by the SCOTUS.

Stop asking questions when you don’t give a shit about the truth. You’re a simpleton, Moroner.
Yes. He did say it. But he wasn’t talking about the shit you dishonestly pretend he was addressing, you hack bitch troll.
He was talking about the people at the white supremacist rally.
Did you watch the debate at al, troll? She deliberately associated him with that time. In reality, he has previously criticized it. He didn’t adopt it. And then, she repeated it.
He’s extremely associated with it. It’s being run by people who were in his administration.

His denials fall flat in the face of reality.
In reality, he has made it clear that, due to the Dobbs case, abortion is not a federal matter anymore. Any such bill would almost certainly get voided as unconstitutional, therefore, by the SCOTUS.
False. Nothing about Dobbs would prevent a national abortion ban.
False. It’s a state matter, not a national matter. You moron.
Nope. Nothing in Dobbs says that the federal government can’t enact an abortion ban. All Dobbs said that there is no right to have an abortion and it can be regulated. By state government. By federal government. It doesn’t matter.
He was talking about babies with deformities so severe they’re not compatible with life. The family can decide what to do, including keeping the baby comfortable as it dies. You’re lying about what he said. Trump lied.
Muir pointed out that the FBI says that crime is down, and it is. You can whine about the completeness of the FBI data but crime is indeed down. Trump lied.
The purpose of the visit was not to negotiate with Russia. Trump lied.

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