ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

It’s figurative. You’re running away from an argument because you can’t think of anything relevant to say.

And you can’t admit you lost.

So you’re just going to act like a little bitch.

All that is in your pathetic empty head. You never win anything on this board because all you do is snipe and ignore any actual counter arguments or facts.
You are here commenting on a debate you didnt see?

How typical

Typical for a left wing troll, his material hasn't changed in all the years he's been on this board, just boring and repetitive bullshit, simply trying to get a rise out of whoever he sees as a 'Trump' supporter. Don't take his pathetic bait. Here we are in yet another thread and he has not one word, not one insult, for any of the leftwing trolls and cult members on this thread defending the moderation or the stupid bitch they support. His only comments are about the Trump 'cultists', he's a liar, a troll, a one trick pony, and not worth responding to. :dunno:
All that is in your pathetic empty head. You never win anything on this board because all you do is snipe and ignore any actual counter arguments or facts.
Going off about transgendered kids isn’t a counter argument for every single discussion.

Northam’s discussion is about children born with fatal abnormalities, and has nothing about killing babies but allowing them to die peacefully with comfort cares. You’re not being honest.

You're OK with putting baby on a tray after a botched abortion and watching them die. That's disgusting.
The FBI’s data is more complete than any year under Trump’s administration
Bullshit How can you leave out NYC, LA, the two largest police departments in the country and claim they are more complete? No wonder you like Muir.
, but we don’t even need to rely solely on the FBI data since it’s consistent with all the other statistical data out there. If you’re worried about the distorting effect of NYC, you could just check their data yourself. Did you? Probably not. There were 20% fewer murders in 2023 as in 2020.
Muir was "fact checking" Trump on the FBI. Trump was right Muir was wrong and a partisan asshole for it.
Okay. So he took his statement to be an honest one. I guess you’re never really sure when Trump is being serious or not.

She went to meet with Zelensky. She never met with Putin or any Russian. Clearly she wasn’t sent to negotiate with the Russians.
So Harris had no intention of trying avert a war? OK, I buy that. You party has clearly become the necon war monger party.
Except the moderation was tilted. Are you that stupid?

That’s because one candidate lied a whole lot and the other one didn’t.

Here is a fact check on both candidates. Trump told dozens of great big whoppers. The moderators also let him talk for 10 minutes longer than Harris was allowed to talk in the more Trump talked, the more he hung himself.

One was the fake story about eating pets. One was the fake allegation of killing children. What were the other 3?
Minnesota allows Dr's who fail to kill a bay during an abortion to put them aside until they die. Tampon Tim signed a kaw saying they dint have to report it.

The "fact check" was wrong
Yes they have. Many supporters of Trump have admitted such.
It’s not an “admission.” It’s just a statement of opinion.

They now resort to attacking the moderators, ABC itself, and anything and anyone in sight.
Said the dainty ^ as though ABC News and the moderators had not in fact deliberately tilted the field with their obvious bias.
You're OK putting baby on a tray after a botched abortion and watching them die. That's disgusting.
He was talking about babies with deformities so severe they’re not compatible with life. The family can decide what to do, including keeping the baby comfortable as it dies. You’re lying about what he said. Trump lied.
Bullshit How can you leave out NYC, LA, the two largest police departments in the country and claim they are more complete? No wonder you like Muir

Muir was "fact checking" Trump on the FBI. Trump was right Muir was wrong and a partisan asshole for it.
Muir pointed out that the FBI says that crime is down, and it is. You can whine about the completeness of the FBI data but crime is indeed down. Trump lied.
So Harris had no intention of trying avert a war? OK, I buy that. You party has clearly become the necon war monger party.
The purpose of the visit was not to negotiate with Russia. Trump lied.
All that is in your pathetic empty head. You never win anything on this board because all you do is snipe and ignore any actual counter arguments or facts.

Pot . ….kettle ……black.

There are no counter arguments to be made for a second Trump Presidency. And there are absolutely no facts that support it.

His record of chaos, dysfunction, and physical incompetence is unmatched in American history.

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