ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

The complaints don't surprise me. I haven't watched any debates in a while. Their formats, in particular the moderator's role, leaves a lot to be desired. The candidates should question each other with the moderator just there for introductions and timekeeping.
The complaints don't surprise me. I haven't watched any debates in a while. Their formats, in particular the moderator's role, leaves a lot to be desired. The candidates should question each other with the moderator just there for introductions and timekeeping.
As long as you dont takes sides after the debate
Liberal hacks shouldn't be moderators. These two are two of the biggest hacks out there.
What’s wrong with pointing out LIES?
Automatic fact checking is helpful if the lies are obvious.
After the debate, this is a detailed fact check review on both candidates:
If he can't handle a couple of moderators and a woman young enough to be his child, and they make him totally lose control and fall apart, what in the world will he do on the world stage with Strongman Leaders?
This is the real theme of the debate. Kamala played him like a violin.
All his pressure points are out for everyone to see. That is why putin and the rocket man were able to play him so well.
He lacks the intelligence and basic sense to negotiate with a carrot.
There are limits to presidential authority

Trump was venting frustration at the corrupt news media
You’re the party that thinks the president can direct the DoJ to go after his policies opponents and fire special counsel investigating him.

You’re the party that is hell bent on EXPANDING presidential authority for everything in the executive branch.

And the FCC is indeed a part of the executive branch.

Again, should we not listen to what Trump is saying?
Wow. You folded faster than I thought you would.

Does it get tiring defending Trump’s fascist instincts? Does it make your brain hurt when you come up with excuses for him?

It's not folding, it's getting tired of your bullshit posting style.
It's not folding, it's getting tired of your bullshit posting style.
You’re folding. Every time you’re backed into a corner, you start talking about transgendered individuals. Then you just lash out with insults.

You’re just making weak ass excuses for Trump’s shitty statement. At least now we know that MAGA stands for censorship. We have it from the cult leader himself.
That was off the hook. Harris dodged every question related to her record and the Biden/Harris disaster and the so called moderators thanked her. No follow up, no calling her out on not answering. What a joke.
That's the big story. Commiela rehashed every lie democrats have told about Trump since he announced he was running the first time.
You’re folding. Every time you’re backed into a corner, you start talking about transgendered individuals. Then you just lash out with insults.

You’re just making weak ass excuses for Trump’s shitty statement. At least now we know that MAGA stands for censorship. We have it from the cult leader himself.

It's all you deserve. Now go get one of your socks to defend this account as a white knight.
You’re the party that thinks the president can direct the DoJ to go after his policies opponents and fire special counsel investigating him.

You’re the party that is hell bent on EXPANDING presidential authority for everything in the executive branch.

And the FCC is indeed a part of the executive branch.

Again, should we not listen to what Trump is saying?
The DOJ is within the executive branch

And it is stocked with obama flunkies who are out of control

It needs to be reigned in
The DOJ is within the executive branch

And it is stocked with obama flunkies who are out of control

It needs to be reigned in
Trump and his advisors have stated that independent agencies shouldn’t exist and they should all be taken over by the president to do what the president wants.

Which means Trump would have no problem telling the FCC to censor ABC and undoubtedly you’d be okay with that.
Liberal hacks shouldn't be moderators. These two are two of the biggest hacks out there.

Try looking at it another way Nostra Dumbass. Trump needs to stop lying.

If Trump hadn’t lied, every time, he opened his mouth, there would’ve been no need for the moderators to fact check all of his ridiculous claims.

Nobody forced Trump to tell lies and try to get by with his usual bullshit conspiracy theories. He did that all by himself.
First, it's not a moderators job to call the candidate a liar, Simp.

Second, if you are going to to that do it for both. She lied constantly, but they only had "thank you" to say.

It absolutely is the job of the moderator to fact check Donald Trump when he flagrantly lies about the stolen election, murdering babies after they’re born, and immigrants eating cats and dogs.

And it’s absolutely the job of Donald Trump to tell the truth for a change! If Trump actually believes this stuff that he’s spouting, then he’s bat shit crazy and unfit for office.

So either Trump is deliberately lying, which disqualifies them for office or he’s bat shit crazy and doesn’t know what’s real and what isn’t. In which case he’s unfit for office.

Which is it, Fuck Boi? Was Trump lying or does he actually believe the bullshit he spouts? Pick your poison.

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