ABC Harris-Trump Debate

Again, she could have been wearing any earring at all and you people’d be coming up with some Mission Impossible spy earring conspiracy theory

It seems the earrings/earbuds she is accused of wearing have not even had one pair delivered yet and cannot be bought.

An online search for the Nova H1 Audi Earrings shows that they do not currently appear to be on sale anywhere, and NOVA Products' website redirects to another company, Icebach Sound Solutions.

Additionally, backers on crowdfunding site Kickstarter have left messages from over a year ago asking for delivery status of their purchased H1 earrings that supposedly never materialized. NOVA Products' last login to Kickstarter was in May 2023.

It seems the earrings/earbuds she is accused of wearing have not even had one pair delivered yet and cannot be bought.

An online search for the Nova H1 Audi Earrings shows that they do not currently appear to be on sale anywhere, and NOVA Products' website redirects to another company, Icebach Sound Solutions.

Additionally, backers on crowdfunding site Kickstarter have left messages from over a year ago asking for delivery status of their purchased H1 earrings that supposedly never materialized. NOVA Products' last login to Kickstarter was in May 2023.

Oh, they’ll pull something out of their asses

They’ll say that’s fake news

Or they’ll say none have been sold cause the Deep State bought them all or something
You are exactly correct.

Hamas wants Israel wiped off the map. Israel would welcome Palestinians living in Gaza and the West Bank, if they would be peaceful and prosper. But it will not accept a "Palestinian state" that would be immediately given huge grants of "humanitarian aid" funds by the U.S. which they would convert into weapons with which to bring about their dream of a Jew-free middle east.

Arafat was offered everything that they said they wanted and rejected it saying that his own people would kill him.
Kamala was full of planned platitudes. She had no substance to her answers. Trump was direct and explained his positions. Trump clearly won this debate in the eyes of the voters.
The mods let her skate on everything. They attacked Trump in every way they could dream up, and never even held her feet to the fire when she claimed she was always against fracking. And what about her other flips? Now she says she’s for a wall?
You're supposed to attack in a debate.
Yes, I agree but then you are also supposed to attack by proving that you are addressing the issues better than your opponents. That you are more competent and able than she is. He made a fool of himself. Immigrants eating dogs is an issue? Crowd sizes is an issue?

On top of that, he attacked with lies..............33 of them to be exact. He tried to save Obama care? My gawd, that is such a total outright lie that even his staunchest supporters had to cringe at such a lie.
So, voting for potus obviously means almost nothing.

The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.
The mods let her skate on everything. They attacked Trump in every way they could dream up, and never even held her feet to the fire when she claimed she was always against fracking. And what about her other flips? Now she says she’s for a wall?

She knows that President Trumps policies are extremely popular with the voters.
Even those that don't personally like him.

She is going to pretend to have positions that she does not have, for now.
So, voting for potus obviously means almost nothing.

The US has no functional president and has not had one for months, and it's barely noticeable and barely matters because there's a permanent unelected machine that runs the government.

The constant Washington Class.
Eisenhower warned us about them.
W spoke of them.
The people's President exposed them.
She knows that President Trumps policies are extremely popular with the voters.
Even those that don't personally like him.

She is going to pretend to have positions that she does not have, for now.
The press is really using the debate to damage Trump further, calling her polished and presidential and him incoherent with no policies.

I don’t see how a Republican can EVER win when the Dems have enslaved the media.

(Madison quote: all a tyrant needs to oppress is an enslaved media and a disarmed populace.)
Yes, I agree but then you are also supposed to attack by proving that you are addressing the issues better than your opponents. That you are more competent and able than she is. He made a fool of himself. Immigrants eating dogs is an issue? Crowd sizes is an issue?

On top of that, he attacked with lies..............33 of them to be exact. He tried to save Obama care? My gawd, that is such a total outright lie that even his staunchest supporters had to cringe at such a lie.
What about all her lies and dodges that the mods let her get away with?

The debate was so biased I could laugh…..or cry. This was not a debate.
The press is really using the debate to damage Trump further, calling her polished and presidential and him incoherent with no policies.

I don’t see how a Republican can EVER win when the Dems have enslaved the media.

(Madison quote: all a tyrant needs to oppress is an enslaved media and a disarmed populace.)

I don’t see how a Republican can EVER win when the Dems have enslaved the media.

Honestly, I think that it may be the other way around.
The Democrat Party doesn't exist without their Publicity Media.
What about all her lies and dodges that the mods let her get away with?

The debate was so biased I could laugh…..or cry. This was not a debate.
I think your post is BS because you offered no proof to what she lied on. I don't think she did. I do know that Trump lied 33 times and in a big way. Prove what she lied on or keep quiet.

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