I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

Hate to break your heart America hater but dead people voting and putting in mail in ballots after hours and allowing illegals to vote does not count as being officially elected by the people,you trollboy need to deal with reality biden is the latest in a long line of illegitimate presidents illegally elected.
Oh and Dragonidiot has been owned too many times to remember so the last thing you want to do to have any credibility is toot her horn,thst stupid fuck does not even know what the swamp is as cellblock 2429 called her out on and explained so well in post #399 :rofl: Trump is the swamp,thsts one for the ages by dragon idiot,you sure pick moronic friends to learn from.:rofl:
no dead people were voting moron causeTHEY ARE DEAD... another trump excuse maker ... illegals can't vote they have to have a birth certificate or a document that says they have become citizens... more moronic statements from a maga idiot ... boy you sure love to prove to all how stupid you really are ... its just funny as hell that you have no idea how voting works... but what do we expect from an election denier...
:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:You need to look in the mirror when telling someone they post bullshit.:rofl:

Are you trying to take the trophy away from the wanker aka the lucky one as the biggest stupid fuck lying troll of usmb? You are doing a good job neck in neck in the running with him on that,congrats.:thup:

How much does the DNC pay you guys to invent all these pathetic lies and kiss traiter bidens ass?
translation=you got you head handed to you... so you come back the the childish ranting... just like your hero who got his head handed to him by Kamakla Haris last night
Biden created the problem his bill was suppose to fix.

Yes, two bills pumping trillions into the economy. Trillions of dollars of tax money drives up inflation.

Butter is now $7.50 a pound.
Electricity prices are skyrocketing
Men are pretending to be women in sports.
Democrats are cheering a man beating up a woman at the olympics, as sport
shows you how much you know how government works ... don't know what country you live in ... when the money goes to the state from the federal loans ... now pay attention idiot ...that money pays a private company to do the job ... that company has a payroll ... that pay roll pays for the persons doing a job... the money goes to loans they pay like homes cars and so forth... all taxed ...they all pay for their social security and medicare and Medicaid... plus the taxes that are deducted go back to the government to pay off the money that they used to get the country rebuilt ... that rebuiolding of the country brings more water and gas lines to the people... that brings more money to the cities and on and on ...ever one of these this heve taxes that are paid to the government lt trillion of dollares come caback to the government ... ... my butter cost $2.59 ... my electric bill was it's usual $159.00 ...who care if a man who gets a sex change does women's sports I don't ... afraid little Janey can't prove she's as good as a man ... sad just sad that you don't think women are as tuff as men ...
you know if you want to say stupid stuff and prove to all here that you have no idea how government works,,, fine !!!! but at least he had 60 to get the ACA passed ... and that burns your butt ... that there's a guy that got the American people a affordable health care,,, where you and the trump morons are pissed that he got it done ...
Affordable to whom?

You want to get your words burned into you?

You are an idiot for coming up with this bullshit as you well know that Obama was NEVER on the side of Russia. Trump is. He is a Russian puppet that wanted to build a Hotel in Russia, gave Putin a Miss Universe pageant that he wanted, asked Putin for help in coming up with dirt on Hillary, used Russian money to get out of the hole he dug himself into in 1998, he then associated himself with a Russian backed group for 8 years. In addition, he called Putin a genius and repeatedly has thrown praises to him;

I don't waste time with idiots like you that can so "EASILY" be proven wrong. You are a waste of my time

Why did you abandon your Banker persona?

Were you banned?
You guys are a special kind of stupid. The Democratic Partry relies on people just like you. Seriously, it is scary.
i hope so... they rely on people like me ...that's the only way this country can turn it self around ... and my moroinic friend it's turning around the Mess trump made... With his tariffs and tax cuts ...his tax cut it won't get passed this next time ... when this happens companies are going to have a hard time getting workers cause they are all hired
Byrd, I know who that is, that old democrat racist leader of the KKK chapter where he was from
I don't know if you know it but Byrd had announced to the country on the senate floor that he was so wrong being a member of the KKK ... denounced his racist ways ...the problem you have is ya just can't keep beating a dead dog, it's dead ...it doesn't feel it ...we don't feel for your racist ways of trying to keep branding byrd as a racist...it just doesn't float anymore ...
Your pattern of arrogant ignorance betrays your denial.
wow, you certainly do justice to your lack of information by attacking without knowing me.

I happen to be exactly the opposite of what you believe. I am a knowledgeable and humble man who is loved by those that know me. Then again, to blind-by-choice people such as yourself, I guess I am a bully to ignorant people such as yourself. I know more than you do and you cannot stand that, can you?
Obama is a commie whack job. Fundamentally change america, that is what Obama is doing
Obama proved his weak, evil, leadership

Benghazi, obama got our ambassador murdered
OBAMA, HAS NOT BEEN president for 8 years, so picking through the trash is a waste of energy.
shows you how much you know how government works ... don't know what country you live in ... when the money goes to the state from the federal loans ... now pay attention idiot ...that money pays a private company to do the job ... that company has a payroll ... that pay roll pays for the persons doing a job... the money goes to loans they pay like homes cars and so forth... all taxed ...they all pay for their social security and medicare and Medicaid... plus the taxes that are deducted go back to the government to pay off the money that they used to get the country rebuilt ... that rebuiolding of the country brings more water and gas lines to the people... that brings more money to the cities and on and on ...ever one of these this heve taxes that are paid to the government lt trillion of dollares come caback to the government ... ... my butter cost $2.59 ... my electric bill was it's usual $159.00 ...who care if a man who gets a sex change does women's sports I don't ... afraid little Janey can't prove she's as good as a man ... sad just sad that you don't think women are as tuff as men ...
Keep thinking that way. More and more people will skate and not produce as much in employment as the quality decreases and the prices increase in reality. Come on China. Teach us a lesson that will last generations. Of course, declining nations many times do not go quietly into the night as they see the writing on the wall.
Affordable to whom?

your article is a bit outdated ...one of the things I say to you republicans and you just go crazy when I say it ... every program that the Democrats pass, they pass it with how its paid for .. one of the most important things that the ACA need was how its paid for ... here's what the republicans do they figure out ways to cut the money for how it's to be paid for... when trump got elected in 2017 he got the mandate where the people had to join the ACA to get the price of health care to drop ...they republicans got that mandate stopped ... now the health care has gone up ...but nothing like it was before it was passed ... what your article failed at was what people paid for it before the ACA was passed ... I went from 550 dollars a month with a 10,000 dollar deductible ... now I pay a 174 dollars a month with a 200 dollar deductable ... now tell me it was better back then before the ACA.. the ACA health care was better you never got canceled and you never get denied like you were then ... your article says nothing to me over how it was tthen compaired to now ... it only has shown that it has gone up in price but its still affoarable any way you want to look at it
wow, you certainly do justice to your lack of information by attacking without knowing me.

I happen to be exactly the opposite of what you believe. I am a knowledgeable and humble man who is loved by those that know me. Then again, to blind-by-choice people such as yourself, I guess I am a bully to ignorant people such as yourself. I know more than you do and you cannot stand that, can you?

Same response.
Same response.
Yeah, but I have proven the knowledge part here on this message board as well as publicly through my analysis of the stock market (for 17 years) that has proven to be knowledgeable consistently,

You have not proven anything other than the fact you are good with word salad.
It's not a debate fool, Dem policies are shit. Biden is on video threatening to "end fossil fuels" you and your OP has zero credibility. It's like you wanted to be mocked. :cuckoo:
Just disagree with every one of the OP's posts. It will drive them wild. The OP isn't here to have a discussion, rather they're here to be an attention whore and tell people about their liberal narrative because "they just know better".
Yeah, but I have proven the knowledge part here on this message board as well as publicly through my analysis of the stock market (for 17 years) that has proven to be knowledgeable consistently,

You have not proven anything other than the fact you are good with word salad.

You have only proven that you are a squirrelly little lying fuck.
your article is a bit outdated ... one of the things I say to you republicans and you just go crazy when I say it ... every program that the Democrats pass, they pass it with how its paid for .. one of the most important things that the ACA need was how its paid for ... here's what the republicans do they figure out ways to cut the money for how it's to be paid for... when trump got elected in 2017 he got the mandate where the people had to join the ACA to get the price of health care to drop ... they republicans got that mandate stopped ... now the health care has gone up ... but nothing like it was before it was passed ... what your article failed at was what people paid for it before the ACA was passed ... I went from 550 dollars a month with a 10,000 dollar deductible ... now I pay a 174 dollars a month with a 200 dollar deductable ... now tell me it was better back then before the ACA.. the ACA health care was better you never got canceled and you never get denied like you were then ... your article says nothing to me over how it was tthen compaired to now ... it only has shown that it has gone up in price but its still affoarable any way you want to look at it

every program that the Democrats pass, they pass it with how its paid for
Yeah, i know how it was paid for. Dumbasses like you, just let the brown turd Obammy rob US again.

You have only proven that you are a squirrelly little lying fuck.
You have now earned a warning from me. I do not accept insults and debasement comments. You are certainly entitled to you opinions, as I am entitled to mine and I will never back off having a debate with a person with opposing views. Nonetheless, I am not here for an insult and debasing fight as that does not talk or solve the issues that are affecting our nation.

If you revert to debasing and insulting the messenger it means that you have no knowledge or information to offer and as such, communicating with you would be a waste of time.

I have already put 19 people on ignore for offering insults and debasement as their only way to debate. One more insulting or debasement comment from you would make you #20,

Your choice
You have now earned a warning from me. I do not accept insults and debasement comments. You are certainly entitled to you opinions, as I am entitled to mine and I will never back off having a debate with a person with opposing views. Nonetheless, I am not here for an insult and debasing fight as that does not talk or solve the issues that are affecting our nation.

If you revert to debasing and insulting the messenger it means that you have no knowledge or information to offer and as such, communicating with you would be a waste of time.

I have already put 19 people on ignore for offering insults and debasement as their only way to debate. One more insulting or debasement comment from you would make you #20,

Your choice

Make me 20

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