The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

Of course not .. abortion isn't a constitutional right, and it makes perfect sense that states would vote to decide the outcome. The bullshit with 'health care needs' is just that: bullshit, as a majority (in the high 90% range) are done for convenience and not for the 'health' of the mother.
You do realize that even if everything goes perfectly with a pregnancy, there are health consequences for the woman.

Which most women who WANT children happily accept.

But if you don't want children, it's really an imposition.

You don't understand what no restrictions mean? :rolleyes:
You said that the were no restrictions at all. That is a lie. The fact is that those 8 or 9 states have no restrictions BASED ON GESTATIONAL AGE. The numbers of week of the pregnancy is not specified because each woman and each pregnancy is different in terms of viability. No restrictions on the number of weeks does not mean that a woman can abort a healthy , viable fetus at 9 months. Even if she wanted to medical ethics would not allow it.
Also, he's not the one consistently lying about "my values have not changed. "

It has the same air as "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."

Kamala's a lie a minute.
The leftardians fall for the dem candidate running to the middle every election. Only a morons doesn’t know that Kumswalla will go back to the extreme left if she wins.
Surgeries at 9 months pregnant are to save the life of the mother...this mom, wanted her child to live, not die....but deformities in the baby or certain conditions with her baby, made it impossible for her to deliver her baby normally, and a certainty that her baby with their conditions, will not live, even with care for more than a day or two.

These are not women that simply decide at 9 months, they don't want the baby they've carried for 9 months anymore so they go in for an abortion.

It is intellectually dishonest to even imply such a thing....

And in that tape the governor spoke of resuscitation of the baby....that means bring back to life if born dead....can be decided by the mother

These are decisions govt has NO BUSINESS IN!

The legislation that Northam was referencing was proposed by Fairfax Democrat Rep Kathy Tran to scrap the requirement of having more than one doctor agree that the child was not viable or posed a risk to the life of the mother.

A mother that wants her child to live is not opposed to getting a second and third opinion.

You do realize that even if everything goes perfectly with a pregnancy, there are health consequences for the woman.

Which most women who WANT children happily accept.

But if you don't want children, it's really an imposition.
Like any activity in life, there is risk, and there is reward. It's up to the individual if the reward is worth the risk.
Surgeries at 9 months pregnant are to save the life of the mother...this mom, wanted her child to live, not die....but deformities in the baby or certain conditions with her baby, made it impossible for her to deliver her baby normally, and a certainty that her baby with their conditions, will not live, even with care for more than a day or two.

These are not women that simply decide at 9 months, they don't want the baby they've carried for 9 months anymore so they go in for an abortion.

It is intellectually dishonest to even imply such a thing....

And in that tape the governor spoke of resuscitation of the baby....that means bring back to life if born dead....can be decided by the mother

These are decisions govt has NO BUSINESS IN!
Yes .. the do. There are 4 clinics in the United States that perform 3rd trimester abortions, and while many are related to deformities in the baby and / or the health of the mother, women get abortions in 3rd trimester because they don't want the child -- often surprised they are pregnant and it's late in the gestation period.

Here's an analysis of women who requested 3rd trimester abortions, and it doesn't agree with your point. Read the "Results" section.
Surgeries at 9 months pregnant are to save the life of the mother...this mom, wanted her child to live, not die....but deformities in the baby or certain conditions with her baby, made it impossible for her to deliver her baby normally, and a certainty that her baby with their conditions, will not live, even with care for more than a day or two.

These are not women that simply decide at 9 months, they don't want the baby they've carried for 9 months anymore so they go in for an abortion.

It is intellectually dishonest to even imply such a thing....

And in that tape the governor spoke of resuscitation of the baby....that means bring back to life if born dead....can be decided by the mother

These are decisions govt has NO BUSINESS IN!
Not sure this is true.

According to Brave AI... Five states allow legal, unrestricted third trimester abortions...

"5 U.S. states (Alaska, Colorado, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Vermont) permit third-trimester abortions without imposing specific restrictions. However, it's crucial to consult official government resources for the most up-to-date and accurate information since laws regarding abortion are subject to change."
They were left to die.

The state recorded eight deaths among infants who survived abortion attempts during Tim Walz’s tenure as governor.
You need to truly research your own information.

I followed up on the links included in the link you provided and it took me to a PDF file where the details of those 8 deaths were explained

This is what I found in the file:

For the calendar year of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021, 5 abortion proceduresresulting in a born-alive infant were reported.• In one instance, fetal anomalies were reported resulting in death shortly after delivery. No measures taken to preserve life were reported and the infant did not survive.• In two instance, comfort care measures were provided as planned and the infant did not survive.• In two instances, the infant was previable. No measures taken to preserve life werereported and the infant did not survive.

Previable means not considered sufficiently developed to survive outside the uterus

in none of these cases can it be said that the baby was killed because the mother did not want it to live. In all cases, the baby was born alive, meaning no abortion actually occurred.

Oh and by the way, on that year, over 14,800 abortions occurred in that State.
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Not going to argue and that is a line that will help him.

But from what others are telling me, he missed some real home run opportunities.

I could not watch....I expect him to screw up. This isn't his strong suit.
If you didn't watch then you really have no idea what went on.

The whole time Trump was talking Kamala was hamming it up for the cameras.

She keep posing and looking at him like he was Joe Biden trying to piss him off, and he didn't fall for it.

If anything, the mods pissed Trump off because they were lying.

They claimed there were no reports of Haitians eating people's pets.....yet everyone who has been watching the news saw it with their own eyes.

I would be pissed if it was me on that stage.

I would have told them to stay out of the debate and keep their opinions to themselves.
Were they keeping you up too late. I thought it was funny that the thing that most tripped off Trump wasn't repeatedly being told he was lying, wasn't being told that his generals thought he was a dangerous disgrace, wasn't that the only world leader he could quote praising him was Viktor Orban (as the rest were too busy laughing), wasn't that the plan he had to replace the Affordable Care Act, after NINE years of working on it WOULD have lower prices and better care (ie, as soon as he comes up with something) but CROWD SIZES.

The most important thing in Donald Trump's world isn't war. It isn't health or safety. It isn't the economy. It isn't the prices of our groceries or gasoline. It's his fucking crowd sizes. And you think he cares about you? Or this nation? Or the human race?
He doesn't hate what I stand for like you Marxist dems do....Good enough for me.
Post 4 pages ago posted this. I don't see anyone talking about it. You should. View attachment 1009736
First, her earrings look NOTHING like those audio ones.

Second. They were not allowed to bring notes INTO the debate.

No rule against taking notes while at the podium.
I pulled this picture straight from the debate, and her earing does look like that. I agree you are allowed to keynotes otherwise why be given paper and pen, but to be coached through an earpiece is against the rules.

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