The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

Of course you're not counting....because YOU KNOW you told a LIE about it....

My, my how obvious can you get, if the law you are bitching about kills babies after they are born alive, and this was your bitch and complaint and moral high ground that you all took about the new law.....

why in the world would any of you pay attention and count those murdered...:rolleyes:
I didn't lie.

When criminals do things that are unethical or illegal they aren't going to make sure there's evidence left to prosecute.

I'm relating about reports in the media about babies who were delivered and may have had birth defects and the doctors came to the parents to ask if they wanted to try to save the baby or let it die. I'm not making shit up like Kamala does. Saving the baby regardless of their condition is supposed to be part of a doctor's hypocritical oath.

Obamacare was designed to allow a "Death Panel" to decide if a person can get treatment or not. Some of them will say just give a person (who needs expensive treatment to cure them) to just take a pill for the pain.

It shouldn't be up to the state, or public insurance programs, to decide who lives and who dies. This is the case in countries like Canada and the UK now because they've both gone socialist. But they can go into our schools and talk our kids into cutting their tits off and ruin their lives without their parent's say so.
That is also against the Hippocratic oath that doctors take, and the rules of the medical boards that certify their licenses.

You forget, it takes a doctor to perform those procedures, and they don't let just anybody become a doctor. Or allow doctors to kill their patients through either action or in-action.

That's why late term abortions aren't at the sole option of the mother, but require a doctor to agree, and make the call.
We already know that there are abortion doctors.
Surgeries at 9 months pregnant are to save the life of the mother...this mom, wanted her child to live, not die....but deformities in the baby or certain conditions with her baby, made it impossible for her to deliver her baby normally, and a certainty that her baby with their conditions, will not live, even with care for more than a day or two.

These are not women that simply decide at 9 months, they don't want the baby they've carried for 9 months anymore so they go in for an abortion.

It is intellectually dishonest to even imply such a thing....

And in that tape the governor spoke of resuscitation of the baby....that means bring back to life if born dead....can be decided by the mother

These are decisions govt has NO BUSINESS IN!
Do you understand what the term "no restrictions" means?
You said that the were no restrictions at all. That is a lie. The fact is that those 8 or 9 states have no restrictions BASED ON GESTATIONAL AGE. The numbers of week of the pregnancy is not specified because each woman and each pregnancy is different in terms of viability. No restrictions on the number of weeks does not mean that a woman can abort a healthy , viable fetus at 9 months. Even if she wanted to medical ethics would not allow it.
Medical ethics would not allow an abortion? Then why are there no restrictions?

I pulled this picture straight from the debate, and her earing does look like that. I agree you are allowed to keynotes otherwise why be given paper and pen, but to be coached through an earpiece is against the rules.
Then let me show you a previous occasion she wore those earrings

You know for sure it didn't happen? I wasn't there.
You must not be paying attention. I’ve said repeatedly that I’m sure it did happen. Weird random shit happens. That’s not the point

But equating this story about a mentally insane woman eating someone’s dog with “illegals are dangerous because they might eat your pets” is beyond absurd. And I think you know that.
Yes, it was stupid to call Nazis who just murdered a woman "very fine people".
That's not what he did, and you know it.

He said that there were protesters on both sides that were very fine people.

That's called being pragmatic, shitforbrains.

He wasn't talking about people who were breaking laws.

Course............Kamala was helping bail out criminals who were guilty of assault and arson just so they could go to the next peaceful riot in another city.

They were shipping paid instigators to several cities to cause violence. Anarchists and Communists community organizers.

These people were whipping up hatred and violence all over the US during the Summer Of Love.
Then why are you bitching about mentioning it?

A) it’s weird as shit to do so during a presidential debate

B) a single bizarre story about a woman eating someone’s pet dog has nothing to do with illegal immigration whether said woman is an illegal or not

C) seizing on random sensationalist stories like this only when people of color are involved is very clearly a dog whistle tactic

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