The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

8 states have no restrictions. That means that a mother can be dilated, and that baby can be aborted. A full term viable child can be aborted JUST BEFORE BIRTH.

But, thats not murder. Lol.
No full term viable child is aborted as an elective surgery.

The child is not viable, and the mother will die giving birth or be severely harmed....
Well, everyone saw how 'states' rights' segregation worked out.
Do you have an issue with 'states' rights?' Why wouldn't the people of each state have the power to vote and determine an outcome instead of an overarching federal government telling them what they need to do -- especially on abortion?
Do you have an issue with 'states' rights?' Why wouldn't the people of each state have the power to vote and determine an outcome instead of an overarching federal government telling them what they need to do -- especially on abortion?
Theres obvious limits to states’ rights were the federal government has an obligation to uphold constitutional rights

Honestly not sure if abortion falls into that category, but just saying each state has the blanket right to make whatever la it wants is just obviously not true
"We are looking forward to a spirited and thoughtful debate." The beginning statement by one of the moderators lol but Harris already sounds drunk. 😆
If she was, she should continue drinking. She handed him his ars. And he gave it to her by sticking to his narcissistic tendencies. He is NEVER wrong. He is ALWAYS the smartest person in the room. He NEVER loses and even now claims he won in 2020....trump wants to relive the past....and gain vengeance on his enemies.
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Consult some of your sock puppets and see if they agree that he’s not your God. I think you may lose that election.
I don’t have any socks. I don’t know about you, you stupid twat.

He isn’t my god. No need to ask anyone.

I’m not running. Ergo, I can’t lose.

Damn, you’re a fucking retard.
If Harris did any better, they would have charged a black lady beating up an elderly white man.
She didn’t do particularly well.

He didn’t do well either.

Expectations for her were justifiably low. So, by comparison, she looked like she did better.

She also didn’t get called-out on any of her many lies.
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8 states have no restrictions. That means that a mother can be dilated, and that baby can be aborted. A full term viable child can be aborted JUST BEFORE BIRTH.

But, thats not murder. Lol.
That is also against the Hippocratic oath that doctors take, and the rules of the medical boards that certify their licenses.

You forget, it takes a doctor to perform those procedures, and they don't let just anybody become a doctor. Or allow doctors to kill their patients through either action or in-action.

That's why late term abortions aren't at the sole option of the mother, but require a doctor to agree, and make the call.
No full term viable child is aborted as an elective surgery.

The child is not viable, and the mother will die giving birth or be severely harmed....
It's a fetus 10 seconds before birth .. and a baby once the umbilical cord is cut. That makes no sense. Is it viability that justifies your support for abortion?
Theres obvious limits to states’ rights were the federal government has an obligation to uphold constitutional rights

Honestly not sure if abortion falls into that category, but just saying each state has the blanket right to make whatever la it wants is just obviously not true
Of course not .. abortion isn't a constitutional right, and it makes perfect sense that states would vote to decide the outcome. The bullshit with 'health care needs' is just that: bullshit, as a majority (in the high 90% range) are done for convenience and not for the 'health' of the mother.
Of course not .. abortion isn't a constitutional right, and it makes perfect sense that states would vote to decide the outcome. The bullshit with 'health care needs' is just that: bullshit, as a majority (in the high 90% range) are done for convenience and not for the 'health' of the mother.
While I ultimately support a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy for whatever reason she wishes, I do agree that the notion that abortion is largely a “health” issue is bullshit

We all know the vast majority of abortions are “opps” birth control procedures
He implied, or it could be left to die.
Surgeries at 9 months pregnant are to save the life of the mother...this mom, wanted her child to live, not die....but deformities in the baby or certain conditions with her baby, made it impossible for her to deliver her baby normally, and a certainty that her baby with their conditions, will not live, even with care for more than a day or two.

These are not women that simply decide at 9 months, they don't want the baby they've carried for 9 months anymore so they go in for an abortion.

It is intellectually dishonest to even imply such a thing....

And in that tape the governor spoke of resuscitation of the baby....that means bring back to life if born dead....can be decided by the mother

These are decisions govt has NO BUSINESS IN!
As the permission slip does not grant guardianship. And for letting the teacher{s} take my kid on a trip to the statue of liberty, I support a non-parent / non-guardian taking my minor child across state lines.

Actually it does, hence the purpose of the permission slip in the first place.
While I ultimately support a woman’s right to terminate her own pregnancy for whatever reason she wishes, I do agree that the notion that abortion is largely a “health” issue is bullshit

We all know the vast majority of abortions are “opps” birth control procedures
If a woman wants an abortion, she can travel to any number of states to abort her child or show up to the DNC for a freebie.
Theres obvious limits to states’ rights were the federal government has an obligation to uphold constitutional rights

Honestly not sure if abortion falls into that category, but just saying each state has the blanket right to make whatever la it wants is just obviously not true
What happened to the privileges and immunities in the constitution.

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Actually it does, hence the purpose of the permission slip in the first place.
It's a permission slip, not a temporary grant of guardianship.

They can't use that permission slip to change the sex of my child.

Think for once.

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