Racism in it purest and ugliest form

Hateful, divisive Leftists have been encouraging young blacks to quit trying, don't bother with getting an education because of course America is "systemically racist." That is why America attracts more people from around the world than the NEXT FOUR NATIONS COMBINED! Other races WANT American "racism," as Leftists scream endlessly.

The Knockdown Game is where black thugs sucker punch a white on the street and then beat him on the ground.

Black thugs rape white women to "get even" with the lies endlessly told to them by hateful Leftists like the evil OP.

Blacks are imprisoned for felonies at four times the rate of whites, not because they are singled out, but because they murder, rape, rob, carjack and commit violent crimes and are convicted by juries of their peers.

Blacks get women pregnant and abandon them to the government welfare system. Black children raised without fathers can simply cry "racism" to try to escape their criminality and drug peddling and addiction.

The OP should be ashamed of what his lies have wrought, but that would require honesty and common sense. He has neither.

Lets ignore the fact that blacks are more than double the hate crime victims every year with whites being the main perpetrators. Lets also ignore that whites commit at least 3 times the rapes blacks do annually and they are primarily done to white women. Whites are arrested at 3 times the number of blacks annually but are not convicted as much. That whites commit the most violent crime. That the government provided white women who were abandoned by white boys after they impregnated them with a mothers pension program tpo providemoney for them for over 50 years. That blacks are not abandoning their chidren to welfare, but there are millions of white women who don't get the alimony they are promised after leaving white abusive males. Whites like you make these claims about blacks whille supporting the campaign of a white boy who is a felon cnvicted on 34 counts with 57 more counts pending, for the office of the president. Whites have a history of crime and violence that began when this place ws a colony.

You should be ashaned of this racist filth you posted. It is your lies that have created the problems we see. But its easier for you to try blaiming blacks using false racist stereotypes than to face the truth. Because that would require honesty, morals, and common sense. You have none of those.
And here we see the racists trying to find excuses. We all know why this happened. He was stopped outside of the stadium. I seriously doubt if he put up a big fight just hours before he was going to play a game.
How many times have you, your parents, siblings, spouse, children, etc. found yourself face down on the pavement in handcuffs for a "traffic violation"?
Police across America do that just for entertainment, right?

Something about police body cameras, witnesses and excessive force lawsuits,
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Tyreek Hill detained: Dolphins WR has 'no idea' why he was handcuffed;​

Tyreek Hill, the #1 wide receiver in football was detained, put on the ground and handcuffed for an "alleged" traffic violation today.

The alleged traffic violation has not been yet stated but Hill did not present any resistance, did not threaten the police in any way (not even with words) and yet he was thrown to the ground and handcuffed.

The arresting police officer has been put on "administrative leave" and the Police Captain in charge has given an apology to Hill.

View attachment 1008487

This action is racism in its purest and ugliest form.

What can you say? it DOES happen. From the information we do have... and the fact that the police chief appologized, officer was put on leave... it looks like a cop who acted over aggressivly.. motive could be racism but we dont know for sure until more info.

Throwing citizens to the ground should be a last resort.
Hateful, divisive Leftists have been encouraging young blacks to quit trying, don't bother with getting an education because of course America is "systemically racist." That is why America attracts more people from around the world than the NEXT FOUR NATIONS COMBINED! Other races WANT American "racism," as Leftists scream endlessly.

The Knockdown Game is where black thugs sucker punch a white on the street and then beat him on the ground.

Black thugs rape white women to "get even" with the lies endlessly told to them by hateful Leftists like the evil OP.

Blacks are imprisoned for felonies at four times the rate of whites, not because they are singled out, but because they murder, rape, rob, carjack and commit violent crimes and are convicted by juries of their peers.

Blacks get women pregnant and abandon them to the government welfare system. Black children raised without fathers can simply cry "racism" to try to escape their criminality and drug peddling and addiction.

The OP should be ashamed of what his lies have wrought, but that would require honesty and common sense. He has neither.

Can you cite an actual example of this?

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