Breaking News: New CPI inflation report lowest since 2021

Down to 2.5%, and 0.2% month over month.

Inflation eased again in August, cementing expectations that the Federal Reserve is setto cut interest rates next week for the first time since the pandemic’s early days.

Data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed prices climbed 2.5 percent in the 12 months ending in August. That was a noticeable improvement over the 2.9 percent notched in July, in part because of falling gas prices. Prices also climbed 0.2 percent over the previous month.

Damage already done.

Prices up over 30% in that time.

Have a day.
Those of us buying groceries, gasoline for our cars, paying our mortgage, insurance, utility bills, paying for healthcare, and any other necessities of life know that inflation isn't easing one bit but continues to escalate at an alarming rate.

Can you show me your work?

Of course not, it's just half-baked garbage from your bias perspective that you try to say applies to the whole American economy. You don't keep track of spending in any serious way that could then be used for objective comparative analysis.
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The left doesn’t act like the govenments numbers are fake. That is the right. The left processes the most current information that they have. You righties are conspiracy nuts and have no idea how estimates work. It’s a good thing you have us smart people to care for you.
The lefty government has a history of inflating and then slashing employment numbers.
Down to 2.5%, and 0.2% month over month.

Inflation eased again in August, cementing expectations that the Federal Reserve is setto cut interest rates next week for the first time since the pandemic’s early days.

Data released Wednesday by the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed prices climbed 2.5 percent in the 12 months ending in August. That was a noticeable improvement over the 2.9 percent notched in July, in part because of falling gas prices. Prices also climbed 0.2 percent over the previous month.
Sigh .. why do people confuse inflation rates with the outcomes of record-high inflation? Rates are down, yet the compounded, additional expenses aren't going down.
Not trying to be too much of an asshole, but lots of people with autism have jobs. Depending on the type they can be amazing with numbers.
I get it. But it would be hard for me to explain the nuances of my autism. I was diagnosed as an adult. Nobody who saw me up until 5 years ago knew I had it, which they merely reduced to "ADHD and ADHD overwhelm." My anger management issues alone told me I couldn't be around the public, thus I applied for SSDI. I'm a caretaker for my Grandmother now even though the task is overwhelming at times, I carry on.
I wonder which CPI model they're using to measure the effect of inflation on the cost of living.

For instance by substituting hamburger rather than steak to measure the effect of inflation on the cost/standard of living when people can no longer afford to buy steak.

It's basically a legalized way of lying about the reality of things.

Doesn't seem like anyone ever asks that sort of very relevant question, though.
If steak goes up but chicken and pork goes down your life doesnt change. If steak and chicken and pork all go up... your life changes. Substitution is a real thing.
Can you show me your work?

Of course not, it's just half-baked garbage from your bias perspective that you try to say applies to the whole American economy. You don't keep track of spending in any serious way that is subject to comparative analysis.
Inflation rates are down ... not the impact of the record-high inflation rates we saw earlier in the Biden / Harris administration. Why do you need to see "work" when your still paying high prices for consumer goods and services (which isn't going to get back to where it was pre-Biden / Harris)?
Can you show me your work?

Of course not, it's just half-baked garbage from your bias perspective that you try to say applies to the whole American economy. You don't keep track of spending in any serious way that is subject to comparative analysis.
Great, so you’re saying groceries, gasoline, mortgage rates, insurance rates and utility rates are not higher than they were 4 years ago…dumbass. Perhaps you ought to check with your mommy and daddy.
If steak goes up but chicken and pork goes down your life doesnt change. If steak and chicken and pork all go up... your life changes. Substitution is a real thing.

And If a frog had wings, he wouldn't thump his little bottom blue on the rocks.

I do not believe that you're qualified for any such discussion regarding matters of economic theory or monetary policy.

Few of you are. Very, very few...
I get it. But it would be hard for me to explain the nuances of my autism. I was diagnosed as an adult. Nobody who saw me up until 5 years ago knew I had it, which they merely reduced to "ADHD and ADHD overwhelm." My anger management issues alone told me I couldn't be around the public, thus I applied for SSDI. I'm a caretaker for my Grandmother now even though the task is overwhelming at times, I carry on.

I applaud you for taking care of your grandmother, that is a hard thing to.
Damage already done.

Prices up over 30% in that time.

Have a day.

Not 30%, but even so, constructively what do you want from the feds?

No sane economist would advocate pushing economy into deflation with continued high interest rates and/or contractionary fiscal policy.

We don't need to undo past inflation, just as we don't want to undo past wage growth.
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No. Mike Huckabee dropped out before I had a chance to vote for him in my state's primary.

And you will likely never get to.

I would love to see such a system. I despise our current system that is used just as much for social engineering as it is for raising revenue.

The whole tax codes is written to favor the very rich and the very poor. Those in the middle get fucked by it
Can you show me your work?

Of course not, it's just half-baked garbage from your bias perspective that you try to say applies to the whole American economy. You don't keep track of spending in any serious way that could then be used for objective comparative analysis.
I use
Can you show me your work?

Of course not, it's just half-baked garbage from your bias perspective that you try to say applies to the whole American economy. You don't keep track of spending in any serious way that could then be used for objective comparative analysis.
I have used Quicken software to track our budgets, income and expenditures for the last I think 21 years. I know what our grocery bills and other expenditures looked like before Biden and what it has been for the last three years. We don't go hungry but we do without a LOT of things we used to be able to afford and enjoy. I can see when a loaf of bread I paid 85 cents for in 2019 and 2020 now costs $1.99 and for a smaller loaf at that. I can see when a head of lettuce I paid 75 cents for in 2019 and 2020 now also costs $1.99.

So sorry your claims to crystal ball gazing or omniscience isn't working very well today but you don't know me or my situation at all. And a post like yours comes across as really REALLY stupid.
Inflation SHOULD be real - 2% is considered ideal by the Fed for healthy economy and we are at 2.5%
I wouldn't put much faith in what our government says inflation is. They have a vested interest in low balling that number because SS payments are tied to inflation. Anyone who does grocery shopping will tell you that food prices have gone up considerably.

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