Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

The Bible also says we should burn women for being witches and be happy being slaves. We don't do that anymore. God didn't change his mind, we changed ours.

America had her greatest prosperity in the post war period, after FDR made the rich pay their fair share.

We've been in decline since Reagan adopted "Voodoo Economics" and let the rich have huge tax cuts and wreck the middle class.

This isn't complicated at all. Well, it is for you, but you aren't very bright.

We've been in decline since Reagan adopted "Voodoo Economics" and let the rich have huge tax cuts and wreck the middle class.

No we haven't, just because you fucked up and didn't take advantage of those great GI benefits and the fact that you have Indian Heritage doesn't mean the rest of us do. Trump's tax cuts did great things. You're just such a whiner. LOL you kind of make me nauseous. Throwing up a little in my mouth right now cry baby. LOL
Learn to use the quote feature, dummy.

No we haven't, just because you fucked up and didn't take advantage of those great GI benefits and the fact that you have Indian Heritage doesn't mean the rest of us do. Trump's tax cuts did great things. You're just such a whiner. LOL you kind of make me nauseous. Throwing up a little in my mouth right now cry baby. LOL

GI benefits are actually kind of Socialist, didn't you hear? Why are you for taking away from the "makers" and giving to the "takers"?

Trump's economy was a fucking disaster, and not just because of Covid. His unnecessary tariffs screwed up supply chain and drove inflation.
Okay, so let's look at that.

The Army worked me like a dog for 11 years.
I worked my way through college with min wage jobs and a minimal stipend from the military.
Health Care. Our health care system is fine as long as you don't get sick. It was doing a dance with Cigna and my employer in 2007 that cured me of Republican Stupidity.

There's much about China to respect. Their culture. Their art. Their women!!!!

I'm not saying what they are doing would work for us. But let's at least look at what they are doing that works.

I guess. If we had European style socialism, I'd get a lot more. If I lived in the halcyon days before Reagan demolished the middle class, I'd have gotten a lot more.

Sure did.

Given how bad Trump fucked up everything the last time he was in, not sure how you can say that.

Wait, wait, you just give him credit for the good economy Trump left him and then pretend he didn't leave a shit economy to Biden.

And let's deport people. Yeah!!!

Wow, you don't understand Chinese culture at all, do you? First, it's India that has a "Caste" system, not China.

No, they aren't. Frankly, "Thou Shall not Kill" is about the only sensible one. The first four are the sky fairy wanting people to kiss his ass. Most of the others, take them or leave them.

The rich get massive benefits for living in this society. They should pay their fair share.
Looks like America is a lot better place to live than China. You are totally wrong and off base. If you continue this argument maybe you should move there, you are not a tree you know.
Learn to use the quote feature, dummy.

No we haven't, just because you fucked up and didn't take advantage of those great GI benefits and the fact that you have Indian Heritage doesn't mean the rest of us do. Trump's tax cuts did great things. You're just such a whiner. LOL you kind of make me nauseous. Throwing up a little in my mouth right now cry baby. LOL

GI benefits are actually kind of Socialist, didn't you hear? Why are you for taking away from the "makers" and giving to the "takers"?

Trump's economy was a fucking disaster, and not just because of Covid. His unnecessary tariffs screwed up supply chain and drove inflation.
Kind of in a hurry this morning this us MB sometimes has a mind of its own. Trump did a pretty good job on the economy his tax cuts were amazing. His deregulation was without parallel. We need him back in office NOW. The Democrats can fuck us up even more. I got some great benefits for being in the military, free education was one of them, my home loan the other one. Not sure where you went wrong but then again you are kind of stupid. You don't seem to know what's best for you you like Chinese women because they do what you say! My wife is a wonderful woman who has a mind of her own you obviously just need a sycophant for yourself. What a dip shit you are.
Looks like America is a lot better place to live than China. You are totally wrong and off base. If you continue this argument maybe you should move there, you are not a tree you know.

Well, let's look at that. America has been in decline for quite some time. Even you wingnuts admit that, because you wear hats that say, "Make American Great Again". That implies at some point, it stopped being "Great". Of course you guys never say a date when it stopped being great. My opinion, it was the day Reagan cut taxes for the rich, tripled the national debt, and destroyed the middle class.

MEANWHILE- China has gone from being an impoverished broken country after WWII, to being the world's largest economy, and being most of the world's biggest trading partner. While we've run around the world swinging our dicks, China has been building goodwill around the world, helping countries build roads and ports, and infrastructure.

Kind of in a hurry this morning this us MB sometimes has a mind of its own. Trump did a pretty good job on the economy his tax cuts were amazing.

First president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years
Worst Recession in 80 years
Worst race riots in 50 years.

Now, yes, much of that was due to Covid, but the point is, he didn't have the character to lead the country the way Bush did after 9/11 (Jesus, I'm using Bush as a good example) or FDR did after Pearl Harbor. He had spent so much time dividing the country that he was unable to unite it when it needed to be united.

But his pressers got higher ratings than The Bachelor, that's the important thing.

His deregulation was without parallel.
Okay, that's a bad thing. Regulations exist for a reason, and it's mostly to keep people with money and power from screwing the rest of us.

The Democrats can fuck us up even more. I got some great benefits for being in the military, free education was one of them, my home loan the other one.
So did I. So why do you support Communism?

Not sure where you went wrong but then again you are kind of stupid.

Actually, my life is probably better than yours.

You don't seem to know what's best for you you like Chinese women because they do what you say! My wife is a wonderful woman who has a mind of her own you obviously just need a sycophant for yourself. What a dip shit you are.
This is dangerous close to attacks on family, which is against the rules. This is your only warning.

Trust me, Mrs. B131 very much has a mind of her own. Her work ethic impresses the hell out of me. (and I work two jobs)

I like Asian women in general because I think they are prettier than white women.
Well, let's look at that. America has been in decline for quite some time. Even you wingnuts admit that, because you wear hats that say, "Make American Great Again". That implies at some point, it stopped being "Great". Of course you guys never say a date when it stopped being great. My opinion, it was the day Reagan cut taxes for the rich, tripled the national debt, and destroyed the middle class
China is in Decline, America needs a strong leader like Donald Trump to lead us out of Harris Biden's malaise of inflation and high prices.
MEANWHILE- China has gone from being an impoverished broken country after WWII, to being the world's largest economy, and being most of the world's biggest trading partner. While we've run around the world swinging our dicks, China has been building goodwill around the world, helping countries build roads and ports, and infrastructure
China is one of the biggest polluters of our Earth in the world, they don't care. Their economy is in Decline their people are repressed and they still keep slaves. You are way off base. Like I said why don't you move to China, you are not a tree.
irst president since Hoover to post a net jobs loss.

Worst Pandemic in 100 years
Worst Recession in 80 years
Worst race riots in 50 years.

Now, yes, much of that was due to Covid, but the point is, he didn't have the character to lead the country the way Bush did after 9/11 (Jesus, I'm using Bush as a good example) or FDR did after Pearl Harbor. He had spent so much time dividing the country that he was unable to unite it when it needed to be united.

But his pressers got higher ratings than The Bachelor, that's the important thing
You Democrats made sure that covid fucked us up bad. Donald Trump did a great job with the economy and managing it.
Okay, that's a bad thing. Regulations exist for a reason, and it's mostly to keep people with money and power from screwing the rest of us
Over regulation is a bad thing. It takes someone with intelligence ( something you don't really have) to regulate responsibly. That's why Donald Trump did such a good job
So did I. So why do you support Communism
Those were INCENTIVES to join the military. Incentives are something foreign to Communism, they just strong arm their people into doing whatever they need. Your values are misguided

This is dangerous close to attacks on family, which is against the rules. This is your only warning.

Trust me, Mrs. B131 very much has a mind of her own. Her work ethic impresses the hell out of me. (and I work two jobs)

I like Asian women in general because I think they are prettier than white women
Misogyny is alive and well in Asian culture. Especially China You're loving that.
China is in Decline, America needs a strong leader like Donald Trump to lead us out of Harris Biden's malaise of inflation and high prices.

China is one of the biggest polluters of our Earth in the world, they don't care. Their economy is in Decline their people are repressed and they still keep slaves. You are way off base. Like I said why don't you move to China, you are not a tree.

You Democrats made sure that covid fucked us up bad. Donald Trump did a great job with the economy and managing it.

Over regulation is a bad thing. It takes someone with intelligence ( something you don't really have) to regulate responsibly. That's why Donald Trump did such a good job

Those were INCENTIVES to join the military. Incentives are something foreign to Communism, they just strong arm their people into doing whatever they need. Your values are misguided

Misogyny is alive and well in Asian culture. Especially China You're loving that.
Actually, my life is probably better than yours.
Hahaha as you bitch and moan about the American way of life! I own my own home, I'm retired and I have everything I need. You have to work two jobs to get by. I never have had to do that. You are one stupid son of a bitch obviously LOL
China is in Decline, America needs a strong leader like Donald Trump to lead us out of Harris Biden's malaise of inflation and high prices.

I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.

China is one of the biggest polluters of our Earth in the world, they don't care. Their economy is in Decline their people are repressed and they still keep slaves. You are way off base. Like I said why don't you move to China, you are not a tree.

Well, first, I don't speak Mandarin.
Second, I'm a patriot. I want to fix this country. Unfortunately, that will involve utterly CRUSHING the Trump cult.

You Democrats made sure that covid fucked us up bad. Donald Trump did a great job with the economy and managing it.

Again, first president since Hoover to lose jobs.

Over regulation is a bad thing. It takes someone with intelligence ( something you don't really have) to regulate responsibly. That's why Donald Trump did such a good job

Trump is too much of a moron to understand the effects of his policies. He thinks Tariffs are paid by the country they are imposed against. This is how stupid Trump really is.

Those were INCENTIVES to join the military. Incentives are something foreign to Communism, they just strong arm their people into doing whatever they need. Your values are misguided

We only started giving 'incentives" when people got sick and tired of conscription. Try again.

Misogyny is alive and well in Asian culture. Especially China You're loving that.
Um, domestic violence is common everywhere. That's why we say a redneck wearing a sleeveless t-shirt is wearing a "Wife-beater"
Hahaha as you bitch and moan about the American way of life! I own my own home, I'm retired and I have everything I need. You have to work two jobs to get by. I never have had to do that. You are one stupid son of a bitch obviously LOL
Naw, guy, I"m working two jobs because I am building something...a concept you don't understand.

The American way of life is in decline.

But I'm sure you are very happy in your Double Wide, Cleetus.
Naw, guy, I"m working two jobs because I am building something...a concept you don't understand.

The American way of life is in decline.

But I'm sure you are very happy in your Double Wide, Cleetus.
Hahaha fuck you. You are one ignorant son of a bitch LOL
I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.
And that's good enough for me to vote for Trump. China is an authoritarian communist government.
Well, first, I don't speak Mandarin.
Second, I'm a patriot. I want to fix this country. Unfortunately, that will involve utterly CRUSHING the Trump cult.
Who cares if you don't speak Mandarin. If you want to fix this country you will elect Trump. Intelligent people will be voting Trump
Again, first president since Hoover to lose jobs.
Covid cost us all those jobs. Biden did nothing to hold China accountable. try again bozo
Trump is too much of a moron to understand the effects of his policies. He thinks Tariffs are paid by the country they are imposed against. This is how stupid Trump really is.
Trump's policy work. Did you not read the article I sent you about his tax cuts? I bet you didn't. You choose ignorance
We only started giving 'incentives" when people got sick and tired of conscription. Try again.
What does that have to do with the argument that the incentives are not communism? They don't give incentives in authoritarian communism they just take what they want from the people.
Um, domestic violence is common everywhere. That's why we say a redneck wearing a sleeveless t-shirt is wearing a "Wife-beater"
China runs its women with an iron fist. That's whats so attractive to you. I get it
Since you can't use the quote feature properly, I'm not going to waste my time on most of your drivel.

What does that have to do with the argument that the incentives are not communism? They don't give incentives in authoritarian communism they just take what they want from the people.

Wait, who do you think are paying these Veteran's Benefits?

They take the money from the taxpayers and redistribute it to people who were already being paid a salary for their services.

Trump's policy work. Did you not read the article I sent you about his tax cuts? I bet you didn't. You choose ignorance

Trump's tax cuts ran up 9 trillion in new debt while only producing less than 3% GDP growth. That's really not a good deal at all.
I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.
A great reason to vote for Trump. China is a an authoritarian government that uses it's people like pawns. They know Trump wouldn't allow that.
Well, first, I don't speak Mandarin.
Second, I'm a patriot. I want to fix this country. Unfortunately, that will involve utterly CRUSHING the Trump cult.
Was I speaking mandarin? You are really flailing now.
Again, first president since Hoover to lose jobs.
Yeah covid was really bad. Why didn't Biden harris hold China accountable for that virus? Oh it's because his hand is in their pocket, I get it.
Trump is too much of a moron to understand the effects of his policies. He thinks Tariffs are paid by the country they are imposed against. This is how stupid Trump really is.
He knows exactly how to run an economy. It's obvious from looking at his first term and breaking it down. Just because you were left behind because you're stupid doesn't mean the rest of us were.
We only started giving 'incentives" when people got sick and tired of conscription. Try again.
Incentives are good things if they are for good causes. That is what America is all about. A meritocracy.
Since you can't use the quote feature properly, I'm not going to waste my time on most of your drivel.
I think it's more of you being a coward then my inability to use the quote feature.
Wait, who do you think are paying these Veteran's Benefits?

They take the money from the taxpayers and redistribute it to people who were already being paid a salary for their services.
We need a strong military. Who pays for that? You think we shouldn't be paying for veterans benefits?
Trump's tax cuts ran up 9 trillion in new debt while only producing less than 3% GDP growth. That's really not a good deal at all.
Again you obviously didn't read the article. The tax cuts were awesome. Helped many. You are practicing deception with your 9 trillion dollar price tag, typical Democrat
Nope, Cleetus, you still haven't figured out the quote feature...

Much too complicated for you, I'm sure.
You're just too much of a coward to respond with any substance to any of my arguments. A coward who shills for China in a free country like America who is too stupid to make it without working two jobs and just bitches and moans about how the mean white people are so repressive.
I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.
And that's good enough for me to vote for Trump. China is an authoritarian communist government.
Well, first, I don't speak Mandarin.
Second, I'm a patriot. I want to fix this country. Unfortunately, that will involve utterly CRUSHING the Trump cult.
Who cares if you don't speak Mandarin. If you want to fix this country you will elect Trump. Intelligent people will be voting Trump
Again, first president since Hoover to lose jobs.
Covid cost us all those jobs. Biden did nothing to hold China accountable. try again bozo
Trump is too much of a moron to understand the effects of his policies. He thinks Tariffs are paid by the country they are imposed against. This is how stupid Trump really is.
Trump's policy work. Did you not read the article I sent you about his tax cuts? I bet you didn't. You choose ignorance
We only started giving 'incentives" when people got sick and tired of conscription. Try again.
What does that have to do with the argument that the incentives are not communism? They don't give incentives in authoritarian communism they just take what they want from the people.
Um, domestic violence is common everywhere. That's why we say a redneck wearing a sleeveless t-shirt is wearing a "Wife-beater"
China runs its women with an iron fist. That's whats so attractive to you. I get it

Quote Reply Blisterfinger
Report •••

[IMG alt="JoeB131"][/IMG]


Diamond Member​

You're just too much of a coward to respond with any substance to any of my arguments. A coward who shills for China in a free country like America who is too stupid to make it without working two jobs and just bitches and moans about how the mean white people are so repressive.
You should probably take a remedial course in how to operate the controls here.

This isn't a free country unless you are white, male, and straight. Fortunately for me, I'm all three, but I can still see the unfairness of it all.


Now, I will admit that early in my relationship with Mrs. B131 that she would show me video's from China (yes, they can freely make videos over there, amazing) that had things that struck me as odd. But again, that's their culture. It works for them.
You should probably take a remedial course in how to operate the controls here.

This isn't a free country unless you are white, male, and straight. Fortunately for me, I'm all three, but I can still see the unfairness of it all.


Now, I will admit that early in my relationship with Mrs. B131 that she would show me video's from China (yes, they can freely make videos over there, amazing) that had things that struck me as odd. But again, that's their culture. It works for them.
I'm sure the Chinese are cheering for a second Trump term. Nothing better than when your adversaries self-destruct.
And that's good enough for me to vote for Trump. China is an authoritarian communist government.
Well, first, I don't speak Mandarin.
Second, I'm a patriot. I want to fix this country. Unfortunately, that will involve utterly CRUSHING the Trump cult.
Who cares if you don't speak Mandarin. If you want to fix this country you will elect Trump. Intelligent people will be voting Trump
Again, first president since Hoover to lose jobs.
Covid cost us all those jobs. Biden did nothing to hold China accountable. try again bozo
Trump is too much of a moron to understand the effects of his policies. He thinks Tariffs are paid by the country they are imposed against. This is how stupid Trump really is.
Trump's policy work. Did you not read the article I sent you about his tax cuts? I bet you didn't. You choose ignorance
We only started giving 'incentives" when people got sick and tired of conscription. Try again.
What does that have to do with the argument that the incentives are not communism? They don't give incentives in authoritarian communism they just take what they want from the people.
Um, domestic violence is common everywhere. That's why we say a redneck wearing a sleeveless t-shirt is wearing a "Wife-beater"
China runs its women with an iron fist. That's whats so attractive to you. I get it

You should probably take a remedial course in how to operate the controls here.

This isn't a free country unless you are white, male, and straight. Fortunately for me, I'm all three, but I can still see the unfairness of it all.


Now, I will admit that early in my relationship with Mrs. B131 that she would show me video's from China (yes, they can freely make videos over there, amazing) that had things that struck me as odd. But again, that's their culture. It works for them.

Unless it doesn't and they murder and enslave you. You are one ignorant American. LOL

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