Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

Covid wasn't China's fault. The only difference is while they had very competent leaders who dealt with it, we had a game show host who was concerned if he was getting better ratings than "The Bachelor".
Covid came from a lab in Wuhan China. Dr fauci had a hand in helping them develop it, China allowed it to get out into the world. These people need to be held accountable but unfortunately we have a coward and traitor in our White House. Donald Trump knew it all along and you poo pooed it that the virus came from Wuhan. Why do you live in this country? We don't really want you. Your ideas are Half Baked and stupid. We will never adopt communism.
You are sadly misinformed or is it disinformed. It is because of people like you that totalitarian governments grow and prosper. Sad. Where did you get your education? We were ripped off

December 2020, research seen by the BBC showed that up to half a million people were being forced to pick cotton in Xinjiang. There is evidence that new factories have been built within the grounds of the re-education camps.

The Uyghurs are Muslim Terrorists. We had Uyghurs locked up in Gitmo. Also, saying WEEEE-GRRRRR is really funny. Given the Weeee-Grrr population has grown over the last 30 years, it's probably the lamest genocide ever.

Here's the problem with stupid people like you. You don't understand Chinese history or culture.

Whenever one of you twits whine about Taiwan or Tibet or Xinjiang or Hong Kong, it's because you don't understand that China looks at these as national sovereignty issues. Every last one of them involved another country infringing on their territory during the "Century of Humiliation" between 1839 to 1949 when the Communists finally won.

For instance, Xinjiang is an autonomous region (as is Tibet and several other regions not inhabited by Han Chinese). Hong Kong has been allowed to maintain their own system as long as they uphold Chinese law. That's pretty reasonable.
Covid came from a lab in Wuhan China. Dr fauci had a hand in helping them develop it,

Ah, here comes the...

The Uyghurs are Muslim Terrorists. We had Uyghurs locked up in Gitmo. Also, saying WEEEE-GRRRRR is really funny. Given the Weeee-Grrr population has grown over the last 30 years, it's probably the lamest genocide ever.

Here's the problem with stupid people like you. You don't understand Chinese history or culture.

Whenever one of you twits whine about Taiwan or Tibet or Xinjiang or Hong Kong, it's because you don't understand that China looks at these as national sovereignty issues. Every last one of them involved another country infringing on their territory during the "Century of Humiliation" between 1839 to 1949 when the Communists finally won.

For instance, Xinjiang is an autonomous region (as is Tibet and several other regions not inhabited by Han Chinese). Hong Kong has been allowed to maintain their own system as long as they uphold Chinese law. That's pretty reasonable.
Fuck you , did you even read that article? Communist
Fuck you , did you even read that article? Communist

I've seen it all before. When it gets as bad as what the USA did to my Cherokee ancestors, let me know.

You are just downright stupid. Hopefully you'll get what you deserve. Are you enjoying all the benefits that living in the United States afford you? Fucking communist

After serving in the Army for 11 years, the country probably owes me a couple.

But I really have no time for stupid people who embrace conspiracy theories to try to deflect from the fact their Orange Messiah was more concerned about his ratings than solving the problem.
I've seen it all before. When it gets as bad as what the USA did to my Cherokee ancestors, let me know.

After serving in the Army for 11 years, the country probably owes me a couple.

But I really have no time for stupid people who embrace conspiracy theories to try to deflect from the fact their Orange Messiah was more concerned about his ratings than solving the problem.
I've seen it all before. When it gets as bad as what the USA did to my Cherokee ancestors, let me know.
Oh you poor baby. You are lucky you don't live in china! LOL moron
I've seen it all before. When it gets as bad as what the USA did to my Cherokee ancestors, let me know.

After serving in the Army for 11 years, the country probably owes me a couple.

But I really have no time for stupid people who embrace conspiracy theories to try to deflect from the fact their Orange Messiah was more concerned about his ratings than solving the problem.
How stupid of you. As I've shown Donald Trump had a great economy until China Unleashed covid. We need that back.
You seem to be the type who needs the stiff arm of a government to tell you how to run your life. What kind of car to drive, how to heat your house Etc. Spineless
Oh you poor baby. You are lucky you don't live in china! LOL moron
My wife lived most of her life in China. It wasn't a happy experience, which is why she came here, but it's not the crazy dystopia you all claim it is.

How stupid of you. As I've shown Donald Trump had a great economy until China Unleashed covid.

No, he didn't. He inherited a good economy from Obama, managed to fuck it up with dumb policies like tariffs, and then Covid kicked in the rotting ediface.

You seem to be the type who needs the stiff arm of a government to tell you how to run your life. What kind of car to drive, how to heat your house Etc. Spineless

You seem like the type who thinks that if the world doesn't indulge your excesses, you aren't free. So you drive a big old gas guzzler and then whine when the price of gasoline goes up.
My wife lived most of her life in China. It wasn't a happy experience, which is why she came here, but it's not the crazy dystopia you all claim it is.

No, he didn't. He inherited a good economy from Obama, managed to fuck it up with dumb policies like tariffs, and then Covid kicked in the rotting ediface.

You seem like the type who thinks that if the world doesn't indulge your excesses, you aren't free. So you drive a big old gas guzzler and then whine when the price of gasoline goes up.
My wife lived most of her life in China. It wasn't a happy experience, which is why she came here, but it's not the crazy dystopia you all claim it is.

How stupid of you, does she know you shill for China on here?

You definitely seem like the type who needs the arm of big government to reach into your home and tell you what kind of car you can drive. Good luck with that, you may receive it with your attitude

Obama's recovery was the worst and slowest in the history of the us. When Trump was elected it was like an injection of steroids. Everything went up, personal income, median income of households, taxes went down. Harris wants to discontinue the Trump tax cuts and fuck us all.
How stupid of you, does she know you shill for China on here?
Politics bore her.

You definitely seem like the type who needs the arm of big government to reach into your home and tell you what kind of car you can drive.

Um, the government already tells me what kind of car to drive. My car is required to have anti-lock breaks, airbags, backup cameras,

Obama's recovery was the worst and slowest in the history of the us.

Because Bush rat-fucked the economy that bad. Try to pay attention.

When Trump was elected it was like an injection of steroids.

You mean it made our balls smaller and acne break out on our backs?

Everything went up, personal income, median income of households, taxes went down. Harris wants to discontinue the Trump tax cuts and fuck us all.
Every time the rich are made to pay their fair share, you guys scream that and it never happens.

Do you know what causes a recession every time it happens? Electing a Republican President. I think the last one who didn't have a recession was Calvin Coolidge.
Politics bore her.

Um, the government already tells me what kind of car to drive. My car is required to have anti-lock breaks, airbags, backup cameras,

Because Bush rat-fucked the economy that bad. Try to pay attention.

You mean it made our balls smaller and acne break out on our backs?

Every time the rich are made to pay their fair share, you guys scream that and it never happens.

Do you know what causes a recession every time it happens? Electing a Republican President. I think the last one who didn't have a recession was Calvin Coolidge.
Every time the rich are made to pay their fair share, you guys scream that and it never happens.
You poor baby, don't you get enough perks from the government for being Indian? LOL did some nasty rich person throw a quarter at you while you were begging on the side of the road?. Really you're probably too lazy to work hard and earn your way to the top, typical Democrat.
Politics bore her.

Um, the government already tells me what kind of car to drive. My car is required to have anti-lock breaks, airbags, backup cameras,

Because Bush rat-fucked the economy that bad. Try to pay attention.

You mean it made our balls smaller and acne break out on our backs?

Every time the rich are made to pay their fair share, you guys scream that and it never happens.

Do you know what causes a recession every time it happens? Electing a Republican President. I think the last one who didn't have a recession was Calvin Coolidge.
Um, the government already tells me what kind of car to drive. My car is required to have anti-lock breaks, airbags, backup cameras,
And you love it. You really should think about growing a spine
You poor baby, don't you get enough perks from the government for being Indian? LOL did some nasty rich person throw a quarter at you while you were begging on the side of the road?. Really you're probably too lazy to work hard and earn your way to the top, typical Democrat.

Wow, you draw conclusions. I guess I should have clarified that like many Americans, my Native American ancestry is only part of the puzzle, but you don't seem very bright.

I pay my fair share. The rich need to pay theirs.

And you love it. You really should think about growing a spine

Probably done more brave stuff than you ever have.

So she doesn't care that you would like to turn the United States into China. Is she stupid like you?

Never said that. However, we should look at some things China (and other countries) are doing right, and see if they could work here.

"a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the experiences of others." - Otto von Bismarck
Wow, you draw conclusions. I guess I should have clarified that like many Americans, my Native American ancestry is only part of the puzzle, but you don't seem very bright.

I pay my fair share. The rich need to pay theirs.

Probably done more brave stuff than you ever have.

Never said that. However, we should look at some things China (and other countries) are doing right, and see if they could work here.

"a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the experiences of others." - Otto von Bismarck
pay my fair share. The rich need to pay theirs.
Rich people do pay their fair share. They just have a lot more money than you or I do. You wanting to do something about that is more the problem than the solution. The Bible says not to covet thy neighbor's possessions, that's a good principle to live by. Stop being jealous, stamping your feet whining and crying. Very Unbecoming
Wow, you draw conclusions. I guess I should have clarified that like many Americans, my Native American ancestry is only part of the puzzle, but you don't seem very bright.

I pay my fair share. The rich need to pay theirs.

Probably done more brave stuff than you ever have.

Never said that. However, we should look at some things China (and other countries) are doing right, and see if they could work here.

"a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the experiences of others." - Otto von Bismarck
What is China doing right? They are an authoritarian communist government. You seem to be enamored with the way they run things there. Makes me wonder about your intelligence.
Wow, you draw conclusions. I guess I should have clarified that like many Americans, my Native American ancestry is only part of the puzzle, but you don't seem very bright.

I pay my fair share. The rich need to pay theirs.

Probably done more brave stuff than you ever have.

Never said that. However, we should look at some things China (and other countries) are doing right, and see if they could work here.

"a fool learns from his own mistakes, a wise man learns from the experiences of others." - Otto von Bismarck
Probably done more brave stuff than you ever have.
I highly doubt it have you ever been in the military?
Wow, you draw conclusions. I guess I should have clarified that like many Americans, my Native American ancestry is only part of the puzzle, but you don't seem very bright.
You don't get benefits from your Native American ancestry? And you call me not very bright?

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