Weird Tim Walz says his inability to speak proper English is why people think he lied about his military service

If Trump gets elected, we're screwed.
The man has fucked up everything he has ever touched.

He fucked up the country in 2020.

Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results.
Prosperity , Low taxes
Peace in the Middle East
Putin staying out of Ukraine
Low energy prices
Low Grocery bills
Secure Southern border

This is the touch of trump.. Insanity is not re-electing him. Covid fucked up the country ,exasperated by incompetent harris Biden.
Actually, I voted for him and Bush twice.

Then in 2008, I found myself with an underwater mortgage, a busted 401K, and a job that required me to take a 30% pay cut.

Never again.
Government was responsible for much of that. Your solution: MORE GOVERNMENT.
Trump supporters are in a cult. Whether you are drinking the Koolaid or just pretending to is irrelevant.
...says the Communist.
Why do you go to the absurd extremes when you can't make your point?

I like drinking clean water.
I like breathing clean air.
I like that the products I buy aren't going to kill me. (usually)
I make my point all the time. Your refusal to consider my point is a you problem.

Got anything from this decade? No? Okay, then.
Prosperity , Low taxes
Peace in the Middle East
Putin staying out of Ukraine
Low energy prices
Low Grocery bills
Secure Southern border

I guess I missed that.

I seem to remember massive unemployment, empty shelves in the grocery store you had to wait in line to get into, riots in the streets, thousand of people dying of Covid.

You guys like to claim the Titanic was making excellent time until it hit the iceberg, but the point is, it hit the iceberg and that's what it's remembered for.
Government was responsible for much of that. Your solution: MORE GOVERNMENT.

Actually, REPUBLICANS in government were responsible for that. Or do you think it's a coincidence that 10 of the last 11 recessions happened when a Republican was in charge?

I make my point all the time. Your refusal to consider my point is a you problem.

because your points are idiotic. Business's only obligation is to make a profit for their investors. The only way you deter them from doing bad shit is to make it unprofitable to do so, and the government is really the only agency that can do that.

That's why we have clean water and air, because the government mandated it.

Got anything from this decade? No? Okay, then.

Um, this is what Trump did last time he was in charge. Fuck them consumers!

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