How do we Know Human are Causing Climate Change?

All of which still fails to contain:
  • Predictability
  • Quantifiability
  • Fasifiablility
  • A static control
  • Any baseline proposal of what the "ideal" temperature should be

And the warmer Bozos still claim that they're proponents of science.
"This time it's different, cuz we can use scare tactics and fake data for money, power and control!" Who will be head of the Global Carbon Police Force?
While I support your efforts to clear up all the misconception about GHGs ... I must insist we replace the nonsense with actual known science ... what you describe is equilibrium ... the Northern Hemisphere is in thermodynamic equilibrium with the Southern at all times, equal amounts of energy, on average ... there's no such thing as a "planetary climate" except perhaps Oceanic ... that is pretty much identical over 71% of the Earth's surface ...

You're underthinking this if you're not accounting for latent heat ... and how that energy is convected away from the oceans without changing temperature ... 334 J/g and 2265 J/g ... can you at least try to apply the Laws of Thermodynamics ...

ETA: The energy required to evaporate one gram of water would raise the temperature of a kilogram of air by 2.2ºC ...
None of which matters unless it is placed in the context of landmass configuration specifically the polar regions and the resulting climate at those critical locations. You aren't getting bipolar glaciation without the polar regions being thermally isolated from warm marine currents. The southern pole has had a polar ice cap for 30 million years. The northern pole has only had a polar ice cap - cyclically - for the last 3-5 million years. It's idiotic to have a climate discussion that doesn't start with the features which establish climate.
None of which matters unless it is placed in the context of landmass configuration specifically the polar regions and the resulting climate at those critical locations. You aren't getting bipolar glaciation without the polar regions being thermally isolated from warm marine currents. The southern pole has had a polar ice cap for 30 million years. The northern pole has only had a polar ice cap - cyclically - for the last 3-5 million years. It's idiotic to have a climate discussion that doesn't start with the features which establish climate.

Polar climates? ... critical locations? ... thermal isolation? ...

An idealized blackbody radiator re-radiates all the energy it receives ... the Earth's surface is nearly so ... there's no critical locations or thermal isolation ... unless you can explain what you mean ... just remember it requires a force to perform work ...

It's idiotic to have a climate discussion that doesn't start with the six meteorological parameters ... and the multi-dimensional vector space this creates ... including convection and continentiality ... both of which you choose to ignore ...
Polar climates? ... critical locations? ... thermal isolation? ...

An idealized blackbody radiator re-radiates all the energy it receives ... the Earth's surface is nearly so ... there's no critical locations or thermal isolation ... unless you can explain what you mean ... just remember it requires a force to perform work ...

It's idiotic to have a climate discussion that doesn't start with the six meteorological parameters ... and the multi-dimensional vector space this creates ... including convection and continentiality ... both of which you choose to ignore ...
It's idiotic to start any climate conversation without starting with what is happening in the polar regions. Look at the oxygen isotope curve and read the annotations. If you want to understand the climate record, you have to study the climate record and that starts with this curve. Are you really going to make me walk you through what this curve is telling you?

It's idiotic to start any climate conversation without starting with what is happening in the polar regions. Look at the oxygen isotope curve and read the annotations. If you want to understand the climate record, you have to study the climate record and that starts with this curve. Are you really going to make me walk you through what this curve is telling you?

View attachment 1008412

Then go look in the polar regions ...

Tell me how the oxygen isotope ratio describes wind direction and velocity? ... that's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer ...

Straight down, dry as any ... always has been always will be ... climate change at her finest ...
Then go look in the polar regions ...

Tell me how the oxygen isotope ratio describes wind direction and velocity? ... that's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer ...

Straight down, dry as any ... always has been always will be ... climate change at her finest ...
Tell me how wind direction, wind velocity, convection, idealized blackbody radiators and any other stupid red herring that you can think up affected the temperature record? ... that's a rhetorical question, you don't have to answer ...

If you can't see from the geologic record that the planet - oceans and atmosphere - cool when the northern hemisphere glaciates and that the planet - oceans and atmosphere - warm when the northern hemisphere deglaciates then you might be dumber than Apu and EMH.
All the above is taxpayer funded crap by a group of liars who cannot answer basic climate questions without exposing the truth that Co2 is the cause of precisely nothing regarding Earth climate change.

1. Why does one Earth polar circle have 9+ times the ice of the other?
2. Why is there ice age glacier south of Arctic Circle on Greenland but no such ice age glacier north of Arctic Circle on Alaska?
3. If the oceans are "warming" why is the record decade for canes still the 1940s?
4. If the oceans are "rising" why can't we see one single photo of land sinking?
5. How did Co2 thaw North America and freeze Greenland at the same time?

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