Kamala Wants Price Controls on Groceries, Venezuelan-Style

Well look at that... I'm opposed to creating food shortages as well! We are in agreement!
Well if you are opposed to creating food shortages, then you are opposed to telling grocery stores how to price their products! Glad we finally agree on something.
Well if Harris is proposing that idea I suppose she wants to help the poorer citizens that are most impacted by price gouging in the states that you are dismissing as “stupid”.

It isn't a federal issue.

The fed has no business being in this kind of arena.

And if they pass a law 37 laws become overruled. Why bother electing state officials is that is the case.

Learn the Constitution.
Wasn’t capping the price of insulin also a national government control thing?

It was, and it's the government picking winners and losers.

You may have saved some money in the short run, but in the long run, there will be consequences.
It was, and it's the government picking winners and losers.

You may have saved some money in the short run, but in the long run, there will be consequences.
I take a med that costs me $540 every three months. I guess the government didn’t pick my condition to be a winner.

In fact, the government forcing drug companies to practically give away insulin is why they have to make uo the loss by overcharging for my drug.

There’s no free lunch. When the government artificially lowers the price for some products, other people pay the price.
Nope. It will drive groceries out of business if they can’t increase their prices to keep up with their COGS. I’m opposed to creating food shortages.

In the more general case, price clears the market.

They can't seem to understand that.

If the price is gouging, people won't pay. Their products sit on the shelves and they don't clear.

Why do car companies sell the crap out of last years models ?

If it does clear and there is no "shortage" you have the right price. That is how it works.

I don't give a flying fig about how much it went up. If it clears, it's the correct price.

In theory, someone should be moving in to capture that price, create compentition and keep prices low.

The main reason that doesn't happen......the federal government.
I take a med that costs me $540 every three months. I guess the government didn’t pick my condition to be a winner.

In fact, the government forcing drug companies to practically give away insulin is why they have to make uo the loss by overcharging for my drug.

There’s no free lunch. When the government artificially lowers the price for some products, other people pay the price.

You just don't know what the consequences are.

I am totally for anti-trust. But they make it so hard to compete with all the rules and regulations.....you have to wonder.

Look what Obamacare did to the insurancce business. They pulled out of a lot of markets.
You just don't know what the consequences are.

I am totally for anti-trust. But they make it so hard to compete with all the rules and regulations.....you have to wonder.

Look what Obamacare did to the insurancce business. They pulled out of a lot of markets.
Tell me about it. I was self-employed at the time, buying a good individual policy - and I had many to choose from. After Obamacare, the individual market dried up, and I ended up having to pay twice as much in premiums, for a policy with triple the deductible, and with a slim network of doctors (a form of rationing).
Tell me about it. I was self-employed at the time, buying a good individual policy - and I had many to choose from. After Obamacare, the individual market dried up, and I ended up having to pay twice as much in premiums, for a policy with triple the deductible, and with a slim network of doctors (a form of rationing).

Not an uncommon story.

But....but....but....we insured so many.....

It's so popular.

A bronze plan is pretty much a super expensive catastrophic plan.

And it's not that popular
Well if you are opposed to creating food shortages, then you are opposed to telling grocery stores how to price their products! Glad we finally agree on something.
We never were in disagreement with that.
It isn't a federal issue.

The fed has no business being in this kind of arena.

And if they pass a law 37 laws become overruled. Why bother electing state officials is that is the case.

Learn the Constitution.
If the move is unconstitutional then it can be appealed and overruled. The feds have plenty of laws that over rule state laws. This wouldn’t be a new thing
Not an uncommon story.

But....but....but....we insured so many.....

It's so popular.

A bronze plan is pretty much a super expensive catastrophic plan.

And it's not that popular
Exactly. The bronze plan was a catastrophic care plan, but priced like a regular insurance plan. Had to be that way because OTHER people got free plans.

So, we had a middle-aged woman paying $12,000 a year in premiums, and that covered nothing until after $6,000 of expenses are paid while OTHER people got silver plans at a cost of $30 a month. That’s socialism for you - the government controls who gets what and who pays what, and it’s ALWAYS taking money away from some to give it to others.
We’re attacking companies for their profits. Which while true there are some scumbags out there. The government through taxes makes more than any of them. The profit for a gallon of gas for Exxon is far less than what the government made in taxes over the entire process. It’s probably the same for drug makers. Obiecare tried to collect the taxes from the suppliers of medical equipment to make the medical equipment free. Try to figure that one out.

The one profit gained without any risk involved is taxing those trying to make something. Yet that’s never the democrats solution. It’s always the asshole providing the product that’s gouging you. Never the taxes.
If the move is unconstitutional then it can be appealed and overruled. The feds have plenty of laws that over rule state laws. This wouldn’t be a new thing

What are you arguing ?

I am saying it would be wrong of her to do this. She could do it, but it would disenfanchise the choices of voters in states.

The goal of the constitution was to NOT HOMOGONIZE the nation.

Technically, it is unconstitutional.....but since when does that matter anymore ? :dunno:

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