Breaking News: New CPI inflation report lowest since 2021

But food costs as a percentage of income has increased, negating the wage growth. How many times will people experiencing this type of financial hardship have to tell you in this thread alone?

seems the amount spent on food has been growing at a steady rate for 50 plus years

I keep 5 years of spend in cash to ride out market collapses so I don't have to sell equities in a downturn. I'm getting ready to move another 2 years into cash before October.

I am 5 years from retiring and could go a few years if needed without touching the IRA/401ks so the money I have in money markets is basically just my rainy day fund
Why? Both parties have done it.
Thats not how it works.

Both parties are full of opportunists looking for any excuse to pounce on the other side.

This suggestion that there is some sort of party-wide conspiracy to look the other way at corrupt conduct by the opposition is silly. It would be a conspiracy far too broad to hold.
I am 5 years from retiring and could go a few years if needed without touching the IRA/401ks so the money I have in money markets is basically just my rainy day fund
I retired at the end of 2020 from 38 years in oil and gas. Fidelity recommended I put 10 years in cash and the rest in equities and bonds. Their thinking is that there has never been a 10 year period where the market has lost money. So if the market shits itself, having a cash reserve that makes a decent return keeps me from having to sell equities in a downturn. It's a good strategy.

At the time I thought a 10 year reserve was too much. I was greedy. I wanted to make a better return. So I kept 5 years in cash. Which was fine because in 2023 I took a consulting gig, so I wasn't too worried about only having 5 years of reserve. That gig is ending this year and I'm thinking of upping it to 7.
Thats not how it works. Both parties are full of opportunists looking to pounce on the other side.
It is how it works. Social security payments are indexed on inflation. The higher the number they report for inflation, the more money they have to pay out in social security payments.
I retired at the end of 2020 from 38 years in oil and gas. Fidelity recommended I put 10 years in cash and the rest in equities and bonds. Their thinking is that there has never been a 10 year period where the market has lost money. So if the market shits itself, having a cash reserve that makes a decent return keeps me from having to sell equities in a downturn. It's a good strategy.

At the time I thought a 10 year reserve was too much. I was greedy. I wanted to make a better return. So I kept 5 years in cash. Which was fine because in 2023 I took a consulting gig, so I wasn't too worried about only having 5 years of reserve. That gig is ending this year and I'm thinking of upping it to 7.

It does make sense to have some, but 10 years does seem like a lot.

Do you have any other income sources, pension or such?
People arereducing their purchases of steak or the amount of it. In fact, there was a report on TV that many have replaced steak with sausage. Thank You old Joe. Thank You for the inflation and unifying our nation.

Oh the humanity
It is how it works. Social security payments are indexed on inflation. The higher the number they report for inflation, the more money they have to pay out in social security payments.

THEY don't pay out anything silly.

It comes out of Federal budget, not their personal finances for them to want to conceal something in some crazy, broad conspiracy.
It is. It's a lot easier though if it actually earns a decent return. 5% is amazing. I would hate to see that drop.

I can see why you do not want the rates to drop.

Would be tempting to move more to a CD with locked in rates if I were in your shoes.
Do you go grocery shopping? Do you pay bills? You aren't without the ability to have an idea what prices are doing.

Yes, I don't see any obvious difference compared to last year and niether would you on any objective level unless you specifically tracked your spending in some sort of consistent, detailed manner.
THEY don't pay out anything silly.

It comes out of Federal budget, not their personal finances for them to want to conceal something in some crazy, broad conspiracy.
Sorry, but they take out social security out of a paycheck and then give it back to you when you retire. Or that's at least how it's supposed to work.
THEY don't pay out anything silly. It comes out of Federal budget, not their personal finances.
You do realize that they have to finance that budget, right? Do you have any idea of the shit storm that is headed this way. The percentage of tax revenue needed to service the debt is increasing. Do you have any idea what will happen if the US defaults on T bills?
Then don't worry. I'm sure you won't have any problems.
Dummy, state of national economy is not about you or me on individual level.

Just because I'm personally doing well, does not mean the country overall is and vice versa.
You do realize that they have to finance that budget, right? Do you have any idea of the shit storm that is headed this way. The percentage of tax revenue needed to service the debt is increasing. Do you have any idea what will happen if the US defaults on T bills?

No THEY don't have to, at least no more than anyone else who pays taxes and lives in this country.

Your conspiracies are baseless bs and unless you have some serious evidence of improper official inflation number manipulations no one ought to be taking it seriously.

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