Breaking News: New CPI inflation report lowest since 2021

Thats right, all you have are your bias feelings about your experience to go on, not well organized and quantified analisys that could be taken seriously.

Anyone that is reading your opinions should be saying - Thank you, no. Official macroeconomic data by proffesional economists is far more credible.
If the CDO fiasco (subprime lending/derivatives) didn't convince you that the system is fraudulent, nothing will. The banks, rating agencies and federal government were all complicit.
Yeah, basically. And wages have just not paced prices for decades. And our embarrassing wealth and income gaps both make everything worse. Especially inflation.
Inflation is one of the main reasons for the income gap. When the cost of money is low the price of tangible items increase. Wages are not tangible items.
Nobody but me buys my groceries or pays my bills. And no economist of any sort can tell me that what I know I am paying can't be true because their data says otherwise. Most especially when they are deep state operatives trying to make a terrible administration look better than it is.

What are you paying and how does it compare to last year? Can you coherently answer?
If they are predictable then go ahead and predict them. Double dare you.
When the dollar is devalued, if you have debt, you will lose everything and be out on the street. If you don't have debt, you will struggle to provide for your family.
There is always a certain amount of luck involved. A friend of mine has been with ATT forever and will get a pension, they tried to take away the lump sum option but had too much push back. He does not trust ATT to not lower his pension after he retires so he is going lump sum. That is a nice thing we do not have to worry about with the Govt pensions, plus they get COLA increases.

Pretty much every book I have read and every podcast I have listened to say this same thing.
Yep, unless it's the federal or state government, it's always advisable to take the lump sum so that you can manage it yourself. It's a bird in the hand thing. Leaving it with the company is not a sure thing. The downside to taking the lump sum is you have to be a competent money manager to make it last.
Nonsense. Some inflation is healthy and normal, to reflect economic growth.

The reason for the income gap is disempowerment of labor and our laughable tax code.
Did you read why I said there was an income gap? Because you didn't address it. When the cost of money is low, tangible items inflate. Wages are not tangible items. The people who owned stuff had their wealth protected from inflation because the value of the stuff rose with inflation. Wages were not protected from inflation like tangible items were protected from inflation.
What are you paying and how does it compare to last year? Can you coherently answer?
I gave you two examples. Last year that head of lettuce cost $1.79. This year $1.99 Last year that loaf of bread cost $1.89 This year $1.99. But both years the cost of those items is well over 100% of what I was paying in 2019/20.
When the dollar is devalued, if you have debt, you will lose everything and be out on the street.
Wtf? When the dollar is devalued, so is your fixed DOLLAR debt.

You really have no clue what you are talking about, do you?
The reason for the income gap is disempowerment of labor and our laughable tax code.
What does that even mean in practical terms? Walk me through how disempowerment created a gap. Walk me through how the tax code created the gap. It's not lack of taxes that created the gap. It's increased earnings that created the gap. Their earning increased because they owned stuff. And the value of that stuff increased because the cost of money was low and the value of that stuff rose because prices became inflated because the cost of money was low which is what led to the inflating prices.
Did you read why I said there was an income gap? Because you didn't address it. When the cost of money is low, tangible items inflate. Wages are not tangible items. The people who owned stuff had their wealth protected from inflation because the value of the stuff rose with inflation. Wages were not protected from inflation like tangible items were protected from inflation.
And yet wages paced inflation for decades, until we changed our progressive tax code to more favor upper earners.

So your theory doesn't match the facts.
Wtf? When the dollar is devalued, so is your debt.
Nope. That's not how that works. What will happen is the economy will shut down but the banks will still demand your payments. And the price of everything will skyrocket. It will be the biggest shit show of your life.
When is economy shutting down bs peddler?

Go ahead, make a testable prediction. Just one.
No idea. Sometime in your lifetime is my best guess. Maybe look up the saeculum cycle. I don't really care to convince you. You are nothing to me. Whether you are prepared for it or not is of no concern to me.

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