Kamalla Harris wants Medicare for all

I've worked in healthcare for 20+ years .. and you don't know what you're talking about..
So in all your 20+ years have you ever heard of a civilized nation that repealed their universal health care and replaced it with the shit show that's offered here?
So in all your 20+ years have you ever heard of a civilized nation that repealed their universal health care and replaced it with the shit show that's offered here?
Private healthcare is much more efficient than government as a single payor and the reason many Canadians get private healthcare. Is it perfect? Hell no, but the more government becomes involved in health care, the more it will continue to deteriorate.
As I've said my whole life here...america just is inept ad to figuring out healthcare. Greatness meter ticks downward on this.
Private healthcare is much more efficient than government as a single payor and the reason many Canadians get private healthcare. Is it perfect? Hell no, but the more government becomes involved in health care, the more it will continue to deteriorate.
Answer my question and do it CORRECTLY this time!
Today of course, she won't dare publicly say it, but we know how she really feels.

I wish she would

I might vote for her

But this is just more bullshit from her to get votes

At least hillary and biden where honest enough when they said “UHC ain’t gonna happen”
I already did .. what part of "is it perfect? hell no" didn't you understand?
The correct answer is that no civilized nation has repealed their universal care and replaced with with what I call our shareholder healthcare system. Not a single one and none have any plans to do so. Why do you think that is?
We need the costs. Pettiness, stealing, corruption, accusations, a multi-cultural nation that was forcefully divided from Progress Socialist Communist politicians and their media/entertainer/elite shills is going to turn that into the worst albatross in human history.
We need the costs. Pettiness, stealing, corruption, accusations, a multi-cultural nation that was forcefully divided from Progress Socialist Communist politicians and their media/entertainer/elite shills is going to turn that into the worst albatross in human history.
You need professional help
The correct answer is that no civilized nation has repealed their universal care and replaced with with what I call our shareholder healthcare system. Not a single one and none have any plans to do so. Why do you think that is?
How are those working .. for countries like Canada?

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