Kamalla Harris wants Medicare for all

The ACA, while not perfect, shows Democrats do care. Want to fix the ACA? How? Are you going to suggest a bunch of bullshit like you have for 40 years?

The only thing Dimocrats "care" about, is getting you drunk on their government programs. This is how they will be controlling your life!
And fracking
and gun confiscation
and defunding the police
and dismantling ICE
and banning gas cars and trucks
and citizenship for illegals

How about this, we have a debate and she can answer these questions. Oh, that's right.

Yeah, and it would have been great if we would have had a candidate that would have penned her down with those questions, instead of rambling on about shit like the size of his crowds at his rallies.
I know what I am talking about. Health care for profit needs to go.

Yeah, it's clear you believe you have all the answers to everything, and that you should never be questioned about anything, especially if you're a white person who in your eyes needs to be quiet.
Yeah, and it would have been great if we would have had a candidate that would have penned her down with those questions, instead of rambling on about shit like the size of his crowds at his rallies.
So you wish you had a candidate that was more like kamala.

I bet you do.
Health insurance.


Then post.

In that order.

Yes of course it would be cheaper.

If it's cheaper, it would only be because the government has decided FOR YOU what quality, and type of care you will get. Hopefully if you need a kidney, you will be young enough that the nanny-state approves of you getting one.
If it's cheaper, it would only be because the government has decided FOR YOU what quality, and type of care you will get. Hopefully if you need a kidney, you will be young enough that the nanny-state approves of you getting one.
Uh, no.

It would be cheaper because the risk pool would be larger, and the invincibles would be in the risk pool.
I sold health insurance at one time in my life. We need to end health care for profit. You haven't looked into the eyes of a person who put down a premium, then finds out that an actuary has rated them up so high because they had a condition that the company didn't want to risk paying for, that they could not afford to keep the policy and had to live without health care.

Private health insurance is bullshit. The premiums go up every year no matter what. And this is the crap people like you want to impose on everyone.
The Irish have a system that might worth considering...

Everyone pays the same no matter what age or preexisting condition... The plan has a price and that is the price for everyone... What they have effectively done is not allow insurance companies to discriminate. Think about it, you are not allowed to charge more for a cup of coffee because someone is older or in a wheelchair...

So they have a couple of things that make it work... Risk equalisation is first, Insurance companies with higher risk pool(payments) get money from ones with lower risk pool... This just means filling up with younger won't make any difference to you bottom line.

Government also pays for long term illnesses like diabetes (all drugs and treatments). I have Diabetes 2 and get free Ozempic for the last 5 years. I think the government kicks in on thinks like cancer too but I don't know the details on that.

Private Insurance costs about $1800 a year. There is extra if you decide to get insurance after 60 but that isn't huge and it is mainly there so everyone gets it early in life i.e. 20s...
You should move there then, and then research the actual outcomes. Good luck!

How much of your income is taken to support a nationwide program? :auiqs.jpg:
Well, wife and I make a combined mid $100K. We pay a combined 18%.
If it's cheaper, it would only be because the government has decided FOR YOU what quality, and type of care you will get. Hopefully if you need a kidney, you will be young enough that the nanny-state approves of you getting one.
As opposed to the insurance company deciding if you need treatment? I have never been denied treatment requested by my doctor.
Today of course, she won't dare publicly say it, but we know how she really feels.

Instead of squandering hundreds of billions of dollars, our useless politicians could have given us a cheap, socialized healthcare plan; alongside with the standard healthcare we have in America. (The rich don't want socialized healthcare and the average person can't afford the system we have...so we need 2 systems.) People that can't afford America's unaffordable healthcare could get their appendix out before it bursts.

If they need a heart transplant, then go work 3 jobs and save up for 6 years to pay for it. The socialized plan would be for basics to keep it viable. But the American healthcare system is so greedy they don't want to lose a penny and would never accept a 2nd option. Plus, our politicians are absolute nincompoops and could never run a socialized healthcare system anyway.

bipoc wanabee.jpg
Some of the Advantage plans are rough. The rule that the more you pay in Premium the less you pay for care, the less you pay for premiums the more you pay for care.
It also has to do with the 'Inflation Reduction Act,' which shifted a portion of subsidized benefit payment to the payer and away from the government and the consumer. Healthcare companies responded by increasing premium costs and reducing benefits within the medical loss ratio, which requires 85% of the premium to go towards quality improvements and healthcare services and 15% for administrative fees and profits.
I was focused on the taxes, both federal, provincial, and local, to support the single-payer system they have in Canada.
That is our combined federal and Provincial on our tax return.

At any level, when you factor in what American spend on healthcare, Canadians pay about the same, often less.
Today of course, she won't dare publicly say it, but we know how she really feels.

DigitalDrifter, Aren't the majority of USA voters proponents of Medicare for all? The majority of USA voters voted for Democrats.
Respectfully, Supposn

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