Kamalla Harris wants Medicare for all

I was fresh out of college. My first professional gig. The owners, all Republicans. They're a big reason I'm pro labor, liberal and Democrat. Companies renigging on promises they make to sales people. Taking big accounts that I landed and making them "house" accounts and not paying me my 15%. Assholes. That's okay they lead miserable lives. They got money but if you want to find the owner, it won't be at home with his family. He's at the strip club divorced. How sad huh? He's like Trump. Raw dogging whores.

Anyways, Pete and I never made more money that we did at this place. Pete got the city of Detroit to buy from him. That city is SHADY! To do business in the city you have to grease palms. Anyways, I don't want to ramble. I sold $600K a year. Making $90 in the 90's. I NEVER complained. Pete however made 3 times as much as I did and cried all the time about the taxes he had to pay. It's sad. It's sick. Someone who hits the lotto then complains about the taxes.

All city governments are SHADY. The worst corruption is all at the municipal level. That's because these people make so little money that they're easily corrupted. The first lawyer I ever worked for taught me that. He said you could always tell is a re-zoning application was "bought and paid for" because the City advertized it in the North York Mirror - a free paper put out monthly in
only the North York area of the city. Nobody reads the thing. It's a bird cage liner.

He said that the law requires the City to advertize these applications in a "newspaper having a general circulation in the area". Since the Mirror was delivered to every home in North York, it met the criteria, even if nobody read it. Nobody read it therefore nobody would object to the application.

Big money construction is the worst. Bribery and corruption at every level. Trump is telling the truth when he talks about all of the politicians he's bribed. Even builders I would otherwise consider honest businessmen, will reluctantly pay the bribes.
Given that Toronto General hospital cracked the DNA code, hundreds of drugs to treat multiple diseases are coming out of that research, including drugs for cystic fibrosis.

Insulin was discovered in Canada. Doctors Banting and Best GAVE the drug to the world, retaining no rights or royalties for themselves.

Open heart surgery was pioneered in Canada.

Canadians, Dr. James Till and Dr. Ernest McCulloch, are also behind creating the first clonal method to identify stem cells and applied their technique to stem cell research – a major milestone in the scientific community.

Dr. Tak Wah Mak discovered T-cell receptors, their structure, function and how they’re produced. This was a major step in cancer immunology.

There, B.C. has become a global success story in combatting HIV/AIDS and it’s because of HAART, or highly active antiretroviral therapy.

In British Columbia, they developed a cocktail of three drugs – taken daily – first implemented in 1996 to stop HIV from progressing into AIDS and to extend life expectancy and reduce HIV-related deaths.

How many of those breakthroughs were from before the government took over the healthcare system?

Were the HIV drugs developed in BC, or somewhere else?
You get a job. Or if you’re out for back surgery, you go in disability. Or you buy a catastrophic care plan.

Why should seniors who contributed to the system for 40 years now have to see a reduction in the quality of their care just when they need it the most so that other younger people, capable of earning, get stuff for free?
Because there are times when it's not easy to get a job. At least here, I don't have to worry if my job provides adequate insurance. Or if I need medical care while un(der)employed.

I just had hernia surgery, cost me for the semi private room, picked up by my supplemental insurance. The medical part was all covered by the province. I've been hanging around the hernia subreddit. It's scary to see how many people there are putting off seeking medical attention because they can't afford it.

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