How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

:) You must be in or from Lexington. Only they talk like that in SC.
Born in Greenville, moved to the beach. I get it from my mother who was born in Mather Air Force Base east of Sacramento 60 years ago next year. She was born to my grandmother who was born in Cheraw. My grandmother loves the flag as I do. So I dare you to attack my South Carolina roots.
Born in Greenville, moved to the beach. I get it from my mother who was born in Mather Air Force Base east of Sacramento 60 years ago next year. She was born to my grandmother who was born in Cheraw. My grandmother loves the flag as I do. So I dare you to attack my South Carolina roots.
I am not. People from Lexington have always struck me as incredibly off... strange... weird. You are not from there. OK.
We got a lot of bogus history being peddled here. Let's get a few facts straight:

-- Four of the 11 Confederate states rejected secession when it was based mostly on concerns about slavery. That's why the Confederacy started with seven states. The four Upper South states declined to join in the first wave of secession, when the main reason for secession was clearly based on protecting slavery. Those four states only joined the Confederacy after Fort Sumter and after Lincoln announced he was going to use force to end secession, because they believed it was wrong to maintain the Union by force.

If Jefferson Davis had not committed the stupendous blunder of firing on Fort Sumter in April 1861, the four Upper South states would have remained in the Union, unless and until the Radical Republicans forced Lincoln to take military action against the seven Deep South states, which Lincoln was loathe to do.

-- Two-thirds of Southern households did not own slaves. Yes, 2/3, as in 66%.

-- The vast majority of Confederate enlisted men did not own slaves. The majority of Confederate army officers did not own slaves.

-- In late 1864, none other than Jefferson Davis, with the support of Robert E. Lee and Judah Benjamin and certain other Confederate leaders, began to openly and strongly push for a program of gradual emancipation for slaves who volunteered to serve in the Confederate army. This created a firestorm among the Fire-Eaters, some of whom accused Davis, Lee, and Benjamin of treason.

-- In early 1865, the Confederacy, over the screaming objections of the Fire-Eaters, actually began this gradual emancipation program, but it was too late.

-- The Confederate constitution allowed for the admission of free states into the Confederacy.

These are some of the reasons that Southern heritage defenders argue that the flag is not automatically a symbol of racism and slavery.
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The confederate flag represents slavery and anyone who flies it is a racist
No. It doesn’t “represent” slavery.

You're an asshole.

However, it is likely true that many people view it as some kind of support for the institution of slavery. That’s a more accurate way of addressing the issue.

Therefore, you don’t use it.
So what? It isn't a racist flag. If you don't like me stating the facts or me having it on my wall you can kiss my and Road Runner asses.

Yeah, I'm sorry about him. He's usually pretty friendly. I don't know why he's acting like such a dick.

So? You are nothing special in that you have an opinion.,

Why are you being such a jerk all of a sudden?

The confederate flag represents slavery and anyone who flies it is a racist

No it actually represents freedom.

Then you’re a racist

Look whose calling the kettle black. A great big pothead.

Nope. I have black friends, I have Asian friends. Name any race, and I most likely have friends.

And he most likely doesn't have any at all.

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