How Is The Confederate Flag Considered A Hate Symbol?

I’m still here. Skoden bitch.

Yes, without the US. govt. most tribes would have disappeared. Even the Apaches were going extinct under Comanche competition until the Texians and the U.S. cavalry saved them, same with the OSage, Hopi, and dozens of others, all now safely whining and drinking booze on the Federal dime.
Yes, without the US. govt. most tribes would have disappeared. Even the Apaches were going extinct under Comanche competition until the Texians and the U.S. cavalry saved them, same with the OSage, Hopi, and dozens of others, all now safely whining and drinking booze on the Federal dime.
None of which prevents that the Confederate flags are symbols of hate.
Yes, without the US. govt. most tribes would have disappeared. Even the Apaches were going extinct under Comanche competition until the Texians and the U.S. cavalry saved them, same with the OSage, Hopi, and dozens of others, all now safely whining and drinking booze on the Federal dime.
The government was the ones killing us, moron.
As far as the federal dime, you can save a lot of money when you steal land instead of buy it.
Go back to school, son.
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