I guess I have to explain reality to the Trumpers, so they can understand!

Do you live in the US? What are you talking about. Since 2021, diesel is up 51%. Gas is up 41%. Electricity is up 30%. Do I really need to go into food prices?

Real wages are down(accounting for inflation). Disposable income is down 7.5%. Monthly savings are down 80%. Credit card debit is up 42%. Insurance is up 50%. The list goes on an on.

You people live in a different country or are completely brainwashed and out of touch with reality.

As income increases, so does the likelihood of one voting Republican. You need to rethink what you have been taught.

If you start making real money, , you will quickly realize that Democrats are only out for the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor. They kill the middle and upper classes, minus the top 1%.

You mean he has figured out how to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians? I sure hope so. Both parties have their share, but the Democrats have been completely infiltrated by anti-US traitors that need to be sent packing.

BTW, Democrats had revenge on their minds even before Trump won the election in 2016. They then spent 4 years wasting money and time on nothing more than revenge. If he wins in Nov., they will start up again with endless investigations and likely some impeachment proceeding from Day 1. Today’s Democrats are full blown nuts.

Trump Promised To 'Drain the Swamp.' He Did the Opposite.

Total spending under Trump nearly doubled. New programs filled Washington with more bureaucrats.​

Check again dumbass, republicans control the house. How can we have an intelligent conversation with low I Q democrats.
I did check you, moron, you have no clue ...when Obama was first elected 2009 they elected 257 Democrats and 59 senators it took Al Franken 246 days to win the election and get sworn in 72 days later the Democrats lost the supermajority Senator Byrd passed away ... guess you forgot that one but we got Obama care passe and many bills were passed ... by the democrat in the first 72 days in office we tried to get you moron on board for about 200 days for health care, but we got it done without your bull shit republicans ...you seem to have forgot that now didn't ya
Two richest investment firms in the world, democrats. $30 trillion dollars coltrolled by vanguard and blackrock

Democrats are literal idiots, make a google link and they believe. Put in on the television. They believe.
you are so full of bull shit none of this happens to the democrats pull your head out of your ass.
Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Biden signed Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act Biden signed The Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act, he passed sever more laws ...you have no clue what's going on... none of you Republicans do ...you just get on your knees and pray to the orange turd ...
Do you live in the US? What are you talking about. Since 2021, diesel is up 51%. Gas is up 41%. Electricity is up 30%. Do I really need to go into food prices?

Real wages are down(accounting for inflation). Disposable income is down 7.5%. Monthly savings are down 80%. Credit card debit is up 42%. Insurance is up 50%. The list goes on an on.

You people live in a different country or are completely brainwashed and out of touch with reality.

As income increases, so does the likelihood of one voting Republican. You need to rethink what you have been taught.

If you start making real money, , you will quickly realize that Democrats are only out for the extremely wealthy and the extremely poor. They kill the middle and upper classes, minus the top 1%.

You mean he has figured out how to drain the swamp of corrupt politicians? I sure hope so. Both parties have their share, but the Democrats have been completely infiltrated by anti-US traitors that need to be sent packing.

BTW, Democrats had revenge on their minds even before Trump won the election in 2016. They then spent 4 years wasting money and time on nothing more than revenge. If he wins in Nov., they will start up again with endless investigations and likely some impeachment proceeding from Day 1. Today’s Democrats are full blown nuts.
boy, you have a tough time with reality don't ya ...
I haven't "been taught" anything. I spent 9 years in banking before switching over to law, and am perfectly capable of understanding economic policy without having it explained to me by anyone.

Trump didn't "drain the swamp". Trump IS THE SWAMP. The most criminally corrupt President in American history. The man is bat shit crazy and so are you for continuing to vote for him.

Democrats aren't out for REVENGE, Stupid!!! They're trying to prosecute a criminally corrupt rapist, insurrectionist, fraud artist, and all around crook.

Gasoline and diesel are up MORE than that in Canada, and everywhere else in the world, idiot!!
well said mt friend well said...
Fact Check

Did Trump Inherit a 'Depleted' Military From Obama?​

U.S. President Donald Trump has repeatedly exaggerated the "depleted" state of the military when he took office.

What's True

The U.S. national defense budget was slightly reduced during Obama's second term, in large part due to efforts by Congress to limit government spending and the withdrawal of troops from the Middle East.

What's False

However, the military wasn't "depleted" under Obama. The military never ran out of ammunition or went "years" without funding, as Trump claimed. The budget for national defense during Obama's term of office totaled nearly $6 trillion.

How much bigger is the US military than other countries?

The United States accounts for nearly 40% of global military spending, and devotes a larger share of its GDP to defense than most other countries

Yes, we (and the economy) were better under Trump than under Biden BUT it is not the presidents that made it happen but the forces not under anyone's control that made it happen.

It is the pandemic (Covid) that caused this to happen


The COVID-19 pandemic precipitated a devastatingly sharp contraction of economic activity and huge job losses in early 2020, as government restrictions and fear of the virus kept people at home and businesses shut

Housing Market?

Prices of Real Estate in Europe

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on various sectors of the economy. The real estate market is no different. Recent research shows that year-over-year increases in real estate prices have increased during the pandemic.


The impact of the COVID-19 crisis on the euro area labour market for men and women

I can go on and on an on. The entire world was affected the SAME way due to the Pandemic. This was not Biden that caused it and as such, comparisons between Trump and Biden regarding the economy are pure misinformation.

Here in sum of what I stated above:

How has the economy of the United States been affected by COVID-19?

The COVID-19 pandemic's economic consequences are unprecedented for the U.S. by any measure. The toll we estimate that it took on the nation's gross domestic product is twice the size of that of the Great Recession of 2007-2009.

The reality is that Trump did not handle the pandemic as he should have. Here is an example of how Japan, who moved rapidly to stop the pandemic through shut-downs, has done better than the U.S. and Europe have done:

The Japanese Economy and the COVID-19 Pandemic

Japan's management of COVID-19 infection is considered better compared to that of the United States, Europe, and other countries.

and Biden has done better than Europe in making our economy better

View attachment 1007566

So get off the misinformation campaign you guys are in. Biden is not responsible for things being worse than when Trump was president. Start keying on what is to come if Trump or Biden are elected and stop using the economy as the basis for your debate.
Wow, someone who is not dealing with reality himself trying to explain reality to others.
Wow, someone who is not dealing with reality himself trying to explain reality to others.
I do not understand how people like you make statements that are so misinformed and yet make them as if you actually knew what you were talking about.

As a stock market analyst that lives off of his trading and that has a subscription service where others trade off of my recommendations and that I have been successful at it for the past 17 years, I am well aware of "reality". In the stock market you will not be successful unless you understand exactly what is happening. In addition, to be successful trading, you need to make educated guesses as to what is going to happen.

Everything that I put up here are things that I either have experienced myself or I have done research on. I am not biased and therefore look at thing from the view of data, statistics and facts.

Can I be wrong? Absolutely given that there is not one single person in the world that is right 100% of the time. As humans we make mistakes. Nonetheless, I will be right much more often than wrong and that is because I do not do or say anything that I have not researched fully and made a careful evaluation of the probabilities.

You on the other hand, make statements like you have made here without even asking a question or actually doing the research and able to provide data, facts and statistics to support your statements.

and yet, you believe what you say totally.

You remind me of this meme


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