The candidates for president couldn't be more different.

The reason no one talks about it is that most people are finally beginning to see through the theatrics of the good cop/bad cop program we're being fed. The core agenda; corporate wars, global intrusion, debt by inflation, race and class warfare, mass surveillance and loss of rights continue no matter who you think you elect. Superficial and easily transferred "differences".

Yes, the R's may not be as vocal or proactive, but they're certainly not defenders, just look at how they vote, and what they do about any corruption, which is basically nothing. All they do is flap their gums, and even that is rare these days.
The Neo-GOP has a memory problem. Didn't both Bush Presidents rely on the power and authority of the UN to invade and occupy both Afghanistan and Iraq? While the invasion of Iraq was not endorsed by the UN, the occupation was. Sure there problems with the UN, but lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater.

The 'Neo-GOP' is just a 'D' in a red district that's afraid to show their true colors.
Often? It's getting so it is ALWAYS

I don't think ever in American history we've had such opposite candidates. Romney was basically Dim Lite and Bush.. well, many would say the same about him. Reagan was pretty different from the leftist candidates, but Trump seems more different than Reagan in important ways. Notice in this article, the "world body" is afraid of Trump returning.

Gee... that's a shocker.
The world body thinks Trump is an idiot.
One difference a lot of people don't talk about much is the different views D elites have compared to the Republicans, and esp to Trump.

I've had a negative view of the UN for a long time, and this article explains how the Obummer and Bribum/Harris administration differed widely in their UN policies. Basically, Trump distrusts certain agencies in the UN, as many Americans do and not without reason. As per usual, the dims have a very different attitude than most Americans
(sane ones).

So what's your problem with the UN...

Please suggest the realistic alternative...

Please don't say you would burn it to the ground and do nothing about what good they do in the world..
Often? It's getting so it is ALWAYS

I don't think ever in American history we've had such opposite candidates. Romney was basically Dim Lite and Bush.. well, many would say the same about him. Reagan was pretty different from the leftist candidates, but Trump seems more different than Reagan in important ways. Notice in this article, the "world body" is afraid of Trump returning.

Gee... that's a shocker.
Trump is disliked because he is incompentent and fool to dictators all over the world...

He buddied up to Putin.
He took bribes from Egypt.
Sent love letters to North Korea.
Let 5000 Taliban go with next to no assurance of safe passage.
Let Saudis Kill a journalist...

Trump is basically an incompetent fool, he embarrassed America on a daily basis... This explains why US enemies want Trump back in office.
Actually, I can't decide whether she is worse or bribum. . probably bribum because, as you may know, he got paid millions from foreign countries for his brand and I'm sure his foreign policy was influenced in favor of the countries paying him. Even if it cannot be proven that his foreign policy was affected, this should be against the law. As the Bible says, "Avoid the very appearance of evil." A president should not be taking money into fake companies from foreign countries, esp ones that hate us or want to dominate us. No one will ever trust his foreign policy decisions, and we should not be made to wonder about it.
And yet leading Trump in the polls...

Trump is just fucking awfulk and he is going to be the first man to loose to a black woman..
Trump is disliked because he is incompentent and fool to dictators all over the world...

He buddied up to Putin.
He took bribes from Egypt.
Sent love letters to North Korea.
Let 5000 Taliban go with next to no assurance of safe passage.
Let Saudis Kill a journalist...

Trump is basically an incompetent fool, he embarrassed America on a daily basis... This explains why US enemies want Trump back in office.

Lies, it's all you have, and you don't even get to vote since you're not a US citizen. 🤡
The Neo-GOP has a memory problem. Didn't both Bush Presidents rely on the power and authority of the UN to invade and occupy both Afghanistan and Iraq? While the invasion of Iraq was not endorsed by the UN, the occupation was. Sure there problems with the UN, but lets not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
The MAGA/GOP need a boggy man and they have decided UN is it... They haven't a fucking clue what UN does and complains about the UN when bad stuff happens..
They are clueless at the amount of live UN Peacekeepers save a year and the multiple good things the UN does....

I thinkt the problem MAGA and GOP has with UN is that they just don't understand it... UN is altruistic by its own nature... MAGA is about what in it for me, an intrinsic view of the world.

UN doesn't stop all wars but it does a lot to get nations talking which helps.

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