Imagine if Harris had 5 kids with 3 different men and cheated on every husband she's ever been with!

Don't act like you give a shit about morality when you vote for this pig of a man.

Nope. Nope.

Liberals, Democrats and especially feminists lost any moral high ground the ever had when they lionized Bill Clinton no matter how he treated his wife and other women.

Republicans have done the same with Trump.

Now the question is: both candidates claim they will secure the border. Who might actually do it, the whore or the masher?
She wants to be the president... so I want to know why she never had her own kids?...
Why? Why would it matter, JD junior? Tell us, your own words why a president, has to have kids?

Why would you want an unmarried woman to have kids out of wedlock? Would she have been a better person and roll model, in your neck of the woods?
Why? Why would it matter, JD junior? Tell us, your own words why a president, has to have kids?

Why would you want an unmarried woman to have kids out of wedlock? Would she have been a better person, in your neck of the woids?
I want to know... and can she do good for moms and children if she never had her own....
Imagine if Kamala gave blow jobs to married men to get ahead and married someone who got the nanny pregnant. Oh wait, it's actually true. Do you really want to go there? LOL
The difference is the reality that we're not trying to take everyones freedom away because of religious 18th century bullshit. You want to force people back into the closet be they gay or trans! You want to judge people based on moral and religous standards. Who the fuck are you to run something like trump while arguing and pushing this crap?

And willie wasn't married at the time.
The difference is the reality that we're not trying to take everyones freedom away because of religious 18th century bullshit. You want to force people back into the closet be they gay or trans! You want to judge people based on moral and religous standards. Who the fuck are you to run something like trump while arguing and pushing this crap?

And willie wasn't married at the time.
It's one hell of an irony that you're the party that wants to ban all of sexual freedom and the freedom to live your life the way you want, but you run something that has lived that sort of life. One hell of an irony.
To tell you the truth as the party of sexual freedom I wouldn't give a shit if she did fuck 20 men and whored her self in her youth. IT doesn't matter as she worked her ass off being elected and doing the work of the people for the past 20 years and has been a great vice president. She'd still be more moral then Trump the pig that wants to ban transgender people from living their lives and forcing gays into the closet.
I want to know... and can she do good for moms and children if she never had her own....
Of course she can! Does JD think low in lifes like his mom, did any good in rearing JD? Would she know what is good for women because she had kids with her different husbands or boyfriends or whatever the heck they were?

You're weird! ;)
To tell you the truth as the party of sexual freedom I wouldn't give a shit if she did fuck 20 men and whored her self in her youth. IT doesn't matter as she worked her ass off being elected and doing the work of the people for the past 20 years and has been a great vice president. She'd still be more moral then Trump the pig that wants to ban transgender people from living their lives and forcing gays into the closet.
Trump is not going to and transgender people and force gays into the closet. You do not care about her youth. Well, the Progs dig up everything they can on Republicans in their youth. They even make stories up about them.
What a weird post. See this is the problem with elevating people like Harris…folks like you assume all women are like her, and that sets womens rights back.

It’s sad
Dude, every woman sleeps her way to the top. Right.

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