Trump keeps saying kids go to school and come home "with an operation"

Does anyone even believe this? A) His English is bad, it should be "having had an operation", but anyway, what do we expect? But B) How do kids have operations in schools?

It's absolutely absurd.

(This thread is not about the dude who made the video. I posted this video because it shows Trump talk, at least twice, about kids going to schools and having operations. The video is only about evidence that Trump said this)

Well retard, he didn’t say operations are happening now at schools.

He said, “can you imagine…”, which is alluding to the FACT that democrats are passing laws that make it legal for schools to keep the parents in the dark about their kids being transitioned at schools through indoctrination, and they will no doubt support giving full blown operations to kids without parental consent, because Democrats are that insane.
Well, two choices.

1) Trump has no idea what he's saying, he says school when he means Planned Parenthood. Which means he's not fit to be President
2) He knows what he's saying and he's deliberately lying because... when has the truth ever got him anywhere? In which case, he's not fit to be President.

Either way.... MAGA is many nails in the US's coffin.
Or, you’re a moron and don’t know what he actually said. See my above post.
We never claimed he did but the fact he thinks it COULD happen ever shows how bat shit crazy he is.

How can you vote for someone with no grip on reality whatsoever?
No, it shows how batshit crazy the left is.

You are the ones indoctrinating children with lies like “you can change genders”.

Dems are already fighting to keep parents in the dark about kids “wanting to be transitioned”.

Is it really that big a leap to think Dems will support state funded “gender affirming care” for children against the wishes of the parents? Nope, it’s not. Because that is exactly how batshit crazy the left is. They want to destroy our children.

Here are leftwing lunatics defending “trans care for kids”:
Here are polls clearly showing Dems support providing puberty blockers to kids:

But, we conservatives are the crazy ones?
None of use would think of voting Harris.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For more than two hours Trump did nothing to stop the violent, lawless attack of the Capitol Building – an attack he himself incited.

There’s Trump’s disgraceful, reprehensible attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for crass political theater.

And now we have Trump announcing his intent to subject his political opponents to criminal prosecution for the ‘crime’ of being his political opponents – which is fundamentally fascist.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.
And now we have Trump announcing his intent to subject his political opponents to criminal prosecution for the ‘crime’ of being his political opponents – which is fundamentally fascist.
No, he’s simply going to hold Dems to the same standard they have used for Trump.
Trump LIES......

Cult translation........

trump exaggerates.....
trump meant to say this.....
you took his words out of context......

The list goes on.
LOL you are the ones exaggerating.

The OP claimed Trump says surgeries are happening in schools.

That isn’t what he said. He said, “Can you imagine…”.

Now you all are trying to walk it back.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For more than two hours Trump did nothing to stop the violent, lawless attack of the Capitol Building – an attack he himself incited.

There’s Trump’s disgraceful, reprehensible attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for crass political theater.

And now we have Trump announcing his intent to subject his political opponents to criminal prosecution for the ‘crime’ of being his political opponents – which is fundamentally fascist.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.
Start a fight, expect to get punched back.
LOL you are the ones exaggerating.

The OP claimed Trump says surgeries are happening in schools.

That isn’t what he said. He said, “Can you imagine…”.

Now you all are trying to walk it back.
He said what he said, and we all know what he meant. You can't walk that back.
Trump committed treasonous, historic crimes: attempting to overturn a presidential election, disenfranchise millions of Americans, and disrupt the peaceful transfer of power.

For more than two hours Trump did nothing to stop the violent, lawless attack of the Capitol Building – an attack he himself incited.

There’s Trump’s disgraceful, reprehensible attempt to exploit fallen American soldiers for crass political theater.

And now we have Trump announcing his intent to subject his political opponents to criminal prosecution for the ‘crime’ of being his political opponents – which is fundamentally fascist.

For these and scores of other reasons, Trump is unfit to be president – beyond partisan politics, policy positions, and the issues; there is no way to rationalize or justify voting for Trump.
Any political party that backs the idea that a Man can actually become a Woman has zero credibility in any debate.

Deal with that.
LOL you are the ones exaggerating.

The OP claimed Trump says surgeries are happening in schools.

That isn’t what he said. He said, “Can you imagine…”.

Now you all are trying to walk it back.
He's painting a picture of what he thinks is happening or going to happen in schools.

Can you not a bail out for trump.
He is emphasizing that these surges can happen.......NO THEY CAN'T.

WTF is he even saying this...........because his base believes him and spreads the LIES.

NO way he should even be suggesting or saying 'imagine'

Yes, we know he said, “can you imagine…”.

I have nothing to walk back.
Quit defending EVERY thing trump says.

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