Donald Trump a de facto Russian asset

People are tired of these wars. The US should have never been meddling in Ukrainian affairs circa 2014.
Bullshit. This is why you should never be president. You just don't understand geo political international affairs to making such a statement.

You're like Kamala. She said in the past "I'll ban fracking". No you won't.

Well its from a guy hw sacked..........2 days before he retired but it seems credible.Trump iisnt bright enough to mix it with Vlad or any other leader.

Kamala nailed him.

Today trump is despatching investigators to Ohio to try to validate his pet lies.
Grown ups just dont do that.
All a dictator has to do is say nice things about Trump, or send a complimentary letter written by a committee to him, and Trump will sing that dictator's praises for the rest of his life.

That's how incredibly easy it is to compromise this egomaniacal slug.

That should scare every American. It certainly scares our allies.

But if some B-list celebrity says something mean about Trump, the slug will rage tweet for weeks about that celebrity.

But NEVER will Trump say something nasty about a fucking mass-murdering COMMUNIST dictator.

Bullshit. This is why you should never be president. You just don't understand geo political international affairs to making such a statement.

You're like Kamala. She said in the past "I'll ban fracking". No you won't.
Parody level unlocked.
People are tired of these wars. The US should have never been meddling in Ukrainian affairs circa 2014.
Wow! What a good little useful idiot you are!

We weren't meddling. Russia was. Putin tried to install a puppet, and the Ukrainian people were having none of it, especially after Putin poisoned a presidential candidate in 2004. It doesn't get more meddling than that, asshole.

You idiots parrot whatever Putin tells you to through his propaganda channels.

During the election campaign in late 2004, Yushchenko became the victim of an assassination attempt when he was poisoned with dioxin. He suffered disfigurement as a result of the poisoning, but survived.
Parody level unlocked.

It proves you Republicans will play politics with anything. If Trump were president you'd understand how important Ukraine is and how we can't let Russia win this one.

And funny that you guys, especially Trump, don't want to cut Israel off. Why? Because you want to win the Jewish vote. No other reason. That and your bibles tell you to defend Israel no matter what. Weird.
All a dictator has to do is say nice things about Trump, or send a complimentary letter written by a committee to him, and Trump will sing that dictator's praises for the rest of his life.

That's how incredibly easy it is to compromise this egomaniacal slug.

That should scare every American. It certainly scares our allies.

But if some B-list celebrity says something mean about Trump, the slug will rage tweet for weeks about that celebrity.

But NEVER will Trump say something nasty about a fucking mass-murdering COMMUNIST dictator.

If you say so, Little Rocket Man.
Wow! What a good little useful idiot you are!

We weren't meddling. Russia was. Putin tried to install a puppet, and the Ukrainian people were having none of it, especially after Putin poisoned a presidential candidate in 2004. It doesn't get more meddling than that, asshole.

You idiots parrot whatever Putin tells you to through his propaganda channels.

During the election campaign in late 2004, Yushchenko became the victim of an assassination attempt when he was poisoned with dioxin. He suffered disfigurement as a result of the poisoning, but survived.
So we are no better than Russia?
It proves you Republicans will play politics with anything. If Trump were president you'd understand how important Ukraine is and how we can't let Russia win this one.

And funny that you guys, especially Trump, don't want to cut Israel off. Why? Because you want to win the Jewish vote. No other reason. That and your bibles tell you to defend Israel no matter what. Weird.
So Russia invades Ukraine and it’s “important” for us to not let Russia win. But when HAMAS invades Israel, we should “cut off” Israel? Maybe you should stick to transing-kids and putting tampons in the boys-room?

Well its from a guy hw sacked..........2 days before he retired but it seems credible.Trump iisnt bright enough to mix it with Vlad or any other leader.

Kamala nailed him.

Today trump is despatching investigators to Ohio to try to validate his pet lies.
Grown ups just dont do that.

Well its from a guy hw sacked..........2 days before he retired but it seems credible.Trump iisnt bright enough to mix it with Vlad or any other leader.

Kamala nailed him.

Today trump is despatching investigators to Ohio to try to validate his pet lies.
Grown ups just dont do that.

I heard Carrottop was making a comeback and looking for comedy writers, I sent your OP to him and he said "Tommy is so funny I pissed myself"
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