9/11 Firefighters Trash Official 9/11 Story, Say Obvious Demolition, Documentary "Calling Out Bravo 7"

IMHO, The purpose of the 911 event was to justify the war against the 7 Middle Eastern countries that were not going along with their New World Order scheme that is playing out right now.

General Wesley Clark reported a top secret document he saw at the pentacon detailing how they were going to take out 7 Middle Eastern countries ; 911 gave them the justification to do so.

I expect Iran is the most resistant country.

F B I hires " Social Influencers" to "COMBAT DISINFORMATION" on sites like this, which is why this fake reply was posted. Of course "Disinformation" is anything that EXPOSES THEIR NARRITIVE / LIES.

It got really bad on GLP and I have posted there for 20 years. Now GLP does not allow VPN or TOR access which should tell you something.
Right---that's how the Vatican (Pope Pius) and Adolf Hitler and Grand Mufti AMIN AL HUSSEINI got away with their planned genocides of World War II. The social
influencers were working on it since the 1920s. Many of those that survived World
War II in the USA were and still are stationed in the vicinity of the Hudson Valley.
That group was already infiltrating Columbia and Princeton Universities by 1950
and shortly thereafter (1950s) promoted the Ayatoilets of Iran and thence gained
influence thruout the Gulf States
If someone falls for one dumb conspiracy theory, it means they have a low intelligence, which means they'll fall for all of the conspiracy theories.

And our resident LEFT WING ZIONIST FASCIST MOSSAD on duty springs into action!!!!!

Bin Laden Bull, Save Us From Blowhards | VT Archives | Alternative ...

New 9-11 Video Surfaces | US Message Board 🦅

I've used fire to soften steel and cause it to collapse.

jet fuel in open air burn 600F
minimum temp for steel to start to lose rigidity around 1000F
melting point of steel 2200F

Explain this, supporter of the homO/Harris/W/Cheney/Walz ticket...

9/11: Stabilized WTC2 Molten Metal (3 Clips from NIST FOIA) - YouTube
If the election becomes a referendum on

1. the Border
2. the official version of 911

Trump will win 400 electorals if not more....
And yet I made steel soften and collapse. With a simple large wood bonfire, that had a strong breeze fanning it.

Go on, keep telling me to believe you instead of my lying eyes.

Your numbers are just wrong, of course.
how da hell did those metal smiths with the burning wood and pumping
dem BELLOWS manage to do anything at all for thousands of years?
And yet I made steel soften and collapse. With a simple large wood bonfire, that had a strong breeze fanning it.

Go on, keep telling me to believe you instead of my lying eyes.

Your numbers are just wrong, of course.

Like all other treasonous Mossad, you LIE a LOT....
how da hell did those metal smiths with the burning wood and pumping
dem BELLOWS manage to do anything at all for thousands of years?

If you burn coal or wood and force oxygen into it like with a bellows you can get steel soft enough to work with anvil and hammer, but it still takes a strong man and a lot of work. The towers only had jet fuel burning which is only kerosene, along with some fire retardant office synthetics, and only on a few floors for a short time. No way that makes 90,000 tons of steel suddenly go to melting point and collapse.

The news never played the explosions that were heard by people who were there which sounded like demolition because it was demolition. Example below.

Moreover the pattern of debris right after the attacks is spread out evenly over a quarter mile throughout the WTC, with the steel cut into straight uniform pieces. Not piled up in the center of the towers all twisted like you you expect if it was a gravity collapse of melted steel. This alone says demolition.



The kind of technology used is standard cutter and kicker charges. One charge cuts the steel, in a perfectly timed accelerating progression downward, a split second later another charge "kicks" the cut piece out of the way for a neat collapse. They were just very large versions of these:

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Steel has a rather high melting point, like way way higher than even burning jet fuel...
It has a higher melting point than a fire can achieve. yet blacksmith have used fire to form steel forever. it doesn't have to melt. It just has to soften enough to no longer be able to support the structure. A building is designed so that each floor can support it's own weight. So when support soften enough to no longer support their floor, it collapsed. Putting more weight on the floor underneath, and so forth. it's basic physics.
If you burn coal or wood and force oxygen into it like with a bellows you can get steel soft enough to work with anvil and hammer, but it still takes a strong man and a lot of work. The towers only had jet fuel burning which is only kerosene, along with some fire retardant office synthetics, and only on a few floors for a short time. No way that makes 90,000 tons of steel suddenly go to melting point and collapse.
You don't need all the steel, and you son't need it to the melting point. You only need enough support on one or 2 gloors to soften enough to collapse. the rest is physics.
If you burn coal or wood and force oxygen into it like with a bellows you can get steel soft enough to work with anvil and hammer, but it still takes a strong man and a lot of work. The towers only had jet fuel burning which is only kerosene, along with some fire retardant office synthetics, and only on a few floors for a short time. No way that makes 90,000 tons of steel suddenly go to melting point and collapse.

The news never played the explosions that were heard by people who were there which sounded like demolition because it was demolition. Example below.

Moreover the pattern of debris right after the attacks is spread out evenly over a quarter mile throughout the WTC, with the steel cut into straight uniform pieces. Not piled up in the center of the towers all twisted like you you expect if it was a gravity collapse of melted steel. This alone says demolition.

View attachment 1010462
View attachment 1010473

The kind of technology used is standard cutter and kicker charges. One charge cuts the steel, in a perfectly timed accelerating progression downward, a split second later another charge "kicks" the cut piece out of the way for a neat collapse. They were just very large versions of these:

View attachment 1010467

If you burn coal or wood and force oxygen into it like with a bellows you can get steel soft enough to work with anvil and hammer, but it still takes a strong man and a lot of work. The towers only had jet fuel burning which is only kerosene, along with some fire retardant office synthetics, and only on a few floors for a short time. No way that makes 90,000 tons of steel suddenly go to melting point and collapse.

The news never played the explosions that were heard by people who were there which sounded like demolition because it was demolition. Example below.

Moreover the pattern of debris right after the attacks is spread out evenly over a quarter mile throughout the WTC, with the steel cut into straight uniform pieces. Not piled up in the center of the towers all twisted like you you expect if it was a gravity collapse of melted steel. This alone says demolition.

View attachment 1010462
View attachment 1010473

The kind of technology used is standard cutter and kicker charges. One charge cuts the steel, in a perfectly timed accelerating progression downward, a split second later another charge "kicks" the cut piece out of the way for a neat collapse. They were just very large versions of these:

View attachment 1010467

Review your high school intro to chemistry and physics regarding the issue of ENDOTHERMIC AND EXOTHERMIC reactions----if you understand that which you review----you MIGHT realize (but only if you understand that which you read)---that your PROPOSITION regarding the level of the heat in the buildings in which even PLASTICS caught fire----THE ISSUE OF TEMPERATURE LEVELS.
I paid my way thru college tutoring simple minded people like you---it wasn't easy
It has a higher melting point than a fire can achieve. yet blacksmith have used fire to form steel forever. it doesn't have to melt. It just has to soften enough to no longer be able to support the structure. A building is designed so that each floor can support it's own weight. So when support soften enough to no longer support their floor, it collapsed. Putting more weight on the floor underneath, and so forth. it's basic physics.


All at once, every steel frame part, just collapsed all at once, and that was just "fire" that simultaneously achieved the "softness" all at once in every piece of steel. To believe that requires IQ<5

You don’t have to melt it, you just have to weaken it.

Minimum temp to do that 1000F

Temp of burning jet fuel in open air 600F

Temp of river of molten steel pouring out of South Tower on 911 - 2200F

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