trump threatens to jail opponents if elected

That's just it.

The last time Trump was in power with a GOP Congress he could not even seal a border, and the Left wants us now to believe he can take over the entire government and put his adversaries in jail

Trump was building the wall, Biden cut holes in the wall. Illegals stayed in Mexico under Trump, 10 million illegals waltzing right in for free everything is the Biden Harris way.
Trump ~ 2024. Deport. Make America safe again.

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
If that is what you think he said, you really REALLY need to join several of your buddies here in a good remedial reading/listening comprehension course. Because he has been 100% consistent that going after political opponents is wrong and very bad for the country and he will not do that.

He has said he will go after those who have broken the law especially those who cheat elections. He has NEVER said he will go after political opponents.

And shame on you for parroting the identical talking points the Democrats furnished the MSM to use to attack Trump this week.

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
It's only fair his opponents go through a kangaroo court too.

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
According to my son "sedition" is quite a viable charge regarding targets BOTH in state & federal elected positions, should pres. Trump land his 2nd tour, which is now looking to become reality unless the statist left can manage to pull off the "Riga-Votus" scam. Even CNN can't believe the shellacking Kamala is taking in the polls. Honestly I thought it would @ least be a fairly tight contest & never expected a bald faced massacre. Worse yet, Virginia, New Mexico, New Hampshire & even MINNESOTA are in the danger zone for Kamala as they all four are close to flipping into the tilt red zone. The statist left look to be going down in flames due to their pandering to marxism.


You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
Wow, he will be very busy catching those actual crooks.
According to my son "sedition" is quite a viable charge regarding targets BOTH in state & federal elected positions, should pres. Trump land his 2nd tour, which is now looking to become reality
Oh, you poor thing.

You haven't just been huffing the copium, you've been mainlining it. That never ends well.

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
Like he did during his last Presiidency or the current administration is trying to do with the last administration?

You think he is kidding? He isn't. There are two main reasons trump is in the race. He wants revenge and he wants to stay out of jail. He will do ANYTHING to stay out of jail.
He keeps it up and I might go vote this time. For him.

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