20 Lies Harris Told last night at the debate

Is this Biden’s burner account?

It’s not his document or his platform. Harris said it was. She lied
It certainly was.
Then trump tried to Run From It, knowing how damaging it is.
Why did trump speak about what the Heritage Foundation was creating and later say he has NO Knowledge of it at all. He's a LIAR, that's why.
Here are 20 of her claims that are lies:

1. Trump supports and adopts Project 2025 (False: Trump has nothing to do with project 2025)

2. Trump would sign a National abortion ban (False: He has given the issue to the states, and has never stated he desires a national ban)

3. There are "Trump abortion bans" in states. (False: There are none)

4. There are zero cases of women having or desiring late abortions, and" it's not happening". (False: It's rare, but the desire happens, and if made legal, would happen).

5. Trump wants to Monitor all pregnancies (False: no evidence)

6. Trump called Nazi's at Charlottesville "Very fine people" (False: he denounced them, and called peaceful protestors of both sides of statue issue as very fine people)

7. Trump supported the Proud boys by only saying Stand by (False: He said "Stand down and stand by", opposing their violence/rhetoric)

8. Trump incited and ordered the attack on the Capitol (False: He said peaceful and patriotic protest, and to respect police)

9. A Joint letter said that Trump's policies would cause a recession (False: the letter doesn't say there would be a recession)

10. Trump's use of "Bloodbath" is a violent desire (False: It's obviously not literal, it's a common economic term)

11. Trump left us with the worst unemployment since the great depression (False: it's not even near the worst)

12. J6 was the worst event in US History since the Civil War. (False: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, JFK assassination, many others are objectively worse)

13. Trump said he would terminate the constitution (False: He never said it or has expressed wanting to do so)

14. "I made it clear in 2020" she would not ban fracking (False: she said "Joe Biden will not ban fracking" in the 2020 VP debate, and she said she would ban fracking in her 2019 presidential bid)

15. Trump got handed $400 million on a silver platter (False: He inherited money, but exaggerated the amount)

16. She said she didn't support defund the police movement (False: She is on record supporting it)

17. She said Police died on January 6th (False: none did).

18. He wants to be a dictator on day one (False: She took a joke and is representing it to the public as a serious declaration)

19. Biden/Harris Created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs (False: most aren't new, just returning after Democrat shut-down policies during COVID)

20. Trump would impose a 20% sales tax (False: Trump would impose tariffs, ones he did during his previous administration and there were no increases in inflation/prices because of them)

She told lie after lie after lie… far more than Trump.

1. Trump supports and adopts Project 2025 (False: Trump has nothing to do with project 2025)


Former president Donald Trump is planning on taking the 'country back' with his Project 2025 as he eyes a second term at the White House. Project 2025, which plans to fire thousands of civil servants in favor of Trump supporters who will happily implement a hard-right agenda, ***is being led by the Heritage Foundation. It is a comprehensive road map for a future GOP administration. As per The New Republic, three hate organizations listed by the SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) are also part of this blueprint that will make revolutionary changes if Trump is reelected - Alliance Defending Freedom, Center for Immigration Studies, and Family Research Council.

*** He has publicly stated this

2. Trump would sign a National abortion ban (False: He has given the issue to the states, and has never stated he desires a national ban)

Trump has been all over the map om abortion. He brags about his role in overturning Roe. First he said that he would vote in favor of Fla. Constitutional amendment to protect abortion. The next day, after catching hell from anti choice groups, he said that he would vote against it even though the amendment specifies up until viability. Not only can he not be trusted. He himself does not know what he will do from one day to the next, He has no core values. It all depends on which way the political winds are blowing He refused to say if he would veto a ban if it came to his desk. It is reasonable to conclude that he would in fact support a national ban

3. There are "Trump abortion bans" in states. (False: There are none)

Yes there are. Trump abortion ban states are the states that banned abortion after his supreme court overturned Roe

4. There are zero cases of women having or desiring late abortions, and" it's not happening". (False: It's rare, but the desire happens, and if made legal, would happen).

There are zero cases where women have late term abortions that are not medically necessary due to severe deformities of the fetus or the health risk to the mother. There is no reason to believe that there would be more late term abortions if the law allowed it

5. Trump wants to Monitor all pregnancies (False: no evidence)

He wants to allow states to monitor pregnancies. Same thing 🚨BREAKING: Trump Doubles Down on States Monitoring Women’s Pregnancies - Democrats

6. Trump called Nazi's at Charlottesville "Very fine people" (False: he denounced them, and called peaceful protestors of both sides of statue issue as very fine people)

Bullshit! He is on audio/video stating that “there were very fine people on both sides”

7. Trump supported the Proud boys by only saying Stand by (False: He said "Stand down and stand by", opposing their violence/rhetoric)

More bullshit. He said “stand by and stand back” meaning be ready for what is to come

8. Trump incited and ordered the attack on the Capitol (False: He said peaceful and patriotic protest, and to respect police)

“Peaceful and patriotic” was just a cove his as thing. He also said fight like hell among other inflammatory statements, then did nothing to stop it for hours, and fueled their anger twords Pence with tweets

9. A Joint letter said that Trump's policies would cause a recession (False: the letter doesn't say there would be a recession)

16 Nobel Prize-winning economists warn that Trump's economic plans could reignite inflation

“The outcome of this election will have economic repercussions for years, and possibly decades, to come. We believe that a second Trump term would have a negative impact on the U.S.'s economic standing in the world and a destabilizing effect on the U.S.'s domestic economy.

10. Trump's use of "Bloodbath" is a violent desire (False: It's obviously not literal, it's a common economic term)
You know damned well what he means . It fits very well with his violent rhetoric

11. Trump left us with the worst unemployment since the great depression (False: it's not even near the worst)
OK I'll give you that one. But at least Harris did not say they're eating the dogs

12. J6 was the worst event in US History since the Civil War. (False: Pearl Harbor, 9/11, JFK assassination, many others are objectively worse)

Wrong. It was the worst because it was perpetrated from withing by a sitting president and therefore a much greater threat

13. Trump said he would terminate the constitution (False: He never said it or has expressed wanting to do so)

Yes he did. He is on audio and video saying it

14. "I made it clear in 2020" she would not ban fracking (False: she said "Joe Biden will not ban fracking" in the 2020 VP debate, and she said she would ban fracking in her 2019 presidential bid)

2019-20 is ancient history. What matters is that she is against banning it now because she has learned that we can’t get to all renewable energy over night. Banning fracking in this context is actually a moot point because the president does not have the power to ban fracking on private land where most of it is done

15. Trump got handed $400 million on a silver platter (False: He inherited money, but exaggerated the amount)

The Times claimed that, after reviewing financial documents, it determined Trump received more than $413 million — in 2018 dollars — from his New York City developer father, Fred, for years.


16. She said she didn't support defund the police movement (False: She is on record supporting it)

Defunding the police means different things to different people in different contexts. For some it means doing away with the police entirely and Harris never advocated that . For Harris and most of us, it means reallocation some resources for services that address mental health and poverty issues and thus reducing negative encounters with the police. Admittedly “defund “ is a poor choice of words but if understood correctly , it does not mean what her detractors claim that it means.

Harris said in the June radio interview the movement “rightly” called out the amount of money spent on police departments instead of community services such as education, housing, and healthcare, emphasizing that more police did not equate to more public safety.

“This whole movement is about rightly saying, we need to take a look at these budgets and figure out whether it reflects the right priorities,” Harris said on a New York-based radio program “Ebro in the Morning” on June 9, 2020, adding that US cities were “militarizing police” but “defunding public schools.”


17. She said Police died on January 6th (False: none did).

You have to know that is bullshit. Or are you so callous as to not be able to understand that suicides as a result of the trauma that they experienced actually count?

18. He wants to be a dictator on day one (False: She took a joke and is representing it to the public as a serious declaration)

A joke?? Are you really that stupid? The only joke is the “for a day “ part . You thing that he would not act lick a dictator on day 2….

19. Biden/Harris Created 800,000 new manufacturing jobs (False: most aren't new, just returning after Democrat shut-down policies during COVID)

Federal data show that manufacturing employment has increased by 789,000 since Biden took office in January 2021, though presidents do not control the economy single-handedly.

The first three-quarters of those jobs represent a return to previous manufacturing employment levels, but history shows that is rare.

The post-recession gains in manufacturing employment under Biden have been the strongest in 72 years, and the second-strongest since World War II.

We rate Biden’s statement Mostly True.

20. Trump would impose a 20% sales tax (False: Trump would impose tariffs, ones he did during his previous administration and there were no increases in inflation/prices because of them)

Tariffs are a form of sales tax. Who the hell do you think pays for the tariffs that importers must pay. People who by the goods pay Trump lied by claiming that China and other countries pay
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So, you have no quote supporting her lie.

Got it.
Trumps knows all about Project 2025.
Now claims he doesn't.

Over the last week, Trump has tried to put some distance between himself and Project 2025.
"I know nothing about Project 2025," he said in a Truth Social post Friday. "I have no idea who is behind it.”

Are you supporting trumps claim that he doesn't know Stephen Miller or Peter Navarro.

He doubled down in a social media post Thursday morning, saying, "I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it."

But many of Trump’s key allies have been directly involved in producing the project, which includes a 900-plus page policy road map and personnel database gathered by the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank leading the effort.

Trump also spoke highly about the group's plans at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April 2022, saying: “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."
"That's coming."

The website also notes that the project is backed by over 100 conservative organizations, many led by close allies of Trump, including Turning Point USA, the Center for Renewing America, the Claremont Institute, the Family Policy Alliance, the Family Research Council, Moms for Liberty and America First Legal — the latter of which is led by Stephen Miller, a top former Trump adviser.

Former Trump administration officials who have been directly affiliated with Project 2025 include former Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, former deputy chief of staff Rick Dearborn and former Justice Department senior counsel Gene Hamilton.

Vought, one of the key authors of Project 2025, is also the Republican National Committee’s platform policy director.
Here are 20 of her claims that are lies:

1. Trump supports and adopts Project 2025 (False: Trump has nothing to do with project 2025)

2. Trump would sign a National abortion ban (False: He has given the issue to the states, and has never stated he desires a national ban)
Trump is lying. Trump chose as his running mate the guy who wrote the introduction to the Heritage Foundation report which calls for banning IVF and for a nationwide abortion ban. Many, if not most, of the people who wrote Project 2025 worked directly for Trump.

3. There are "Trump abortion bans" in states. (False: There are none)
Trump takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, and so all abortion bans are Trump abortion bans. He owns them whether you like it or not.

4. There are zero cases of women having or desiring late abortions, and" it's not happening". (False: It's rare, but the desire happens, and if made legal, would happen).
The only late term abortions which take place are ones to save the life of the mother.

Trump knows this. He was all for partial birth abortions up to the ninth month. So he knows EXACTLY what this is about.

5. Trump wants to Monitor all pregnancies (False: no evidence)
Under Trump's Project 2025 which calls for a national abortion ban, yes, all pregnancies would be monitored to ensure no abortions were happening.

6. Trump called Nazi's at Charlottesville "Very fine people" (False: he denounced them, and called peaceful protestors of both sides of statue issue as very fine people)
Did Trump ever say there were "very fine people" during the Floyd protests?


Trump said "very fine people" because he courts the White Nationalist (Nazi) vote.

7. Trump supported the Proud boys by only saying Stand by (False: He said "Stand down and stand by", opposing their violence/rhetoric)
Trump was asked to unequivocally state his opposition to the Proud Boys, AND HE REFUSED.

You don't say "stand by" to people you oppose. You say "stand by" to tell them to wait for your signal.

8. Trump incited and ordered the attack on the Capitol (False: He said peaceful and patriotic protest, and to respect police)
Trump summoned the terrorists, and as he spoke they were chanting "Fight for Trump", and he THANKED them.

He also said, And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

The one fact you will never be able to run away from is that Trump did NOTHING for 187 minutes as his cult were sacrificing their lives on the altar of his Big Lie.

Actually, he did worse than nothing. One hour into the terrorist attack, Trump sicced the crowd onto his Vice President!

He could have called the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the F.B.I., the Capitol Police, or the DC Mayor’s Office for help.

You know what he did instead as the violence raged? He called Rudolph Giuliani and members of his cult in Congress, seeking their assistance in delaying the joint session of Congress.

His staff was begging him to act. His FAMILY was begging him to act. His friends in the MAGA media were begging him to stop the violence. His friends in Congress were begging him to act as they feared for their lives.

They warned him people were going to die and he ignored them. The traitor probably loved the idea of people dying for him.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot diminish the high crimes Trump committed that day.

9:21 a.m.: Dana Bash to Mark Meadows

What is Trump doing to pence ?!!

2:12 p.m.: Jim Acosta to Mark Meadows

Will potus say something to tamp things down?

2:14 p.m.: Kristen Welker to Mark Meadows

Reaction to protester?

2:24 P.M.​

Donald Trump tweets: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

2:28 p.m.: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home.

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

This is hurting all of us

2:33 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South

2:34 p.m.: Carlton Huffman to Mark Meadows

You’ve earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you’re the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that

2:34 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

You can tell him I said this

2:35 p.m.: Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

Mark: he needs to stop this, now
. Can I do anything to help?

2:38 p.m.: Michael Shear to Mark Meadows

Hey mark. Protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

It’s really bad up here on the hill.

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

They have breached the Capitol.

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We are under siege in the cpaitol

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We’re all helpless

2:46 p.m.: Rep. Will Timmons to Mark Meadows

The president needs to stop this ASAP

2:47 p.m.: Mario Parker to Mark Meadows

Is Potus going to take the podium to quell this unrest?

“‘He’s got to condemn this sh*t ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,’” Trump Jr. wrote in one message to Meadows, according to the committee’s vice chairwoman, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

Cheney detailed that when Meadows had texted back that he agreed,Trump Jr. said: “We need an Oval office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Donald Trump Jr. said his father needed to ‘condemn’ Capitol violence as it unfolded, Meadows’ texts reveal



"Someone is going to get killed."
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13. Trump said he would terminate the constitution (False: He never said it or has expressed wanting to do so)
Man, you are failing horribly. Which of your propagandists fed you this list?

Trump's exact words:

“A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution. Our great ‘Founders’ did not want, and would not condone, False & Fraudulent Elections!”
Trumps knows all about Project 2025.
Now claims he doesn't.

Over the last week, Trump has tried to put some distance between himself and Project 2025.
"I know nothing about Project 2025," he said in a Truth Social post Friday. "I have no idea who is behind it.”

Are you supporting trumps claim that he doesn't know Stephen Miller or Peter Navarro.

He doubled down in a social media post Thursday morning, saying, "I have not seen it, have no idea who is in charge of it, and, unlike our very well received Republican Platform, had nothing to do with it."

But many of Trump’s key allies have been directly involved in producing the project, which includes a 900-plus page policy road map and personnel database gathered by the Heritage Foundation, the conservative think tank leading the effort.

Trump also spoke highly about the group's plans at a dinner sponsored by the Heritage Foundation in April 2022, saying: “This is a great group, and they’re going to lay the groundwork and detail plans for exactly what our movement will do and what your movement will do when the American people give us a colossal mandate to save America."
"That's coming."

The website also notes that the project is backed by over 100 conservative organizations, many led by close allies of Trump, including Turning Point USA, the Center for Renewing America, the Claremont Institute, the Family Policy Alliance, the Family Research Council, Moms for Liberty and America First Legal — the latter of which is led by Stephen Miller, a top former Trump adviser.

Former Trump administration officials who have been directly affiliated with Project 2025 include former Office of Management and Budget Director Russ Vought, former acting Defense Secretary Christopher Miller, former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, former deputy chief of staff Rick Dearborn and former Justice Department senior counsel Gene Hamilton.

Vought, one of the key authors of Project 2025, is also the Republican National Committee’s platform policy director.
So you have no quote by Trump backing up her lies.

Got it.
Trump is lying. Trump chose as his running mate the guy who wrote the introduction to the Heritage Foundation report which calls for banning IVF and for a nationwide abortion ban. Many, if not most, of the people who wrote Project 2025 worked directly for Trump.

Trump takes credit for overturning Roe v. Wade, and so all abortion bans are Trump abortion bans. He owns them whether you like it or not.

The only late term abortions which take place are ones to save the life of the mother.

Trump knows this. He was all for partial birth abortions up to the ninth month. So he knows EXACTLY what this is about.

Under Trump's Project 2025 which calls for a national abortion ban, yes, all pregnancies would be monitored to ensure no abortions were happening.

Did Trump ever say there were "very fine people" during the Floyd protests?


Trump said "very fine people" because he courts the White Nationalist (Nazi) vote.

Trump was asked to unequivocally state his opposition to the Proud Boys, AND HE REFUSED.

You don't say "stand by" to people you oppose. You say "stand by" to tell them to wait for your signal.

Trump summoned the terrorists, and as he spoke they were chanting "Fight for Trump", and he THANKED them.

He also said, And we fight. We fight like hell. And if you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore.

The one fact you will never be able to run away from is that Trump did NOTHING for 187 minutes as his cult were sacrificing their lives on the altar of his Big Lie.

Actually, he did worse than nothing. One hour into the terrorist attack, Trump sicced the crowd onto his Vice President!

He could have called the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Defense, the F.B.I., the Capitol Police, or the DC Mayor’s Office for help.

You know what he did instead as the violence raged? He called Rudolph Giuliani and members of his cult in Congress, seeking their assistance in delaying the joint session of Congress.

His staff was begging him to act. He FAMILY was begging him to act. His friends in the MAGA media were begging him to stop the violence. His friends in Congress were begging him to act as they feared for their lives.

They warned him people were going to die and he ignored them. The traitor probably loved the idea of people dying for him.

No matter how hard you try, you cannot diminish the high crimes Trump committed that day.

9:21 a.m.: Dana Bash to Mark Meadows

What is Trump doing to pence ?!!

2:12 p.m.: Jim Acosta to Mark Meadows

Will potus say something to tamp things down?

2:14 p.m.: Kristen Welker to Mark Meadows

Reaction to protester?

2:24 P.M.​

Donald Trump tweets: “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done to protect our Country and our Constitution, giving States a chance to certify a corrected set of facts, not the fraudulent or inaccurate ones which they were asked to previously certify. USA demands the truth!”

2:28 p.m.: Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene to Mark Meadows

Mark I was just told there is an active shooter on the first floor of the Capitol Please tell the President to calm people This isn’t the way to solve anything

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

Hey Mark, The president needs to tell people in the Capitol to go home.

2:32 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

This is hurting all of us

2:33 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

He is destroying his legacy and playing into every stereotype … we lose all credibility against the BLM/Antifa crowd if things go South

2:34 p.m.: Carlton Huffman to Mark Meadows

You’ve earned a special place in infamy for the events of today. And if you’re the Christian you claim to be in your heart you know that

2:34 p.m.: Laura Ingraham to Mark Meadows

You can tell him I said this

2:35 p.m.: Mick Mulvaney to Mark Meadows

Mark: he needs to stop this, now
. Can I do anything to help?

2:38 p.m.: Michael Shear to Mark Meadows

Hey mark. Protestors are literally storming the Capitol. Breaking windows on doors. Rushing in. Is Trump going to say something?

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

It’s really bad up here on the hill.

2:44 p.m.: Rep. Barry Loudermilk to Mark Meadows

They have breached the Capitol.

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We are under siege in the cpaitol

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

There’s an armed standoff at the house chamber door

2:45 p.m.: Jake Sherman to Mark Meadows

We’re all helpless

2:46 p.m.: Rep. Will Timmons to Mark Meadows

The president needs to stop this ASAP

2:47 p.m.: Mario Parker to Mark Meadows

Is Potus going to take the podium to quell this unrest?

“‘He’s got to condemn this sh*t ASAP. The Capitol Police tweet is not enough,’” Trump Jr. wrote in one message to Meadows, according to the committee’s vice chairwoman, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming.

Cheney detailed that when Meadows had texted back that he agreed,Trump Jr. said: “We need an Oval office address. He has to lead now. It has gone too far and gotten out of hand.”

Donald Trump Jr. said his father needed to ‘condemn’ Capitol violence as it unfolded, Meadows’ texts reveal



"Someone is going to get killed."

There are no abortion bans, liar.
Independents tracked right with republicans last night on every issue... that's interesting....
Boy! You a special kind of stupid aren't you?
Those weren't "independents."
They were carefully selected MAGAt cultroaches tasked with providing the narrative that you are parroting now.
Aren't you just a good little sheeple.
There are no abortion bans, liar.
The Supreme Court has eliminated the federal constitutional right to abortion.
That ^^^^ is an Abortion Ban.

Roe v. Wade Overturned: How the Supreme Court Let Politicians Outlaw Abortion.​

The Supreme Court has eliminated the federal constitutional right to abortion.
That ^^^^ is an Abortion Ban.

Roe v. Wade Overturned: How the Supreme Court Let Politicians Outlaw Abortion.​

Lies. The SC sent it back to the states. It didn't ban abortion.

List the states where abortion is banned.
Lies. The SC sent it back to the states. It didn't ban abortion.

List the states where abortion is banned.
NO FEDERAL protection is an abortion ban, ya moron.
Send it back to the States.....Where they APPLY BANS and RESTRICTIONS.
You don't see that ^^^ as a ban?

Screenshot 2024-09-12 at 10.52.30 AM.png

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