America’s Princess Taylor Swift has spoken

Nice try to move the goal posts. The claim that you asked a link for was "Sure. Cuz you know he well enough to claim that while not knowing that 90% of her fans are old enough to vote."

Not who looks to her for political advice, which wouldn't be available anyway (which I'm sure you know).

You were provided information as to the source of that information and the graphic clearly shows the source.


Actually I couldn't get the source information from your post. I tried.

Hi. Welcome to Earth. Here on planet Earth when very famous people say something other people generally listen and consider that information with more attention than just a random person. For instance there is a guy who simply runs a social media and electric car company publishing his random thoughts on this thing we have here on Earth called Twitter. People read it cuz he is famous not because he isn’t an idiot, he is. So this Taylor Swift person writes popular songs and has a magnetic personality so people consider what she says a little more closely than if a random alien like you said something.
People pay attention to what Elon Musk says because he's extremely intelligent especially when it comes to business. I'm sorry but writing pop songs and having a "magnetic personality" doesn't lend weight to your opinions on economics! I don't find her songs to have any depth. She's become a middle aged teenager still going through the "angst" of being dumped (for about the tenth time!) by her latest idiot boyfriend! Pardon me for not caring...
People pay attention to what Elon Musk says because he's extremely intelligent especially when it comes to business. I'm sorry but writing pop songs and having a "magnetic personality" doesn't lend weight to your opinions on economics! I don't find her songs to have any depth. She's become a middle aged teenager still going through the "angst" of being dumped (for about the tenth time!) by her latest idiot boyfriend! Pardon me for not caring...
She’s 34 years old. Hardly middle aged.
Very thoughtful post about how she feels she needs to be transparent about her vote after seeing Trump abuse her image. The youth could make a difference in a tight election.

She’s for Harris in case you were curious.

I expect you to be the obedient cat lady and vote as you're told. You Swifty groupies are the future of america
The Jews love Kamala
There is going to be a time limit where Americans support Israel if this keeps up. People are fickle. People are prone to propaganda. A dangerous game they are playing. Who is good? Who is not? Elites can switch things around. I know a lot of people in that region want peace and they want comforts like American have. And a percentage have an allegiance as Muslims and the reintroduction of Israel in 1948 inflamed them. It has not changed much from those who think that way today. Peace is a tough goal.
There is going to be a time limit where Americans support Israel if this keeps up. People are fickle. People are prone to propaganda. A dangerous game they are playing. Who is good? Who is not? Elites can switch things around. I know a lot of people in that region want peace and they want comforts like American have. And a percentage have an allegiance as Muslims and the reintroduction of Israel in 1948 inflamed them. It has not changed much from those who think that way today. Peace is a tough goal.
And yet Jared Kushner was able to reach peace accords between 3 different Arab nations and Israel. Peace is a tough goal! Let's put people back in office that were able to attain it!
People pay attention to what Elon Musk says because he's extremely intelligent especially when it comes to business. I'm sorry but writing pop songs and having a "magnetic personality" doesn't lend weight to your opinions on economics! I don't find her songs to have any depth. She's become a middle aged teenager still going through the "angst" of being dumped (for about the tenth time!) by her latest idiot boyfriend! Pardon me for not caring...
Elon Musk doesnt know shit about politics. He is also not a doctor. He weighs in on politics and healthcare regularly. You are a shill. You just like the celebrities you like. We dont fucking care, kiss whoever's ass you want. But acting like you arent a celebrity whore while calling out others makes you a moron.
Elon Musk doesnt know shit about politics. He is also not a doctor. He weighs in on politics and healthcare regularly. You are a shill. You just like the celebrities you like. We dont fucking care, kiss whoever's ass you want. But acting like you arent a celebrity whore while calling out others makes you a moron.
So we should listen to Taylor Swift...but not to Elon Musk? Aren't you amusing...
Elon Musk doesnt know shit about politics. He is also not a doctor. He weighs in on politics and healthcare regularly. You are a shill. You just like the celebrities you like. We dont fucking care, kiss whoever's ass you want. But acting like you arent a celebrity whore while calling out others makes you a moron.
What do you think, Gator...Kim Kardashian for Treasury Secretary? Joy Behar? The possibilities are ENDLESS!
Someone needs to tell that bimbo Taylor to stop dressing like a hooker. It makes sense though, she dresses like a prostitute and Kamala acts like one. No wonder Taylor recommends that slut.
She’s 34 years old. Hardly middle aged.
90% of the swifties are also adults. Who vote.

Taylor has been in the business a long time. She's busted her butt to get where she is. She's been very smart with the business part, and she's been awesome to her fans the whole time, which explains why the "Swifties" exist. They literally grew up with her.

Needless to say, her intelligence is leagues above low-grade morons like Trump or Musk.
Very thoughtful post about how she feels she needs to be transparent about her vote after seeing Trump abuse her image. The youth could make a difference in a tight election.

She’s for Harris in case you were curious.

Bad news for the Orange idiot. Taylor has a very large fan base who will follow her example! He has

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