Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

if you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia, you'll get a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 32,000 gun deaths last year, they had 112. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature ...
I think that gun control is not the big challenge facing America. In Ohio migrants are eating family pets. This has to stop.
Perhaps until you can provide actual fact and a civil demeanor you should be banned from the forum.

Also, YOU said that they were per 100k. This is not per capita, you moron, this is per 100k. Since you claim to be so brilliant, even you should know the difference, which you obviously do not.
You are thick as shit.
In the UK, you must have a valid reason to own a firearm, if you don’t have one of those valid reasons, you will be denied a firearm license.

My valid reason was because I went to clay pigeon shoot centres. Tricky isn't it!! If I went into American derp mode, I could say, "I want it for self defence, to shoot others", so application denied. The whole point of the gun debate is folk getting shot, stop giving them to clowns that will shoot others. Hence why Americans would fail and not own a gun in the UK, but us Brits enjoy using them, if they can interested/bothered to having one. I sold mine a few years ago because I infrequently go shooting now, but when I do, I just hire them. Do you get vetted/checked at the centre? Nope. Some centres give you all the cartridges in one go, other centres load the shotgun for you. They probably feel less collateral damage if a nut case went on a shooting spree with just two cartridges.

Are you gutted that gun safety is not sensible in the US like it is in the UK?

But he wants to. Republicans obstruct any gun regulation.

The only difference between other first world nations with little to no gun crime and the US is gun regulation.
No he does not. All he does is purpose one sided regulations that he knows the people do not want and wine when they are rejected.
Why is this always the best the right wing morons can come up with?

Oh, right. They are authoritarians and despise our democratic process that we use to change the country.
No, it is the only response that the leftist morons can comprehend when others refuse to bend to their anti freedom authoritarianism and demands for total control.

You fit right in with their desires to control everyone but fail to realize that you never will.

But he wants to. Republicans obstruct any gun regulation.

The only difference between other first world nations with little to no gun crime and the US is gun regulation.
What gun legislation would a mass shooter follow?
Illegal doesn't mean it doesn't happen nice try!
Like gun violence?
Illegal...but still happens so we need stricter laws on gun know, if you want stricter voter ID laws even though there already are laws preventing illegal voting, then you must be for stricter gun laws as well?
if you combine the populations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Denmark and Australia, you'll get a population roughly the size of the United States. We had 32,000 gun deaths last year, they had 112. Do you think it's because Americans are more homicidal by nature ...

Stop counting suicides, it makes you look disingenuous.

Like gun violence?
Illegal...but still happens so we need stricter laws on gun know, if you want stricter voter ID laws even though there already are laws preventing illegal voting, then you must be for stricter gun laws as well?
The hell we do, criminals do not obey the law, which was my point, don't like guns, don't buy one, my right to own one is guaranteed by the constitution!

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