Does Trump Have A Plan To Stop School Shootings?

Your type always has to make up labels and apply them to your betters just to make yourselves feel relevant and worth something. Here is a fact: you are not.

Perhaps if you concentrated on fixing your own county you would spew less lies and distortions about other countries.
You're confused. It works in the same way as the other Derangement Syndromes. So you're debating something and out of the blue and totally irrelevant to the debate, "You bow to your King", etc.. just randomly appears. Must be connected to IQ because the bright Americans on here don't do it.

Which lies? Like guns are banned in the UK?
Vance has said that school shootings are just a fact of life.

Clearly the is just an admission that they are powerless, right?
Not at all. School shootings are a "fact of life" Like being born, eating, sleeping, and dying.
The only plan the US can implement to start and reduce kids heads getting blown off in school is to scrap the 2nd. Then bring in a correct licensing system. As the decades pass, the laws and regs increase, the hardened gun nut generations start to die out. Then within 50 years, America can enjoy guns safely like the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc..

But the two important points are, scrap the outdated 2nd, and generations to die out.
You're confused. It works in the same way as the other Derangement Syndromes. So you're debating something and out of the blue and totally irrelevant to the debate, "You bow to your King", etc.. just randomly appears. Must be connected to IQ because the bright Americans on here don't do it.

Which lies? Like guns are banned in the UK?
Lies like there is no violence in the UK. Except for knives and inter racial violence. And there still seems to be a number of guns there.

You seem to worry so much about other countries when your own needs serious work to become as you claim it is.

It is relevant because you claim it doesn't happen and all should follow your lead. You don't live in another country and so have no right or basis for your claims. The low IQ belongs to you, who fails to see the problems in your own country and try to tell others how to live. Very low in Itelligence on your part. But living in your version of a fairy tale, it is more than expected.
The only plan the US can implement to start and reduce kids heads getting blown off in school is to scrap the 2nd. Then bring in a correct licensing system. As the decades pass, the laws and regs increase, the hardened gun nut generations start to die out. Then within 50 years, America can enjoy guns safely like the UK, Australia, New Zealand etc..

But the two important points are, scrap the outdated 2nd, and generations to die out.
Only thing to say is BS.

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