Is it too late to replace JD Vance on the ballot? The question needs to be asked again.

Oh Joy!

I really doubt there will be another debate between Harris and trump. trump always thinks he is being cheated and I doubt Harris will give the debate to FOX news, for fear of Murdoch sharing the questions with trump beforehand.
Of course, since turnabout is not fair play when the dimtard gets it....
why not replace all 4 candidates.
Because the Democrats have 2 excellent candidates. Duh.

No, we don't really want you to replace Trump, given that his presence on the ticket guarantees a blue wave.

We tell you to replace Trump and Vance because we know you won't do it. We gain here by mocking you for keeping such a dementia-ridden kook on your ticket, along with Trump.
She opened with flipping the immigration question to
“The one thing you will not hear him talk about is you.”

She ended with
"I am not Joe Biden. And I am certainly not Donald Trump."

I think she studied up for this. lol
MAGA feels today worse than many of us felt after Biden's disastrous showing. There is no replacing trump.
Because the Democrats have 2 excellent candidates. Duh.

No, we don't really want you to replace Trump, given that his presence on the ticket guarantees a blue wave.

We tell you to replace Trump and Vance because we know you won't do it. We gain here by mocking you for keeping such a dementia-ridden kook on your ticket, along with Trump.
you do?

then why was kammie debating Trump?

you should have had one of those 'excellent' candidates' debate him.

JD is a liability. And with trump's dismal performance last night, maybe the GOP needs to get a stronger candidate?.
I am looking forward to the debate between Walz and Vance.

Tuesday, October 1.

Mark it on your calendars, kids!
Perhaps Vance can elaborate on the cats and dogs thing at the VP debate.

When you consider Vance called himself a Never Trumper, and said Trump was "America's Hitler", and how he criticized the ability for people like Trump to change spouses like they changes their underwear, you have to wonder how Shady Vance is able to look at himself in the mirror these days.

If you eject your principles so easily for political gain, what are you, exactly?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Perhaps Vance can elaborate on the cats and dogs thing at the VP debate.

When you consider Vance called himself a Never Trumper, and said Trump was "America's Hitler", and how he criticized the ability for people like Trump to change spouses like they changes their underwear, you have to wonder how Shady Vance is able to look at himself in the mirror these days.

If you eject your principles so easily for political gain, what are you, exactly?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Perhaps Vance can elaborate on the cats and dogs thing at the VP debate.

When you consider Vance called himself a Never Trumper, and said Trump was "America's Hitler", and how he criticized the ability for people like Trump to change spouses like they changes their underwear, you have to wonder how Shady Vance is able to look at himself in the mirror these days.

If you eject your principles so easily for political gain, what are you, exactly?

For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
Walz will bring it up.

bet on it

the weird shit will come into play
MAGA feels today worse than many of us felt after Biden's disastrous showing. There is no replacing trump.
MAGA feels fine. Just a matter now of 312 or 325 electoral college votes.
How is jimboliar feeling, with that big move ahead?

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