Breaking News: New CPI inflation report lowest since 2021

I use

I have used Quicken software to track our budgets, income and expenditures for the last I think 21 years. I know what our grocery bills and other expenditures looked like before Biden and what it has been for the last three years. We don't go hungry but we do without a LOT of things we used to be able to afford and enjoy.

So sorry your claims to crystal ball gazing or omniscience isn't working very well today but you don't know me or my situation at all. And a post like yours comes across as really REALLY stupid.

Are you retired and living on a fixed income?
I wouldn't put much faith in what our government says inflation is. They have a vested interest in low balling that number because SS payments are tied to inflation. Anyone who does grocery shopping will tell you that food prices have gone up considerably.

Obvious follow up question - whats the proper measure of inflation?

Whatever some casual shopper or politico guesstimates it to be?
I know what our grocery bills
Put some numbers to it.

Grocery Bill in May 2020 was ...........
Grocery Bill in June 2020 was ...........
Grocery Bill in July 2020 was ...........

Grocery Bill in August 2024 was ...........
It was kept too low after 2000 that is for sure. it should have been raised long before it was. By that same vein it does not need to be as high as it is now.
Speak for yourself. I'm enjoying the 5% returns on my money market portion of my portfolio.
When it comes to reporting inflation every administration since 2000 has "cooked" the books. It's not a partisan thing. It's a government thing.

Pure bullshit. Opposition would be all over a scandal like that.

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