Who won the debate?

Who won tonight’s debate?

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Dumb ass, professionals on both sides are calling that farce of a debate RIGGED for Harris. Dems cheat just admit it you clown.
No they aren’t. Nobody is calling it rigged. There would have to be an impact for something to be rigged. The mods did fact check Trump more. But was that impactful?? Hell no. So how about you stop being a drama queen about it.
Sorry, buttcake, but as the other thread clearly shows along with the long list of lies I just posted directly to YOU, Harris lied her ass off all night long.
I missed it. I’d love to see this long list of lies. By my count I had 3 which are arguable

Trump had dozens
The immigrants who come here are more capitalist than most Americans are.

They start businesses and go right to work, busting their asses. They contribute to our GDP.

They are family-oriented, hard working, and deeply religious.

Everything the GOP alleges to believe in which they clearly do not any more.



Many of them are NOT the things you claim, and the more that come here, the more taxpayers will be forced to pay for. Have you been to an emergency room lately? I don't know where you live asshole, but I have seen with my own eyes, problems that have been caused by people using OUR emergency rooms, for THEIR doctor visits.

Asshole, ask some mayors who are NOT Dimocrats how things have been going when their city gets stuck paying for services they didn't bargain for.

Financial Stress from Migrant Crisis Threatens to ‘Break’ Denver Hospital System, CEO Says​

I missed it. I’d love to see this long list of lies. By my count I had 3 which are arguable

Trump had dozens
Here's the full transcript, ask him to point out some of these "lies".

I just pointed out a Trump lie:

"People can't go out and buy cereal bacon or eggs or anything else".

No they aren’t. Nobody is calling it rigged. There would have to be an impact for something to be rigged. The mods did fact check Trump more. But was that impactful?? Hell no. So how about you stop being a drama queen about it.
LOL classic Dem denial. Yes, they are. Once a gain Dems caught red handed CHEATING.
MUIR: Mr. President, why did you kill the bill which would put thousands of additional agents on the border?

TRUMP: First, let me say we have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of America! No one has rallies bigger than we do. No one is leaving our rallies. I had a rally last week and they are still there! In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there. They are eating the most cats and dogs in the history of America! American carnage! American carnage! Venezuela!
Here's the full transcript, ask him to point out some of these "lies"...

I've pointed out Kamala has lied about - Late term abortion - "Very fine people" Charlottesville - J6 - "Bloodbath" - Crime data - Border security - Project 2025 - Fracking .
Nice try to spin it but not even close to reality. We all watched the debate. We know what happened. Don’t pretend

No spin needed. Harris clearly lied all night long (as detailed in a concurrent thread) yet never once was she fact checked, yet Muir fact checked Trump throughout the debate (no accounting for how accurate he was). Clearly showing the entire debate was just another ABC setup in support of the democrat.

When our media becomes just an extension of a political party, it can no longer function as a government watchdog, making it utterly useless.
MUIR: Mr. President, why did you kill the bill which would put thousands of additional agents on the border?

TRUMP: First, let me say we have the biggest rallies, the most incredible rallies in the history of America! No one has rallies bigger than we do. No one is leaving our rallies. I had a rally last week and they are still there! In Springfield, they're eating the dogs. The people that came in. They're eating the cats. They're eating -- they're eating the pets of the people that live there. They are eating the most cats and dogs in the history of America! American carnage! American carnage! Venezuela!
FFS - I watched the debate and still reading what he said this morning is like hearing it for the first time, the guys a straitjacket case.

Many of them are NOT the things you claim, and the more that come here, the more taxpayers will be forced to pay for. Have you been to an emergency room lately? I don't know where you live asshole, but I have seen with my own eyes, problems that have been caused by people using OUR emergency rooms, for THEIR doctor visits.

Asshole, ask some mayors who are NOT Dimocrats how things have been going when their city gets stuck paying for services they didn't bargain for.

Financial Stress from Migrant Crisis Threatens to ‘Break’ Denver Hospital System, CEO Says​

Yes, dipshit, when people can't afford health insurance, they use the ER as their primary care provider. Duh! This is exactly what Democrats have been saying for DECADES.

So where's that "beautiful" and "terrific" Obamacare replacement Trump kept saying he had in 2016, dipshit?

You really should have a FOOL ME TWICE bumper sticker on your vehicle.

No spin needed. Harris clearly lied all night long (as detailed in a concurrent thread) yet never once was she fact checked, yet Muir fact checked Trump throughout the debate (no accounting for how accurate he was). Clearly showing the entire debate was just another ABC setup in support of the democrat.

When our media becomes just an extension of a political party, it can no longer function as a government watchdog, making it utterly useless.
Have you bought any eggs recently? According to Trump nobody can or anything else either!
You realize you just posted a link to survivors while trying to make the point that they were killing babies after they were born… right?

You realize that many states as detailed (someone just posted a state map) have no gestation period, which means that when they abort a baby at any point in its fetal stage, if it is born alive, they are under no obligation to give it care to keep it alive (read: they just stand back and let it die). What a neat way of dancing around the legal technicality of not actually killing it.
It’ll be over soon, who do you think won?
Trump leaving the stage
Bush let bin Laden escape thru Tora Bora and he gave up the chase.

His attempt to Democratize Afghanistan was a disaster
General Tommy Franks was the General dropping the bombs where liars told him Bin Laden was.
You realize that many states as detailed (someone just posted a state map) have no gestation period, which means that when they abort a baby at any point in its fetal stage, if it is born alive, they are under no obligation to give it care to keep it alive (read: they just stand back and let it die). What a neat way of dancing around the legal technicality of not actually killing it.
But Trump said he wants to leave it to the states, no big government, so why the grumbling?
The “slant” was 5 one sentence fact checks that Trump got that Harris didn’t get. But Trump also lied significantly more than Kamala. That is not a rig job or cheating. It was insignificant. The questions were fair and each candidate was given adequate time to speak and steer the discussion
she lied 25 times. when you can't be honest, well, your point is useless.
Cats and dogs have been disappearing for centuries. They are lost to predators and automobiles.

But you can almost bet your house Fox News is going to do a segment on the "sudden and alarming" disappearance of household pets, with all the appropriate doom music, matched with foreboding shots of MISSING posters.

REPORTER: "Just days before the debate between President Trump and Camel-Ah Harris, little Buffy went missing in this neighborhood just one block away from a Haitian neighborhood."

BUFFY's OWNER: "Buffy never ran away from home. Never. She wouldn't do that. But then these...these...negr-...aliens showed up and now she's gone!"

REPORTER: "With the smell of roasting meat hanging in the air, we tried to get someone in this neighborhood to talk to us about Buffy, but they all declined."

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