LA Times faults GOP for problems in Dem-controlled one-party state of California

You post the weirdest shit sometimes...
My posts are for stragglers who may visit the site. I believe that there is a growing globalist government and that many of our domestic agendas come from them. Near the whole Progressive Party is involved with a percentage of the Republicans included. So, it all comes from that. Many people want dictatorial leaders as their gods. No matter what. When empowered the not so nice ones after a while show their true colors. The ones I typed did. Trump is not one of them. He is an aging newer politician who caught on to a segment of the population crapped on. Not just from Progs, but from some of their own elected. If AOC was true to whatever she is after her first election, a year or so after she was going to rich dinner parties and swanky events involving the rich and famous. She sold out and is now in the fold of the world government if she was not before.
My posts are for stragglers who may visit the site. I believe that there is a growing globalist government and that many of our domestic agendas come from them. Near the whole Progressive Party is involved with a percentage of the Republicans included. So, it all comes from that. Many people want dictatorial leaders as their gods. No matter what. When empowered the not so nice ones after a while show their true colors. The ones I typed did. Trump is not one of them. He is an aging newer politician who caught on to a segment of the population crapped on. Not just from Progs, but from some of their own elected. If AOC was true to whatever she is after her first election, a year or so after she was going to rich dinner parties and swanky events involving the rich and famous. She sold out and is now in the fold of the world government if she was not before.
You post the weirdest shit sometimes...

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