Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

The truth of the highly correlated satellite and balloon data.

Co2 went up.

Atmospheric temps did NOT.

You are a subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.
You are a subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.

How is pointing out that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 "making opponents of AGW look bad?"


Because what you call "opponents of AGW" like you and Toddster are FRAUDS who are FUNDED BY THE Co2 FRAUD.
How is pointing out that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 "making opponents of AGW look bad?"


Because what you call "opponents of AGW" like you and Toddster are FRAUDS who are FUNDED BY THE Co2 FRAUD.
Because it's wrong. You are a subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.
and yet here you are parroting all FUDGED FRAUD as real data....
Nope. Just the opposite. I'm proving that the warming is natural and expected. You are a subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.
Never once does "Ding" deny he is FUNDED BY THE CO2 FRAUD....
Nope. I don't believe in AGW. I believe the majority of warming is natural and due to the norther hemisphere naturally deglaciating like it's done every interglacial period for the last 3 million years.

You are a subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.
The truth of the highly correlated satellite and balloon data.

Co2 went up.

Atmospheric temps did NOT.

Atmospheric temps ? You talking to Tucker again ? You’re so science illiterate you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. There you go again. You are confused between the atmosphere and surface temps aren’t you ?
You obviously know nothing about radiant heat do you ?
How is pointing out that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 "making opponents of AGW look bad?"


Because what you call "opponents of AGW" like you and Toddster are FRAUDS who are FUNDED BY THE Co2 FRAUD.
Non reader, the balloons and satellites are indirectly measuring SURFACE TEMPS, not atmospheric temps to quantify the effects of AGW. But keep posting made up shit, while we laugh at you.
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How is pointing out that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 "making opponents of AGW look bad?"


Because what you call "opponents of AGW" like you and Toddster are FRAUDS who are FUNDED BY THE Co2 FRAUD.
Science illiterate, where in the atmosphere do you claim the temperatures are taken ?
as is all claims that ocean currents cause climate change.
Who claims that ?
How is pointing out that the highly correlated satellite and balloon data showed NO WARMING in the atmosphere despite rising Co2 "making opponents of AGW look bad?"


Because what you call "opponents of AGW" like you and Toddster are FRAUDS who are FUNDED BY THE Co2 FRAUD.
Where is your reference ?

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