ABC moderators slammed for their pathetic bias.

No need to. Youre the tools who want abortion to be a GOO stumbling block.

It no longer is.

Have a good cry.

But when you come back, try to post something of actual value.
You think he has no need to actually answer questions coherently.


He’s weak.
Idiot ^^^^
laughing hillary.jpg
She gave politician answers. Which is what I expect in a debate. She lied once. Four or five more were answers that needed context.
On the other hand, Trump couldn't stop lying for the entire debate. And couldn't stay on message. Or keep his composure.
He should have been called out for his miserable performance in June because it was a lot of the same crap, but Biden's performance overshadowed it.
She lied constantly.
You think he has no need to actually answer questions coherently.


He’s weak.
You got nothing. As always.

He has no need to play your idiot libturd games.

Abortion isn’t a real issue anymore. You pussies just want it to be because you think it might give you traction.

Answer the question:

Have you stopped bearing puppies? Yes or no?
Pressure but not force. Facebook decided what to take down. You said that was bullshit but the facts prove otherwise.
Do you think an administration should be pressuring private companies to remove content they don't like?

That's a yes or no.
You got nothing. As always.

He has no need to play your idiot libturd games.

Abortion isn’t a real issue anymore. You pussies just want it to be because you think it might give you traction.

Answer the question:

Have you stopped bearing puppies? Yes or no?
You claim that the question is easy to answer but he couldn’t do it.

Is he too stupid?

Or are you just making claims with no evidence again?
Trumpy: "Now she wants to do transgender operations on illegals that are in prison"

What's a moderator supposed to do with something like that?
Ignore it because it is a fact.

Transgender rights​

Harris also wrote that she supported taxpayer funding of gender transition surgeries for detained immigrants and federal prisoners.

Harris was asked if, as president, she would use “executive authority to ensure that transgender and non-binary people who rely on the state for medical care – including those in prison and immigration detention – will have access to comprehensive treatment associated with gender transition, including all necessary surgical care.”

Harris replied, “Yes.”
This isn’t a quote from Dobbs, it’s just a claim you made.

Dobbs said that the constitution doesn’t prevent the government from regulating or banning abortion. It doesn’t say anything about the constitution preventing the federal government from doing so.
That isn't a quote from Dobbs, it's just a claim you made.
back to playing constitutional scholar again?

too funny

Bills don't get sent to the court. The courts get in much later.
Anyone with a functioning brain knows a national ban would be shot down in the courts due to Dobbs.

That leave you and Moroner out.

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