Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

This is why you are paid by the Co2 FRAUD. You are paid by the Co2 FRAUD to pretend to be a "skeptic" but to ACCEPT ALL THEIR FUDGED FRAUD "warming" that does not exist.
Says the subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.
You are confused between the atmosphere and surface temps aren’t you ?

Not at all. All of the warming in the surface temp series is from this...

and the Co2 FRAUD is 100% about misdiagnosing the cause that warming, the ONLY REAL warming in the data, and blaming it on Co2. And since neither the oceans nor the atmosphere are warming, the Urban Heat warming isn't affecting the planet.
Says the subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.


EMH explains what does cause Earth climate change and what does not, and YOU HATE THAT TRUTH because

1. you cannot refute one word of it
2. your paycheck depends on the Co2 FRAUD continuing


EMH explains what does cause Earth climate change and what does not, and YOU HATE THAT TRUTH because

1. you cannot refute one word of it
2. your paycheck depends on the Co2 FRAUD continuing

Says the subversive trying to make opponents of AGW look bad.

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