Harris dominates with Jewish voters

Jewish Democrats Claim Kamala Beats Trump 68%-25%; 85% of Orthodox Jews Disapprove of Biden
Jewish Democrats Claim Kamala Beats Trump 68%-25%; 85% of Orthodox Jews Disapprove of Biden

Jews have ZERO common sense and zero survival instincts

Might as well vote for the Socialist Workers party
Well back in the day most Jews did vote for Democrats because in those day the Democrats were honorable. And perhaps many of them feel a duty to do so today bc they are all blue ticket voters?

From what I understand though it seems like this election we’re gonna have record numbers of blacks voting for Trump, record numbers of Jews voting for Trump. Take a look at that perhaps. Let the polls say what they want, but let’s see what happens election day.

And don’t fall for the trap of negative generalizations against Jews. That’s not what Jesus would want. Within every group of people there’s good and bad.
Guess that's just how they roll. It's a fact that a lot of German Jews paid their gas and electricity bills before they walked themselves to the train station and off to the death camps.
They were FORCED to get into the cattle cars, and they were told they were labor camps.

Sounds like you’re blaming the Jews, like they were idiots who chose to die.
Considering how the Biden-Harris Administration keeps undercutting Israel and yanking on its leash...

I find it difficult to understand how American Jews can continue to support the Democratic Party to the extent they still are...

Perhaps many of them need to go on Aliyah and spend time as combat medics alongside their brothers and sisters in the IDF...
Exactly. I'll never understand why Jews and Black people support the DemonCrats to the extent they do. It must be some kind of bizarre "tradition". I don't get it.

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