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These people come here for jobs. That's the attraction. That's the point. American employers hire them, knowing they're illegals.

I thought everyone knew that.

Why is it costing the US taxpayer billions to support them if they're all being hired, working, and are self-supporting? Why are they getting any government assistance at all?
If they're getting jobs why is the government giving them money? Also why are they eating pets and committing so much crime if they're all working?
Either why it's still not employers job to secure the border.
It's puzzling how liberals go into hysterics over Russian trolls yet have no issue with illegals flooding across the border.
I didn't say it was the employers' job to secure the border.

I can see I wasted my time there. Never mind.
No, I'd use the government to end people's lives if they tried to cross into this country illegally.

Foreign invaders should be turned into a pile of goo before they ever set foot on this soil. We have plenty of Reaper drones armed with missiles. Why shouldn't we use them?
Government shill!

if this "great replacement " business is happening it is not some kind of commie plot, just american capitalists doing what they do to maximize profits.
Hereditary Power Contradicts and Destroys Capitalism

It is shallow logic to blame a system rather than the privileged and their no-talent yes-men in the Successpool that runs it now and is running it into the ground.

An architect can have a perfect bluepirint but if the materials he uses are inferior, his building will collapse.
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Not to mention that they don't need jobs, they're getting government bene and handouts left and right. If they (D's) want to use the 'employer' excuse, then why aren't they speaking out against the taxpayers footing the bill for them, why is it costing us billions if they're all coming here and finding gainful employment and thus are self-supporting? Their (D's) response is complete bullshit,
The Untied Slates of Freestuffia
"And yet, Democrats are the ones who've flung the borders wide open and are saying "Come on in."

I was unaware of that alleged fact.

Can poster JGalt prove it? Is he able to?
If he can.....well, now would be a good time to do so.


Not to mention that they don't need jobs, they're getting government bene and handouts left and right.
Can earnest poster OldFlame offer the forum any vetting for this assertion? Details, metrics, location, etc,?
Do you have proof they’re coming from thousands of miles away or are you just parroting what Russian-paid MAGA influencers are telling you?


Why don't you tell us where the fuck they're coming from? There are people from all over the world coming in through the southern border. 🤡
I was unaware of that alleged fact.

Can poster JGalt prove it? Is he able to?
If he can.....well, now would be a good time to do so.


Can earnest poster OldFlame offer the forum any vetting for this assertion? Details, metrics, location, etc,?

Can you use google? Can you read? 🤡

How much do illegal immigrants cost the U.S.?
If we don't start holding American employers responsible, then this whole subject is bullshit.

You really are an ignorant middling Sap pretending to be middle smart. Far from it you dumb OX.

A company tries to get them to prove citizenship? Are you crazy. That’s another trip to court, now labeled ant-immigrant. Pay up. Along with your LGBTQ suits, its a mess.

The commee know they let them in, commee won’t allow many real checks on them. They know they can’t win prosecution as it’s their fault you spinning twisting black barnyard snake.

1. outspent LBJ, expanded government faster than LBJ, was the record holder for spending increases until homO passed him
2. socialized senior drugs, threatened actuary who did cost estimate to "shut up or else" because W was lying about the estimate
3. could have fought for school vouchers, instead partnered with Teddy Kennedy to flush $1 trillion into homo controlled public education and did NOTHING for vouchers/school choice. Zionist Fascism wants America's kids homo raped.
4. totally obliterated Americans' right to privacy with DHS, giant new bureaucracy founded on treasonous lie that "islam" did 911
5. DHS is completely corrupt and clearly was in on Trump assassination attempt
6. DHS is completely joyful about open border

W was 100% left wing and did precisely NOTHING CONSERVATIVE as President. W's big spending big government $$$$ for housing blew up the housing market and gave the WH to homO....

GWB sent $88 Billion to Africa for condoms if I rember right. Didn’t work. But the warlords were appreciative.
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These people come here for jobs. That's the attraction. That's the point. American employers hire them, knowing they're illegals.

I thought everyone knew that.

They don’t know and really can’t ask in most cases. They got ID cards and Obiden hands out SS#’s. You want to call a young Mexican a fraud? See you in Court says the SPLC or SEIU. Is there anything about 15 million un-vetted new guests you don’t like? You’re like slowJoe131 and PeeKKK nothing can be done.
Yes there is a great replacement going on but it's not specifically to replace whites. It's to replace Americans or anyone who believes in American values and principles. Which is why you see the same kind of violence against Asians and Jews, or even worse. Blacks are being replaced faster that whites if they have American values. The entire point of putting Venezulan gangs in black neighborhoods in Chicago is to kill off any American leaning blacks.
They are laying around motel rooms on EBT cards. If they work it’s for cash under table.
They don't want to work. They are illiterate and unskilled. They can make more money in one day committing crimes for the gangs they they can in a week working for minimum wage. They come because of the crime magnet.
GWB sent $88 Billion to Africa for condoms if I rember right. Didn’t work. But the warlords were appreciative.

The kickback stuff spending money in foreign countries is not new, but it blew up like popcorn under W, then homO...

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