Is Anthropogenic (Human-Caused) Global Warming/AGW Falsifiable?

That's not how science works. You don't just make up some crazy stories and declare you win. You've been failing at the basics here for ten years now.

We've pointed out many times that many things can falsify global warming, since it's real science. I've posted a list multiple times.

In contrast, I've asked deniers many times what hard data would falsify their theory. They never answer. That's because deniers don't have a theory, they have a religion, and a religion can't be falsified.
Manabe and Strickler (1964) :lol:
A fine mystery response, but what does that have to do with your side being unable to say how their theory could be falsified?

Heck, we'd settle for you just stating what your theory is.
You can't recognize a citation when you see one?

It's not my theory, dummy. Manabe and Strickler (1964) calculated the global-average strength of the “greenhouse effect” on surface temperatures and calculated that the surface of the Earth should average a whopping 75 deg. C warmer than if there was no greenhouse effect.
Do you have laboratory measurements of emissivity through the various media we're discussing? ... do you have the calculated values we can compare to? ...

... or do you mean the "one photon, one molecule" theory? ...
I have no idea what you're referring to here, or what point you're trying to make.
It's not my theory, dummy. Manabe and Strickler (1964) calculated the global-average strength of the “greenhouse effect” on surface temperatures and calculated that the surface of the Earth should average a whopping 75 deg. C warmer than if there was no greenhouse effect.
No, that's just you claim. As we've seen, the stuff you claim is almost never true. I looked at the paper again, and I don't see any such claim.

So, first, prove your claim.

And second, explain how your claim is related to falsifying AGW theory.

Those are all normal fluctuations represented as periodic functions and indeed, the small increases just before the industrial revolution is an upward trend. That it’s happening at a faster rate is what is more important., Your models are all periodic functions in an overall increase and there is no proof it would have continued down if the industrial revolution had not occurred. That the rate of increase far exceeds any increases in fluctuations makes your observation mute.
During the past

1 million years

Greenland froze while North America thawed

So while there was a "cold snap" on Greenland, at the same time there was a "warm snap" on North America???

Such is the idiotic BULLSHIT of the Co2 FRAUd.
Fraud…….you and ChemEngineer deserve each other.
No, that's just you claim. As we've seen, the stuff you claim is almost never true. I looked at the paper again, and I don't see any such claim.

So, first, prove your claim.

And second, explain how your claim is related to falsifying AGW theory.
That's because you were too stupid to understand the paper. :rofl:
Fraud man, you wouldn’t know the truth if it appeared on your bed stand next to your copy mein kampf

Really, found any land inside of 600 miles to an Earth pole not in ice age yet???


If they could refute any of what EMH has posted, they would do so, instead of these pathetic drive bys...

They cannot refute any of that, not one word...
Really, found any land inside of 600 miles to an Earth pole not in ice age yet???


If they could refute any of what EMH has posted, they would do so, instead of these pathetic drive bys...

They cannot refute any of that, not one word...
Wow, more “ evidence”:from your science illiterate anti Semitic friends of Himmler.
I don't believe you. What's the paper about?
No, you don't get to shift of the burden of proof. You made the positive claim, so it's up to you to support it. If you can't, you admit the claim is BS.

And yes, everyone does see you running now because you were challenged to back up your claims. It is that obvious.
No, you don't get to shift of the burden of proof. You made the positive claim, so it's up to you to support it. If you can't, you admit the claim is BS.

And yes, everyone does see you running now because you were challenged to back up your claims. It is that obvious.
The paper is the proof, dummy. I can't help it if you can't understand one single thing about it.

Manabe and Strickler (1964) calculated the global-average strength of the “greenhouse effect” on surface temperatures and calculated that the surface of the Earth should average a whopping 75 deg. C warmer than if there was no greenhouse effect.

Don't feel too bad, crick couldn't figure out that paper either. So funny.
The paper is the proof, dummy.
The paper that doesn't say what you claim?

Your bluff was called, so you're flailing badly now.

Come on. 'Fess up. Some crank website fed you a load of bull about the paper, so your BELIEVED without question. You have zero idea of what the paper actually says.

What do you hope to accomplish by pretending otherwise? Do you think anyone here is fooled by your act? They're not.
The paper that doesn't say what you claim?

Your bluff was called, so you're flailing badly now.

Come on. 'Fess up. Some crank website fed you a load of bull about the paper, so your BELIEVED without question. You have zero idea of what the paper actually says.

What do you hope to accomplish by pretending otherwise? Do you think anyone here is fooled by your act? They're not.
If you knew what the purpose of the paper was you'd then be able to figure out which plot showed the theoretical temperature profile at different elevations.

But you can't even figure out what the purpose of the paper is so I get to play with you like a cat plays with a mouse. I've got you by the tail right now and I'm pawing you.
If you knew what the purpose of the paper was you'd then be able to figure out which plot showed the theoretical temperature profile at different elevations.
Since you claim to know, explain it to us.

If you're not just making it all up, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Or just keep running, as everyone laughs hard at you.

Also, you still haven't explained step two, why your claim about the paper supposedly falsifies AGW theory. So, you're faceplanting in two different ways.
The paper that doesn't say what you claim?

Your bluff was called, so you're flailing badly now.

Come on. 'Fess up. Some crank website fed you a load of bull about the paper, so your BELIEVED without question. You have zero idea of what the paper actually says.

What do you hope to accomplish by pretending otherwise? Do you think anyone here is fooled by your act? They're not.
What's the paper about?
Since you claim to know, explain it to us.

If you're not just making it all up, that shouldn't be a problem for you.

Or just keep running, as everyone laughs hard at you.
What's the paper about? You said you read it, right? So what's the paper about?

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