The Official Trump/Harris Debate Thread....With Live Feed

All of which the parents have to give PERMISSION FOR. Yes or no?

Nah, you just want to argue semantics because you can't argue the actual topic.
Now you're accusing me of being anti-semantic.

I'm talking about the general concept that allowing minors to be transported across state lines by someone not their parent or guardian for ANY reason is a bad fucking idea.

This is what got you in trouble. You forgot about church trips.
Schools trips. Little league, and many more. Since you were so narrow minded, you couldn't conceive of all of these everyday trips, so you said they were a bad idea.
Now you're accusing me of being anti-semantic.

This is what got you in trouble. You forgot about church trips.
Schools trips. Little league, and many more. Since you were so narrow minded, you couldn't conceive of all of these everyday trips, so you said they were a bad idea.

Yep, semantics.

You have nothing.
Dem creeps will reap the whirlwind.
DNC to ABC: "The check's in the mail".
Idiot. They favored Trump.
Almost never corrected his mountain of lies and gave him time for rebuttal that was not un the rules. He had far more time than Harris.

I pissed watching ABC NOT do theit job and letting him go on and on. Always with unchallenged lies.

A) it’s weird as shit to do so during a presidential debate

B) a single bizarre story about a woman eating someone’s pet dog has nothing to do with illegal immigration whether said woman is an illegal or not

C) seizing on random sensationalist stories like this only when people of color are involved is very clearly a dog whistle tactic
Nobody on the right, except the extreme right, gives a fuck about the color of the immigrant. It has to do with if they would be a producer vs a taker. We don't need more people sucking our social services.
OK, it's almost time to get down to brass tacks and see what both Trump and Harris have to say.

No more boring speculation threads.

Live feed:

The debate is like the dessert, not the main course. It's not a big deal. Honestly, I do not like all kinds of desserts. I prefer focusing on policies and how they will affect my real life.


Sadly, the chances are high that Trump will not retain the White House. The Military-Industrial-Media Complex favors the Blue side, with those elites currently wielding influence over America. Amen!
If they took a pet, they broke the law. I do think it's illegal to buy or sell dog meat in the US. I'm not sure about horse.
I'm not sure about horse meat.

I remember when I was living in San Diego, Jack In The Box was caught selling horse meat hamburgers they bought in Mexico.

That had to pay a huge fine for that.

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